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Re: Missing Dr Who?


I think it might have been in 'The Pyramids of Mars' that she described herself as a reporter from 1980, so that shaves a few years off. Also, we don't know what year the Tardis was in when she left it (At least I don't know), so it could have just been ten years ago in Dr Who land.

Or she could have been in the cryo freezer next to Marcus :D
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Good episode though wasn't it?

I wonder how many complaints the BBC have got about scaring children with Christmas trees and Santa Clause?
Re: Missing Dr Who?

I loved it :D .. and hmm .. what is the age restriction of Doctor Who on BBC actually? I miss those through the .. less than legal means I must use to get episodes before they are released on DVD .. my season 1 box set has the British age restriction of 12, so I guess that theoretically, little kids shouldn't have been watching?

.. but then I recall having heard of Doctor Who as a Christmas series a gazillion times :D

Quite enjoyed it though. Tennant is great :D .. I was fairly sure he would be good when silly, he surprised me though at being very good at angry and sincere too. Well, semi :D .. he was good at all that in Harry Potter too.

Sycorax rock! :D
Re: Missing Dr Who?

It was a decent EP. I loved the spinning killer Christmas tree! Tennant is okay. I just wonder if they deliberately picked him for being closer to Rose's age. One wonders why the Sycorax let him get away with his song and dance for so long, without attacking him. And, the chief Sycorax wasn't much of a swordsman. If the rest were no better, Toshiro Mifune could have taken out the lot in about 5 minutes, and Zatoichi could have done it in four. I wish those six words would really work that well. I can think of some good targets for them. But, that belongs in another forum. ;)
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Dr Who is aimed at people aged 8 and over. The film censor decided that the attack on the Dalek was too violent and upped the age restriction to 12. This caused "questions" to be asked within the BBC.

The 6 words do work. When they start that a British Prime Minister is looking tired and the listeners agree her/his time is up.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Good to see that the Cybermen are back - I had heard this, but I hadn't seen their revamped image. Looks cool!
Was watching the trailer at the end of the new ep, the Cybermen looked quite bad moving... Still the series looks promising.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

I really enjoyed the Christmas Invasion. I'm new to Doctor Who, the 2005 series was my first, so I've only known the 9th and 10th Doctors, and I like them both. Looking forward to Torchwood too, more Captain Jack!
Re: Missing Dr Who?

The 6 words do work. When they start that a British Prime Minister is looking tired and the listeners agree her/his time is up.

Proof that something like the words works in politics.

Saturday, 7 January 2006, 22:26 GMT

Charles Kennedy has resigned as Liberal Democrat leader.


But he had decided to quit immediately because it had become clear he did not have strong enough support among MPs.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

I'm sure someone already posted a link to the American release of the first series with the new Dr Who, but when I went to Amazon.com to find it (It's being released in February, right?), all I got was old stuff. I tried both "Dr. Who" and "Doctor Who". Can someone please post the link again, or tell me the search words to find it?
Re: Missing Dr Who?

It's not up for preordering yet anywhere (although I think at some point Amazon.com did have a page for it, just without any dates or preorder information). It should be out on 14 February though, unless there is some sort of delay, so hopefully it appears soon.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Ah, that 'splains it. I thought I was freaking out. I was positive I have clicked a link to it on Amazon before, and couldn't understand why I couldn't find it now.

Re: Missing Dr Who?

The amazon site usually asks you if you want to be emailed when a certain title comes out. Once they have a date, I bet I'll be emailed about the Dr. Who in region 1. :D
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Well... seems that it is delayed after all. Grrrr, as I planned to get the North American version once it's out, but I guess I'll have to put that off for a while longer too then. :rolleyes:
Re: Missing Dr Who?


It's a conspiracy to keep us Americans from our freedom to see it, I tell ya.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

"Which manthong print is the funniest"?


Nice ad at the top of the page, there. :)

Ah, well, at least a delay isn't a cancellation. I can wait.

I'm also almost completely broke, so another month to save up for it won't hurt me a bit. But it is a shame. Hopefully it won't be too long of a delay.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Well... this might explain the delay in the US release for the DVDs.

Doctor Who checks into SCI FI

I wonder what took so long. So, the DVDs have to be delayed until the SciFi contract is satisfied? Ah, that's the only down side to this that I can see.

Side note: Elenopa. I was under the impression that you shouldn't really be doing what you are doing here (breaking into conversation to constantly advertise something that you are selling for personal profit). Although I might have rules mixed up between this board and others.
Re: Missing Dr Who?

Side note: Elenopa. I was under the impression that you shouldn't really be doing what you are doing here (breaking into conversation to constantly advertise something that you are selling for personal profit). Although I might have rules mixed up between this board and others.

Oops. Sorry if I've broken the rules.

It's not for personal profit if that helps; and I only post in threads relevent to whatever I have on Ebay (Dr Who Scarves and Firefly hats).

I'll stop if you really want, and go bug the posters on the Dr Who boards at Outpost Gallifrey.