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Cowboy Bebop Movie

I refuse to watch anything with "Bebop" in its name.

I also refuse to watch Japanimation. That stuff drives me up a freakin' wall.

You die now.

Where's that hammer...
Recoil, I had never been much of an anime fan before Cowboy Bebop, but that series changed things. Don't be put off by the title--it's a really good series. I think it's as good as a lot of SF shows.

And I *like* the name Cowboy Bebop. I think it sounds cool.

I'm like Tammy here. I never cared much for anime until G'KarOfTheKhaRi got me hooked on Cowboy Bebop. It's the only anime that I watch.
Haven't you heard not to judge a book by its cover?

Come on, check it out sometime.

Also.... don't say that you hate anime for the exaggerated looks. That little excuse drives me into a frothy rage everytime I see/hear it.
Just a warning.


Also, Bebop was a very good style of jazz. So there... it has two things going for it.
Im not judging books by their cover or their names. Ive never seen that particular show, or even know when its on. But my roommate watches lots of anime, dragonballZ, and other such shows. I have seen enough of different types of anime and japanamation to know that I dont like it at all. Im not really wanted to watch all the different ones to sample them just to hope and pray I find one I like. Its not gonna happen. I dont watch much TV anyway, so this sort of stuff is way off my radar screen. I just thought I would drop in and make a silly comment about the name thats all.
Well, if you don't want to search, we could always just recommend a few. I'm sure we could find something you like.

And, of course, I'd recommend Cowboy Bebop. Everybody should watch it. To be fair, it's not like other anime. I was turned off of DBZ for a short time when I watched it for the first time. Then DB kind of grew on me. So give it time, and don't just disregard the whole genre. There's something for everybody in anime.
Oh yeah...... strike up another point for closemindedness, why don't ya?

Sheesh..... Also.... for the LOVE OF JEBUS, DON'T JUDGE ANIME BY DBZ. I like DBZ myself.... although the English dub is........ yeah. Anyways, judging the rest by it isn't fair at all. And I could easily recommend nearly a dozen titles that consist of more than grunting and bad voice acting.

And Sol, Cowboy Bebop comes on weeknights on Cartoon Network at 1:30 AM. Or weekmornings, rather. Whatever. Monday through Thursday. And while you're waiting, watch the rest. Lupin III and Inu Yasha are good shows too.
*sigh* I guess I'll get to see it now because of the march break and all. But I doubt I'll be able to stay up till 1:30 every day when school is in to watch anime.
I'm always up late, so I stayed up late to tape the whole series. Now I can watch it on tape whenever I want, except for session #19 "Wild Horses". They skipped that because of the shuttle disaster.
Oh yeah...... strike up another point for closemindedness, why don't ya?
Ever occur to you that it may not be closemindedness? Mabye, and Im going out on a limb here by saying this, that he just DOESNT LIKE IT. Thats my story. Nothing closed minded about it. Just dont like the genre. It does ABSOLUTELY ZERO for me. Not even the faintest interest. In fact, sometimes watching it, I have to change the channel before I get annoyed. There is nothing closed minded about it. I dont like it. Period. People have different tastes you know.
...... Durh. I was sort of JOKING. I frelling KNOW people have different tastes. I just...... enjoy trying to spread new things around. When I encounter resistance, I usually just jump the gun and decide on adding more pressure. Call me an idiot if you want, but that's just how I am.


And to lighten up this a bit...
That kind of gives me the idea that you click the channel thinger, instantly see anime for a second, and then change the channel. Which I think is closedmindedness, to be blunt. The plots are better than most of what American TV will probably ever have given its current state. Writing off anime is like writing off all of drama - it's a broad topic, and thus largely depends on individual content.
Well, drama's basically just one genre of TV and books and etc. Anime encompases nearly every genre there is. You've got sci-fi, horror, comedy, romance... drama, and more, not to mention mixtures of them.

So basically, to everyone out there that looks at anime and blocks it out: don't. Sure, maybe you don't like what's available on American TV, but there's so much more than that out there. Anyways.... Bebop's available on American TV, so we get at least ONE good show. And I shouldn't leave out the other stuff that I know of, like Inu Yasha, Lupin III, Yu Yu Hakusho, or even DB and DBZ (which is better in manga form since you don't have to endure the mediocre voice acting).

~End rant
The only anime that I have ever watched has been Robotech, Vampire Hunter D and Ghost in the Machine. I liked them all. Someday I'll get around to watching more of it.
Cowboy Bebop is one of the very best of the anime series. Do you hate anime because of the bad dubs, Recoil? Bebop has an excellent dub. They spent more time on it, & it shows. But to each their own, I guess. I know a lot of people who like country music, but I can't stand it. So I know what it's like to hate something that others really like.

I started watching Bebop because I am fed up with American TV & how it operates. I'm also starting to watch Red Dwarf on DVD. My PBS station is awful--they have never aired Red Dwarf. So I am watching it for the first time now. There are series from outside the US that are pretty good. I just wish I could enjoy American TV, but all the bad scheduling decisions & unfair cancellations have taken the fun out of it for me. Also, I cannot stand reality shows (except for The Osbournes). So my DVD-player is getting a workout these days.


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