Re: New Joss Whedon show
I've been looking for the right place to make this comment, and this is as good as any, so I'll just say it.
I honestly don't get why everyone thinks Joss's dialogue is so "witty". Everyone this board seems to say that. All of his cronies on whedonesque say it. I think everyone says its super witty to the point of being unrealistic, mainly because that is what everyone else says.
Folks, I've seen Buffy, Angel, and Firefly all the way through. I don't remember any dialogue that is impossible or overly witty.
I'll tell you what is true. The dialogue in those shows is probably a different type of dialogue than a lot of people are capable of, but that doesnt make things unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that there are PLENTY of people out there who can drop pop-culture references on a dime. Who can think of funny and witty comebacks. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm one of them. I have a LOT of friends who can. From hanging with GKE in Vegas, he is one as well. My former boss could drop references like you wouldn't believe. He would put Joss to shame with the stuff he could come up with. It is just a DIFFERENT type of humor. And having a group of people who all talk/speak like that isn't unrealistic. People of similar likes and personalities do tend to be drawn together. Hence New Years Eve party at my friend Tim's house could play like a Whedon show at some times (without the Vampire slayage).
On the flip side, people with that type of personality/sense of humor tend to usually suck at stand up humor, or initiating that sort of humorous dialogue themselves. I can't walk into a room and make people laugh. But when participating in a conversation or a social setting, I and a few friends of mine can feed off each other and make things funnier/wittier, etc. This is the type of dialoge Joss's shows tend to have.
There is nothing different, or unique, or unrealistic about it. It is just really really over-hyped by Whedon fans IMO. That said, it doesn't make it less fun to watch. I just tend to tune most Whedon fans out because their fan-boyishness is really really annoying. Sorry Koshfan, but yes, you fall into that group to me. When you make comments like "Whedon is my Master" that is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. Aside from that, you are an OK guy though.