1) Not liking the whole "Peter appears in a random place and doesn't know who he is" as a way of getting him back into things. That whole thread is just not that interesting to me. I really don't give a shit what's in the box.
Agreed. I don't have much problem with him using his powers instinctively, but the amnesia garbage still irks me and I don't give a rip about the Irish crooks. It was good to see Dominic Keating again, but it looks like it was only a bit part because according to IMDB, he won't be back this season.
2) Claire and the flying kid.
I dislike everything about this storyline so far. He's either an authentic dork or another one of the Company's henchmen. Either way, he annoys me. He takes Claire for a little Superman flight and she's swooning? C'mon. The only thing that would have made it cornier would have been if they dubbed in "Can You Read My Mind" from the original Superman movie, complete with Margot Kidder's raspy vocal.
As for the wedge being driven between Claire and Noah, I don't see it happening again. If it does, I'll be a lot closer to writing this show off. There was a LOT of character development between those two last year, and they can't throw it away by taking these two back to square one.
3) The two new kids from Central America are a big ho-hum so far.
When I sat down for Heroes this past week, I hadn't made dinner yet. When the first segment featuring these two started, that's when I got up to go make some stroganoff.
4) MORE product placement.
It's been mentioned, but I do think the Rogue is Claire's. She is living in California now, but I don't know if they've mentioned which city. I think the kid stole it and got caught in Mexico where he probably stuck out like a white guy at a Black Panther party. He might be a supe too, who knows. He's the only thing interesting about the whole Mexico angle right now, and he's had what, two lines?
5) Wasn't so crazy about seeing Sark in the past as Kensai.
I loved Sark (David Anders) as Kensei at first. Then when he got shot with the arrows, I figured "sweet, now Hiro is Kensei!" But no, even Sark is a friggin mutie. I still expect him to go bad and Hiro will have to teleport him into the Sun or something to get rid of him.
I dig Sylar. He's more visceral so far this season. Angrier. He had to kill Candice with his bare hands... which we assume he did for a time early last season before he figured out how to do the hands-free can opener trick, but we never saw it. Plus, we never got the big face-off between him and Peter that we all desperately want to see.
7) What's with all the ex-Star Trek characters?
I think it's cool... Takei really impressed me and I think Nichelle will, too. We already know how cool Walter can be as a villain. I think it'd be a trip if he played an evil teep again
I haven't been watching Journeyman. Just haven't been that enthused about it. I've read about a few of the latest plot twists, though, and it sounds a bit more interesting. I may catch it next week.