Damnit, my stupid DVR cut off the end.
It stopped when Elle (hubba-hubba) and Sylar were talking about their lack of abilities and she said something like "you feel powerless" and then nothing. What'd I miss?
So did I understand this correctly- the Haitian and the evil fear guy (Marlo from the Wire), the leader of the level 5 crew, are brothers, and he's in Haiti for some reason? Huh? I feel like I missed something there...
Let's see, after she told him, "you feel powerless" I think he said, "No, I feel relieved, I no longer have the hunger to urge to take powers." Then he laid a huge big old gnarly Syler kiss on her. It made me go "whoah!" out loud.
I'm trying to remember the sequence of events. Daphne's father left and Matt went in to talk to her and found out she was crippled w/o her powers. I'm guessing Cerebral Palsy or such.
Claire was bleeding profusely and found by her mom in bed.