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Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)


Insane but hot. I never realised it. In the UK i've only ever read about her.
I honestly actually think she is hot. Not here though...
Looks like Anne Coulter on speed, after being up for several days. Amusing picture, but, what's the connection with the current conversation or the Thread topic of Farenheit 9/11 (I obviously missed something?)?
Well, one could argue that the army was plenty big to fight the correct battles (ie, hunting down Al Queda in Pakistan and Afghanistan). And even with Iraq, that we did have the man power to occupy more effectively as per the recommendations of military leaders. The small number of troops in Iraq was by choice, not necessity.

As for getting "permission" to raise taxes and such, they get permission by being voted in. Problem is, neither Kerry nor Bush will talk about the painful truths that taxes do need to be raised and social security benefits need to be cut in order to save our economy for the future. Bush's talk about "ownership" (read: privatization) has an estimated cost of $1 trillion (not mentioned during the RNC speech, funny that) and Kerry's web site promises to slash the defecit in half without raising taxes on the middle class, cutting benefits, or raising the retirement age- which is impossible. And yes, part of the defecit is due to military spending. Neither Kerry nor Bush is talking about scaling back our military operations, so the cost isn't coming down any time soon. The closest either has come is Kerry's vague nonsense about having the UN or other countries take some of the burden in Iraq- yeah right, like anybody's gonna be stupid enough to fight our wars. :rolleyes:
Looks like Anne Coulter on speed, after being up for several days. Amusing picture, but, what's the connection with the current conversation or the Thread topic of Farenheit 9/11 (I obviously missed something?)?

Apologies, thread briefly diverged into Anne Coulter and right wing media bashing. That and i'm having an odd day.

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