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Fahrenheit 9/11 (SPOILERS)

Thanks for stating that JJ. I've always felt that the whole thing was rigged to get Reagan elected. Too many coincidences...way too many.
Alternatively they were told not to be in Tehran 20 minutes after extra tough guy Reagan got the missile launching codes.
Ah! So the Iranians were smart enough to realize what we didn't -- that Reagan was bit trigger-happy?
Good cop, bad cop is a standard negotiating technique. After that number of months stalemate, I am sure that the US negotiators were only too happy to describe to the Iranians what will happen in graphic detail.
Well, there's that... but I've been taught "don't pull a gun unless you're willing to use it." And when the gun is a nuclear missile, I get nervous about anyone being willing to use it.
Well, there's that... but I've been taught "don't pull a gun unless you're willing to use it." And when the gun is a nuclear missile, I get nervous about anyone being willing to use it.
So how tough was Reagan and had he inserted like-minded people into the approval committees?
HEHE, speaking of Reagan and "Trigger happiness", when he first passed on, I paid my respects to him by listening to the Album by Gary Moore - Victims of the Future. One song in particular "Murder in the Skies". This song was about the Korean Airlines flight that was shot down by the Soviets, and everyone was so paranoid and scared that The Insane Anglo Warlord (An anagram of his name Roanld Wilson Reagan) was going to start World War III over it. Turned out Reagan wasn't nearly as trigger happy as we all believed The Bush family has shown themselves to be far more trigger happy as Presidents. I think that album plays much more true to todays fears than it was reality back in those days.
KoshFan and Za_Ha_Dum
The info about the rescue mission sabotage came out long after the fact, I believe early to mid 90's. I read it in the papers, most likely The Detroit Free Press, so I can't provide any links. The helos would normally use special filters on their engine air intakes while flying over the desert, SOP. North and Secord were in charge of the operation, and an order was given NOT to use the filters, even though it was predictable that this would take out at least some of them. I don't remember the numbers, but although they had included several extra helos, too many went out, and there were not enough left to do the job. Later, at a staging area in the desert, there was an accident, a collision on the ground between a jet plane, and another vehicle, what sort, I forget. This caused some serious loss of life. It was blamed on poor visibility, due to darkness, and blowing sand. As far as I know, that was truly an accident. North was given his office in the Reagan White House as a reward for this operation. I did see a film recently, with some info about the Reagan effort to delay the hostage release. It might have been in The Trials of Henry Kissinger, which is an excellent film, with lots of political conniving exposed, most about Viet Nam.
Well here a quick post, had a longer one that Got ate.
Ah they used Sea Stallion Helicoptors for the mission they are Marine/naval helicoptors and weren't meant to be flying over desert, but were chosen cause they are what Naval Carriers ussualy carry so it wouldn't draw extra attetion. Dunno if their were filters for them or not but had another professor who had basicly talked to a exMilitary and after the botched rescued but before details he basicly said the problem was they used those helicoptors and at least half would go down cause of the dust(note he said before the official reason went public). Though a Dust storm didn't help matters.

Yeah a C-130 crashed into the helicoptor as they were leaving the refuling site to go back home. In the end the whole thing was misprained and iladvised not necciasrly carters fault, from choosing near a "abadoned" Road that turned out to have 2 BUSes full of people go by as the americans were their. And others thing, and alot of the problems was caused by the fact that it was a Joint operation they had made the airforce army and navy worked together and plan, and alot of Errors were made since they never had worked that closely together. Fairly sure it was Before DELTA force was formed, and delta was formed in the aftermath.
Have more later I been Busy.
Well, there was a lot of speculation that the immense popularity of Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11 would delay its release on DVD. I suspected this was not going to be the case, since MM specifically made the DVD coming out before the elections a requirement when he negotiated distribution rights. At least that was my strong suspicion.

And, indeed, it is being released October 5th. :cool:
And for less than 20 bucks, wow.
Fahrenheit 9/11 on DVD Oct. 5

The Daily Show did a segment on this guy a while ago. You should see it, he's quite the dufus.

That photo on his website does not help, what did it say about him?

Just had a quick browse around some of his links. The anti-michael moore movement is very strong indeed (or says it is) vocally, but seems light on facts. Most of the arguments i've heard against him seem to be that he's lying because hes'

A) Fat

B) Scruffy

Way to go guys...
I don't belive everything he opines (his chapters on the Northern Ireland siutation in Stupid White Men for example), but surely they can do better than this....

It's sad to see a film of great value to those on all sides of the political spectrum to be dragged into a tit for tat war...

Choices examples:



So much anger, so little to say...

Best of all:


I was one of the million + Brits who demonstrated against the war, and am not thanking him at all...
It's coming out on Oct. 5? Cool!

Btw, I'm a Moore fan, but I didn't even agree with everything in F911. He made it seem like everything was great in Iraq before the war started, & it wasn't. Hussein *was* a dictator. I just question the motives for the war. There are plenty of dictators in the world who are just as bad or worse than Hussein. Why are they being ignored? I think it is really just about the oil.

Carter's team did manage to bring the hostages home, although as it happened on Reagan's watch Reagan largely got the credit.

Uh, wasn't that the whole arms-for-hostages thing? If we are going to criticize a president in regards to the hostage situation, I'd say that's the larger criticism.

I will agree that Carter made a much better ex-president than president, however. I have been astounded at his ability to do what the administrations in charge could not do. And I am including Clinton's admin. in this.

Carter is a great people-person, and seems to respect other cultures far better than most presidents and people. :cool:

I agree about Carter. He was a mediocre President, but I have grown to respect him since he left office. I doubt that GWB will be remembered as well.

The top five movies at the Box Office this week in NZ

Walking Tall


Fahrenheit 9/11

I, Robot

The Ladykillers

Even in far away NZ, people are interested in "Fahrenheit 9/11"

It seems to be a common tactic that if people don't like someone or their ideas, you attack their appearance.
I did a bit of a chuckle about MM being scruffy. Our own Peter Jackson makes MM look like he's wearing Armani by comparison!
Most of the arguments i've heard against him seem to be that he's lying because hes'

A) Fat

When he blames the west for hunger in Africa, and he's a fatass that obviously eats the best food and lives in a million-dollar apartment in Manhattan... what do you expect?
I agree about Carter. He was a mediocre President, but I have grown to respect him since he left office. I doubt that GWB will be remembered as well.

It is really sad to read someone calling Carter as a "mediocre" president. I respect your opinion, but still make me feel sad about human race fate. Apparently, when you get a REALLY public server, as Carter still is, people tend to call him mediocre.

It seems that only presidents that take "hollywoodian" decisions such as going to WAR or threat some enemies...acting like RAMBO or TERMINATOR get the credits of being, at least, avoiding the adjective "mediocre".

Carter served well his country. As long as I understand, he did not take advantage of his position to become rich, deal with the weapon industry nor oil companies in his personnal behalf. I watched in the Discovery Channel that Air Force One (presidential plane)had always received "free" offers of different companies (such as Coca-Cola, for instance). The ONLY president (according to employees´ statements) that did not want to accept any "free" help, and also, avoided fancy meals in the plane, was JIMMY CARTER.

Pleople tend to associate "mediocre" with someone that avoid "glamour", "vanity", "pride"..... Carter was a humble and real public server......That´s what really matters... The rest is just "show business".....
You're talking about Carter's character, whom everyone respects, as well as his post-presidency work. But that is not enough to judge one's ability and successes in office. He presided over economic and oil crises as well as an escalating Iranian situation that laid the groundwork for our horrible middle-eastern situation that led up to the mess we're in today.

It's the same point I make about W: I don't care if he's "evil" or incompetent, both are just as bad.

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