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Re: Missing Dr Who?

As a pubescent male at the time, I certainly had no complaints about the looks of the Doctor's companions! Yeah, baby!
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Oh, man. Now I am really envious. :(

That will probably be great fun. The return of K9. :D

Oh, and Sarah, too. ;)
Re: Missing Dr Who?

No! No!!! NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Not the return of K-9.... arrragghhhhh....

(Oatley runs from the room, screaming).....

The last time we had those two together, we had that monstrosity called "K9 and Company", and I promised myself no! Never again! :mad:
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The last time we had those two together, we had that monstrosity called "K9 and Company", and I promised myself no! Never again! :mad:


I really have no idea what you are talking about.

I loved the K-9 episodes. :)
Re: Missing Dr Who?

I really have no idea what you are talking about.


K-9 and Company was a proposed spinoff of adventures featuring Elisabeth Sladen as 'Sarah Jane Smith' and K-9. A pilot episode was made in 1981, and to put it mildly, it absolutely stank.

Lousy casting, a lousy story, and a harbringer of the crap that producer John Nathan-Turner would produce in the middle to late 1980s.

It is available on video, but I would avoid it at all costs. Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/det...nce&s=video
Re: Missing Dr Who?


Oh, the cursed spin off. The only spin off I know that matched (if not excelled at times) the original series was "Frasier" which was a spin off of "Cheers".

I shall avoid even looking at the cover, yes. :LOL:
Thanks for the warning. :)
Re: Missing Dr Who?

K9 and Sarah Jane Smith (played by Elisabeth Sladen) are returning for a second season episode of Doctor Who.

Let me try this again, since last time I tried to post the system burped and I lost the whole damn thing.

Andrew, I'm surprised it took you this long to post on this, since it was announced some time ago. I even posted it in this very thread when it was.

Just more proof that no one listen to poor CE, so CE talk to computer, computer neeever tell CE he doesn't know what he's talking about.

Some seem to think that since I'm in the US I can't be a real Dr. Who fan and don't know what I'm talking about. Actually, I'm a HUGE Dr. Who fan.

And for the last time, Andrew, it's the BBC folks who've repeatedly, since the series started, called Dr. Who a children's show. I don't think it was or is really, but it is a show that reaches across the barriers of age and simply entertains wonderfully.

I agree that the JNT years were, for the most part, crap. JNT was to Dr. Who what Rick Berman was to Trek. I'm glad that RTD has it now.

Actually, the (yes horrid) spin-off was not the last time we saw Sarah or K-9. They were both in THE FIVE DOCTORS and in DIMENSIONS IN TIME (the short two parter done for charity, which was pretty bad).

I for one, I'm elated that RTD is finally going to start talking about the past Doctors and who better to bring on to do it than Sarah Jane and K-9? I hope they make K-9 better with the new technology and that John Leeson is returning to play the voice. This is a brilliant move by RTD!

Now you know why I really wish we'd get this series in the US. Oh well, I have my friend in the UK who's recording them to DVD still. And I'm buying the Series 1 box set as soon as it comes out on Amazon UK.

Now, I wonder if RTD might bring back Romana in Series 3. She could still be alive, since the she was left in E-Space. If Lala Ward doesn't want to return for a guest spot, then they could always regenerate her. She should've been protected from the Time War in E-Space. I think it would be a good move, but then, that's just my idea.

Sarah and K-9 return! Woo hoo!!!

Re: Missing Dr Who?

I thought K-9 and Company was fun. Certainly not a masterpiece, but a nice little reunion and cheesy fun.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The thought of K9 and Sarah leading a series is... weird to me.

But then so was the idea of "Frasier" and I quite liked that show for several years. :)
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Andrew, I'm surprised it took you this long to post on this, since it was announced some time ago. I even posted it in this very thread when it was.

I posted the official announcement, notice that the webpage is dated 24 August 2005. I suspect you picked the story up on the grape vine, possibly the pre-release to the magazines.

CE posted

BTW, did you all see...Sara Jane is coming baccckkkkk! I can't wait! They're going to finally acknowledge the previous Dr.'s and with the most favored sidekick in Dr. Who history. Wooohooo!

You did not mention K-9.

Looks like they are going to be in the third episode "Tooth and Claw" by Russell T Davies.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

SONY has a robot pet dog on the market. I wonder if they will use a modified version of that for K9?

I saw Lala Ward in an awful old 1975 film, starring Peter O'Toole, called Rosebud. She was looking fine. I'd be curioius to see what she looks like 30 years later.

I actually own a K9!. That's a record turntable cartridge made by Linn Hi Fi in Scotland. It's called a K9 because it looks like K9, but somewhat smaller, of course. Engineer humor, I guess.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The new series has on several occasions acknowledged the Doctor's past, especialy with UNIT officals turning up during the Slitheen episodes.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The new series has on several occasions acknowledged the Doctor's past, especialy with UNIT officals turning up during the Slitheen episodes.

I speak of his previous selves, which they have not acknowledged as of yet. Now they will.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Break out the golden bullets!!!



Re: Missing Dr Who?

Good to see that the Cybermen are back - I had heard this, but I hadn't seen their revamped image. Looks cool!
Re: Missing Dr Who?

And woo, the trailer for season 2 had Sarah Jane in it - squee! :D .. what has she been eating in the last 30 years? She does NOT look 30 years older than when she left the show. Should we just blame the Tardis?

Elisabeth Sladen in 1973:


Elisabeth Sladen in 2005:


Someone explain this to me? :eek: