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Cowboy Bebop Movie

Ok, first off.............I really...........missed this thread................but ......I DIDN'T miss the movie in the theater.......I had to go to downtown Seattle, WA to see it........in an old rundown theater, with only a half dozen people sitting in.......but it was a GREAT movie.

I recommend it on DVD to everyone, even those who are hung up on disliking animation as a way of telling a story...........Cowboy Bebop: The Movie has plenty of humor, solid character depth, TONS of action, a solid plot, and best of all it flashes most, if not all, of the regular characters from the tv series and is a GREAT way to find out (for those who might care to bother to findout) if you might like the tv series, which I predict EVERYONE would......... :D

And if you end up liking the movie, I think the DVD for it has become pretty affordable by now.......... ;)
Well, now that I got my federal income tax return, I was planning on going and buying a new TV/DVD/VCR combo. Then I can get the movie DVD. :D
Oh.......then you still have it to look forward to.......though I must warn you.......for some reason it defaults to japanese language and english subtitles on..........I guess there are a number who like the original japanese voice actors better..........but I think the english voice acting has always been great, no small reason I love the series, and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad they got all the original english voice actors for the movie.......considering the time difference between the series wrapping up and the movie coming out.

But I guess many of these professional voice actors stick around for a good long time........and you can certainly recognize a lot of overlap from one anime series to another.......though that may be because most of my anime are sunrise, and pioneer productions.......... ?????

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