The Great Maker toys with us yet again!
We did not recieve much news on Crusade in Australia. I have not been an internet fiend for very long, and was unaware of this development.
Thank you for this intriguing information, Bakana.
More than ever I would like to see Crusade return!
Though... I am still very enthusiatic for the new series!
“What a piece of work is man!
“How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god!”
William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'
We did not recieve much news on Crusade in Australia. I have not been an internet fiend for very long, and was unaware of this development.
Thank you for this intriguing information, Bakana.
More than ever I would like to see Crusade return!
Though... I am still very enthusiatic for the new series!
“What a piece of work is man!
“How noble in reason. How infinite in faculty! In form, in moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god!”
William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'