The problem here, folks was not really, fully with WB. It was with the people WB allowed to try to pretend to be producers for a third party company. Alain Gottesman is no producer. He's tried and failed to get one other movie made. He is nothing less than an idiot who doesn't know what the hell he's doing. It was Gottesman and Rosen (who is also not a producer and has never produced a film before) who wanted stars to replace the cast, not WB.
Where WB dropped the ball, was when they didn't feel that B5 was a big enough draw (since it was based on a TV series) to make themselves, so they handed it off to a third party with the agreement to distribute the film. That third party was Gottesman and Rosen, who as stated above are brainless idiots.
You also have to realize that historically, WB is not big on science fiction. Universal (FIREFLY) and Fox (SW) and even Paramount (ST) are much more SF friendly. It is really a shame that they own B5 and not one of the more SF friendly studios....if that were the case, we'd most likely be on our second B5 film by now.
So...ulitimately, this was not JMS' fault, nor was it the fault of the campaign. We did what we set out to do...we saved the cast from being replaced. Because we demanded the original cast, the producers acted shamelessly and the plug was pulled.
We now know that the full cast was in the film (as I've said all along). We also know (if you read what Mira actually said) that even she believes that the film will eventually get made and that it's still floating around.
What good has come from this? First, we and JMS kept B5's integrity and quality from being sold to the moronic, wanna-be producers for a fast buck. That is great news!
Secondly, we and JMS now know that WB is willing to allow a third party producer and production complany to make a B5 film without them as long as they distribute it. This means that if JMS feels up to it after fighting through what he must've just gone through for so long, can work with Netter and try to seek some new backers and/or producers (ones who know what the fuck they're doing) and make this film.
As stated above, if FIREFLY does really well, it could help to convince WB or some other producer/ money-finder that there's big money and potential in B5 and the film will go forward.
There was some great news that come from all of this. We know the fans of B5 are heard and we know that WB isn't insisting on doing B5 themselves, that they're willing to let someone else do it if they get a piece of the cut and distribution rights. In the end, those are very important revelations.
I'm with Mira and some other fans and members of the War Council in my belief that this film will be made. Perhaps not as soon as we all were hoping, but a B5 feature will happen one day...and I'm not thinking it will be that far off.
I will leave you all with this one thought: It took 10 yrs. to make "GHOST." ST went through one revival after another, one incarnation after another, before TMP was finally made (and after that one the rest is history). As for FIREFLY, Whedon actively shopped it around after it was cancelled and fought to get the film JMS realizes he can do the same...perhaps he will.
Many of the best films, the greatest films, and the lasting franchises went through many attempts and incarnations before they were made. This was the first time anyone tried to make B5 as a feature film. Trust won't be the last.
JMS wants to tell this story (the CRUSADE story that he says was shot dead in it cradle). JMS loves this universe, but will fight tooth and nail to maintain its integrity (which I deeply and fervently respect). B5 will always...endure.
The victory handed to us upon plates of gold and silver have little meaning when one has not passed through the fire to achieve it. Our fire...still burns around us. Soon, we will pass through victory!
Faith [continues to] manage!