I didn't hate season 3. I rewatched it and I think I got much more out of it the second time. Season 3 began with such a sense of doom and urgency that you wanted things to keep rolling in the same way they did up through Exodus Part 2. Each week, I remember feeling antsy, that I wanted things to "just get there" in a sense. Now that I know how Season 3 ended, I really had a better time of it watching it again. Sure, there are some filler eps that I still could have done without (the whole boxing deal was kind of annoying.) And, the love triangle/quadrangle was still a tad irritating, but less so this time around.
But, there were some really awesome episodes in season 3. The episode where Kat dies is hands down one of my favorites. I'm still licking my wounds on that, though, I'll miss her as a character. I think Hotdog is the only one left from the original nuggets of season 1. The episode where they find the temple of Jupiter was a good one, got my intrigue up again and I believe it was also the episode where Athena had Helo shoot her so she could download on a basestar and retrieve her daughter. Good story arcs within that I somehow didn't appreciate the first time around.
If anything, I would say that parts of season 2 were the worst: Black Market was by far the bottom of the barrel for me as was the episode where Billy died.
But, all in all, I can't say I hated any season, I just found equal good and bad within.
I think it can only get better, truth be told. They know this is their last season and Moore, I believe, will push things along nicely. I hope there are less filler eps and more story-arc. I think there will be as there is much ground to cover in 21 more episodes.
I don't think Starbuck is a cylon. It's too easy, imho. Nothing is ever that easy on Galactica.

If you consider the final 5, we know four of them. Each has a pretty interesting role. If they are of the cylon crowd that broke away and chose to help mankind, you have:
Anders: a public sports figure, in the spotlight. He also led the resistance on Caprica.
Chief: he keeps the birds in the air on Galactica. Good tactical position for any cylon out to help mankind. He also made one kick-ass ship (the Blackbird) which beat cylon and human dradis detection.
Tori: right hand to the president. Excellent position.
Tigh: right hand to Adama. Again, excellent position.
The fifth would have to be someone who is also in a very important and vital position--someone who is close to many major powers within the fleet. I rule out the Adama family and Roslyn because I simply don't believe the writers/creators would take such a cheap shot on that one. I rule out Starbuck because I truly believe she is something else. I rule out Cally and Helo because they have reproduced WITH cylons and it's been mentioned that cylons are incapable of reproduction amongst themselves.
Baltar, I don't think it's him because it was pretty much confirmed that he wasn't one by the cylons themselves (and hybrid) in season 3.
That leaves:
Ellen Tigh
Kendra Shaw
Admiral Cain
Minor peeps:
Other nuggets/viper pilots, etc.
Knowing Moore, there will be a way to trace it back from the beginning (much like the whole Valen thing, had we only known or been paying attention, etc.)
Anyway, that's it for now. LOL. Thanks for indulging me on "guess the cylon."