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Foxtrot: Farscape Miniseries


Super Moderator
I can. I have not yet finished my tapes of the marathon (what of it I could tape while at work). So I am tempted to watch some to tonight.

Then again it goes on until 11 pm. Past my bedime. :eek:

I'll probably tape it and watch it later in the week. But I do look forward to it. I have enjoyed the last (what I think is the last) season so far. I still have probably about 7 or 8 hours of it to watch.

It will be interesting. :cool:
Must watch ... no Sci-Fi Channel ... NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! :mad:

You don't get the Skiffy channel? :eek:

You may still see it before I do. I still want to catch up on the last of the episodes before I start watching the 4 hour miniseries that started airing 43 minutes ago.

I will say that the series beats the shit out of anything else being filmed recently in the sci-fi market that I have access to. Cornball in places, but an interesting story with characters that I also find interesting.

F O R . P A R T . 1

O F . M I N I



********** I was disappointed that they nuked Jool.
********* I guess they figured the needed to have someone
********* that we had known long enough to care about be
********* with them when they died to give it more weight
********* with the fans. It was too bad that we didn't at
******** least see her with the crew a bit more before she
******* was incinerated. Her having latched onto Crichton
********** felt a bit forced to me. I thought that she had
********* been connecting more with D'Argo before she left.

E N D . O F . S P O I L E R S

I really disliked SciFi's habit of showing a different upcoming spoiler clip during every fade-out to commercial.
Ahhh, skipping spoilers1!!!

When this gets to the uk I will be making my mum (who is bak home in edinburgh with the sky box) record it. Oh television, how I miss thee.
No one has really been posting much reaction to the mini, so I'll post my quick thoughts now.

The make-up seemed...off...somehow. I'm not sure if they were able to get their original make-up artist back or not, but it didn't seem to have the same colorful and realistic quality it had in the series.

The same can be said of the puppets. Rigel seemed more green and less animated. The animated thing could just have been the fact that he wasn't a major character in the mini so we rarely got a good moment with him. Pilot's voice was off, you could tell it was Lani Tupu more often than not. Not sure what was up there.

The FX make-up on Scorpius was darker. All of the cast except Ben and Claudia seem to have gained weight. Though Gigi's body didn't look bigger, her face did. Maybe just me.

All of the characters seemed slightly off. I think this was mainly due to the rush of the story they were telling. It seemed as though they were rushing through everything to wrap up this element of the Farscape universe, which is what they were having to do, thus missing some great character moments and comedic moments which I wanted to see.

It would've been a much more effective 6 hour mini than 4 hour mini. Too much story to tell in too little time. Because of this they didn't have the great character moments and subplots that the series was well known for.

A few of the blue screen FX seemed poor, although after seeing the climactic FX I would guess that they spent most of the budget there, wonderful moment!

A little mention of the clue Crichton found in S4 (I think) about the genetic connectedness of the galactic races was given and answered, though in passing almost and never mentioned again (it was a Stargatish moment, but I still think it worked very well), though I would've liked to hear more about it.

All in all I give the mini a good review. It was great seeing them all back together, even though they *******MAJOR SPOILER!********supposedly killed off Jool, Sikozu and mainly D'Argo (although the moment where John and Aeryn name the baby D'Argo made me tear up). I say supposedly since we never actually see any of the characters die and D'Argo actually said he would see Crichton again.

The climax and epilogue were great and well worth the ride. The mini felt rushed, yes, but over all a good ending for the series finally and a nice place to leave us if a feature film never materializes like the producers want.

*******END SPOILERS**********

That's it, watch it, it's great and fun!

Hmm, for me, the absolute saddest moment, and the one place I couldn't hold back the tears was when Pilot said, "Ka D'Argo...is dead"? For a puppet character to express that kind of emotion was amazing for me.

Yes, it was very action packed, and very crammed full of story, I've been referring to it as the Reader's Digest version of Season 5. The Mini could've easily been spread over an entire season, by going into depth of all the various revelations and such and a few non-arc related character episodes.

I was extremely happy that, since we couldn't have a Season 5, we at least got the high points of the arc. For me, it was a frelling emotional roller coaster ride.

Edit: I originally called Pilot CG, but after CE corrected me, I changed the initial post to say puppet. Thx CE.
Well these were the events of S5 that were actually planned and arced all boiled down to 4 hours.

I was ultimately, satisfied and happy. Oh, BTW, Pilot isn't CG, he's a puppet, but I get what you mean. ;)

CE, about a few of your comments:

T H E R E . B E




I agree that the rush of events cost us some of the character moments (including the comic bits). To me though, the characters didn't seem "off". They seemed pretty much themselves. We just didn't get to see those other moments that we usually did get to see during the series.

On the makeup: Sikozu and Jothee had clearly gone through major re-designs; and that threw me a little bit, broke the fourth wall for me a little bit.. Chiana always looked different to me, but I never convinced myself either way as to whether it was just the result of the different contacts for her new eyes, or was the rest of her face also a bit different. Jool looked a little different, but not so much that I couldn't write it off as time passing and her being in different circumstances. Staleek looked blue-er to me, although I guess that might have been the lighting more than the makeup. Ahkna looked more like a person wearing makeup and less like an actual Scarran, although that might have been her getting more closeups while in well-lit rooms. D'Argo, Noranti (what little we saw of her), and Scorpius looked pretty much like themselves to me.

I think that Rygel seeming less animated might have been related to the amount of time he spent being pretty much incapacitated by his pregnancy. I also think that we would never have seen what I think was CG of Rygel swimming under water had they still been working on a weekly series budget.

Along those lines, I think that the naming ceremony was only the second time that we have had a scene in that room on Moya. They did it once in S1 (I believe one of the first J/A shippy tag scenes) and discovered that the full surround (as opposed to viewports) blue screen and CG was more expensive than they could deal with. Basically, they figured they could do better for the show by spending that money on other F/X instead. The fans always seemed to really like that viewing deck, though; so we basically finished back up there.

All-in-all I liked it quite a bit. I'll add it to my DVD collection when it comes out in January. I don't that is where I would start a person new to Farscape, though.
SPOILERS blah blah blah...

I notice no one has remarked how open they left the fates of characters we're to believe are now dead. We never actually saw D'Argo or Sikozu die. The last we saw Sikozu, she was looking at Grundchik (sp?) (whose fate is also left to the imagination). She appeared to be chained to a wall by one arm, but I couldn't tell.

D'Argo was fighting off Scarran soldiers, which were supposedly rushing his position, but we only saw him kill three and weren't given the impression that more were right behind. And he DID tell Chiana "I'll find you, I'll find you"...

Might it be possible that Grundchik had a ship stashed somewhere, and rescued Sikozu and the ailing D'Argo, and gotten off the planet before Chrichton used the wormhole weapon?

I was never an avid Farscape watcher past the first 2 seasons, so I'm not as closely tied to some of these characters. I won't make a big deal out of the fact that actors looked slightly different than they did in the series (since, I'm sure we all realize the amount of time that's passed since Farscape got the axe), but I recognize The Peacekeeper Wars as some excellent sci-fi, and I hope they make more.
SPOILERS blah blah blah...

I notice no one has remarked how open they left the fates of characters we're to believe are now dead. We never actually saw D'Argo or Sikozu die. The last we saw Sikozu, she was looking at Grundchik (sp?) (whose fate is also left to the imagination). She appeared to be chained to a wall by one arm, but I couldn't tell.

D'Argo was fighting off Scarran soldiers, which were supposedly rushing his position, but we only saw him kill three and weren't given the impression that more were right behind. And he DID tell Chiana "I'll find you, I'll find you"...

Might it be possible that Grundchik had a ship stashed somewhere, and rescued Sikozu and the ailing D'Argo, and gotten off the planet before Chrichton used the wormhole weapon?

In my opinion ....
Distinct possibility for Gruncklik and Sikozu; unlikely for D'Argo. In fact, I think that it is more likely that Jool is still alive than D'Argo. D'Argo already had suffered a mortal impaling, was sitting pretty much in the open in a bottleneck that the Scarrans did want to take (and though the quick shot showing D'Argo defending the bottleneck only included 3 visible Scarrans, at no time have we ever seen them send that small a number of infantry anywhere), couldn't move much because the existing wound, and was in the one direction where Sikozu and Grunchlik were least likely to go (following the people who outnumber them and have already left them for dead once). And Grunchlik, for one, would be *highly* unlikely to help D'Argo even if he did find him, unless there was something in it for him (and can't think of anything).

Of course, the direction of movement part is based on the idea that G and S need to "liberate" a ship the same way that Jothee had when saving the Eidelons. Even if he did actually have a ship hidden for his own emergency use, I doubt that it would be directly toward where the Moyans were going. That was purposefully on high ground for a pick-up. That would have been far too visible of a locale for Grunchlik to have "stashed" a ship there.
I agree with PillowRock. I think D'Argo surviving is extremely unlikely, while Sikozu, G-Man, and Jool possibly did survive (although Jool was still on the screen when it went dead, so that makes it less likely)

I think the only way we'll see D'Argo again would be through Time Travel, Twinning, etc. Or, a story set prior to PeaceKeeper Wars.
(although Jool was still on the screen when it went dead, so that makes it less likely)

All we *really* know about the Jool situation is that comms went down. The EMP from the Scarran's MIRV could have done that even if the room she was transmitting from was in a shelter 500 feet (or more) under the rocks of those cliffs, and was untouched by the blast.

I don't how likely that actually is, but it is possible.
This is science fiction folks...let's face it...anything's possible. :rolleyes:

People have been brought back repeatedly, even Zahn, after they were dead.


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