Re: New Joss Whedon show
Fanboys have prevented me from ever reading Lord of the Rings, till today. I simply cannot read it, as everytime I start reading it, people who hit me with "wow, you've never read Lord of the Rings??" just piss me off so damned much.
Will try again this summer on the transsiberian railway. Hopefully will be safe there.
Oh, that's bad. It's like having someone comment on the contents of your grocery basket. I had that happen to me a few times in life, and I always go away wondering, what were they trying to accomplish with that? Trying to establish a sense of superiority because I'm buying 20 cans of tuna on sale at Walmart or something?
And I often enjoy topics that everyone around me is :wtf: about. Indeed, you learn to watch your listeners before you give the 10 second version or the 10 minute version of your thoughts.

Otherwise you notice you're looking at the back of heads a lot when you enter a room.
As to unrealistic dialoge in films/tv shows, again I think you may be missing the point, KF. For some unknown reason, some unrealistically smooth dialoge goes by me unnoticed, or appreciated, while another grates my nerves. Like the author is
trying to hard to sound clever. It's all just a matter of taste, not a commentary on those who enjoy what is grating to me. For me at least, it's just a sense of style. Writing, like comedy, is a hard art: you've got to achieve the effect without appearing to want to achieve the effect. I honestly don't know how they do it, sometimes. It's not easy to do, by a long shot. And, of course, you'll never please everyone. That's one of the reasons I hate hearing of movies being changed because of one test audience. Think of the genius that's been lost because of one ill-fated group of disgruntled people.