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Galactica Season 4 (Spoilers Within)

Finally got round to watching the last two epsidoes this past week. I thought the penultimate episode was OK, but I agree with whoever said that they just watned it to catch up with what we already knew. The final episode however, I thoroughly enjoyed.

I think it's the Earth of our future. I wonder if there are any survivors on the other side of the planet? I would have assumed that they would have looked for signs of life before going down, but they skipped all that bit. Guess we have to wait until Januray.
Looks good to me. I like the Anders character. And Olmos directing should be awesome as well.

Just glad to be getting lots of BSG coming up after January. Mmmmm BSG.
Yeah, I also heard Joss was itching to direct, write do ANYTHING for the show. =) Good peeps know good shows!
Finally up to speed on all this.

I also believe it's Earth of the future... but I don't think it's been nuked. I think the humans have "left the cradle for the last time". They just weren't as overzealous with the housekeeping as B5's humans were.

I think mankind has been gone a very long time... and the buildings have fallen into decay.

Perhaps Galactica's arrival will start a chain of events where some humans return. There is clearly a game plan in force... there's a reason why the cylons were wanted in the equation.

When did colonials invent the cylons by the way? Was it while they were still on Kobol? If the colonials are actually the descendents of people from Earth and the 13th tribe merely went back home... is it not possible that the 13th took their own band of cylons with them, a group of cylons that co-operated and remained on good terms with their creators after achieving sentience. Perhaps that may be why the clues left by the 13th tribe led to the convergence of cylon and colonial forces.

Simple fact is there's a severe lack of infrastructure and it's only a matter of time before what remains of the hostile cylon fleet... shows up wanting to settle everything once and for all.

That would be a good time for the 13th to make their presence felt.
I think Kobol was "lost" long ago. It was referred to as the birthplace of mankind, but something happened. I'll have to rewatch "Kobold's Last Gleaming Pt 1,2" from season 1, but I recall Six saying something terrible happened there. I think the cylons were created on Caprica (and we'll see this in the new series.)

I also believe that the cylons found Kobol while in search of Earth. I think they were just waiting for the humans to pick up the scent so they could put the pieces together in a sense.
Galahad Wrote:

Simple fact is there's a severe lack of infrastructure and it's only a matter of time before what remains of the hostile cylon fleet... shows up wanting to settle everything once and for all.

That would be a good time for the 13th to make their presence felt.

That would be awesome. :)
Finally up to speed on all this.

I also believe it's Earth of the future... but I don't think it's been nuked. I think the humans have "left the cradle for the last time". They just weren't as overzealous with the housekeeping as B5's humans were.

I think mankind has been gone a very long time... and the buildings have fallen into decay.

Perhaps Galactica's arrival will start a chain of events where some humans return. There is clearly a game plan in force... there's a reason why the cylons were wanted in the equation.

When did colonials invent the cylons by the way? Was it while they were still on Kobol? If the colonials are actually the descendents of people from Earth and the 13th tribe merely went back home... is it not possible that the 13th took their own band of cylons with them, a group of cylons that co-operated and remained on good terms with their creators after achieving sentience. Perhaps that may be why the clues left by the 13th tribe led to the convergence of cylon and colonial forces.

Simple fact is there's a severe lack of infrastructure and it's only a matter of time before what remains of the hostile cylon fleet... shows up wanting to settle everything once and for all.

That would be a good time for the 13th to make their presence felt.

I've been thinking (since this has all happened before, and will happen again), that perhaps the group of Colonials and Cylons that just arrived on Earth Are the 13th tribe this time around.
It would be riot if Boxy , the kid we say briefly in the Miniseries turned out to be the final model. but is not likely . I suspect it might be Admiral Adama.
If it turns out to be Doctor Zee I'm putting my foot through every television screen throughout the land!

Having said that, if they reinterpretted the character a million lightyears away from his Galactica 1980 incarnation... they could possibly pull it off.
When does BSG start airing again? With Heroes sucking and me not watching any other regular TV drama, I am longing for BSG and Lost to start up again.

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