You know, here's the thing, folks- a lot of people type a lot of really really stupid stupid things on the internet. The only real shame of this case is that it's going around and getting attention. I mean, why not my "the Minbari suck" thread from a couple of years ago that Chili referenced in another forum. It's equally stupid and meaningless, and about a TV show. Where's my 15 minutes, damnit?
Nah, that just made too much sense
Soap box time: one thing I've encountered in this thread which annoys me - not to point any fingers at anyone - is people complaining that feminism is "pro-women", and thus not truely humanist, and that we thus need a movement which promotes "men's rights" (too). I've experienced similar opposition to the black culture month in the US, because "there's no white culture month", and opposition to the international women's day because "there's no international men's day", and that thus, these very concemts are discriminatory.
Screw that, really. We don't need a white culture's month, we've already got 11. We don't need an international men's day, we've already got 364. Whining about these things would be justified if there was any danger of western society becoming matriarchal .. which is completely insane.
Oh, and I am going to hit the next person I hear using the phrase "reverse racism".
Which is not to say that I'm a big fan of such events like an "international women's day" - I personally dislike annual events dedicated to stuff which should be everpresent *every day*.
End soapbox. Pet peeve of mine since our own government threw douchebaggery of the sort at us in Austria. We had an own ministry of gender rights from the 70s - a very minor institution budget-wise, with very few imployees, which had the sole purpose of fighting gender-based discrimination. When we got a far-right government a few years ago (which fortunately no longer is in power), a member of the far-right party (whose former boss, Jörg Haider, might ring some bells) was assigned to both the position of the minister of social affairs, and was made "women's minister" too - which was pushed as a proof of how emancipated we've become, as we can have men being women's ministers too now.
A few weeks later, he dissolved the women's ministry completely, because "we don't need it - I mean, we don't have a men's ministry" .. aargh.