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Evolution and Revolution

Nope, no history of blackouts or seizures. Often, this kind of thing can be explained by the subconscious picking up of cues, but not in my case. And as an atheist, I don't attribute it to God. The explanation you cite for alien abductions probably has some validity for many cases. Add to that that we tend to explain the unexplainable in terms of current ideas. Whatever they are, now we call them alien abductions, but 200 years ago, they would have been called demon possessions. I'm not sure I buy the explanation for near death experiences you offer, in the sense that the body is under great stress under the described conditions, so that may just be another way to induce the phenomena. I have to agree with Kribu that as I said before, science will explain it all someday.
Jade Jaguar, but have you considered these:

1. Just random coincidence.

Many events in this world, even important events, are matters of luck. People get hurt because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. In spite of having done nothing wrong. Sometimes, you can avoid trouble in the same way. Perhaps you were just preoccupied with something which made you forget.

2. Perhaps on some level of awareness, you had noticed the contructional flaw and realized the place was unsafe. Not necessarily in the form of a conscious thought "hey this girder looks funny, it must be failing" but simply as an subconscious observation.
Of course coincidence is the obvious explanation, but I knew my classes well by then, and my confusion was so strange that I had never experienced anything like it, before or since. As I said in my previous post, picking up on subtle cues, i.e. noticing something on a subconscious level, is often the reason for premonitions. But in this case, the light fixture was up high on a high ceiling, so I hadn't really observed it. A famous case that is often cited as evidence of precognition is a book called The Titan, about a ship much like the Titanic, which suffers a very similar fate. It was written a few years before the Titanic was built. A number of years ago, I was visiting my 88 year old grandmother at Christmas. She was in good health, always seemed to be. At one point, while looking at her, I had the sudden thought that she would not be there next Christmas. Next March, she went into the hospital for surgery. She was recovering nicely, then contracted a form of pneumonia common in hospitals. She never recovered, and died a month later. I think all of us have experiences like this, and most can be explained, and perhaps none can be proved to be precognition. But none the less, I think they are common enough, and some inexplicable enough, as to show at least the possibility of some ESP. By the way, I hate Miss Cleo, I don't accept psychic phenomena as proven. I just think there is enough evidence to tantalize us with the possibility.

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