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A while back I mentioned I had a copy of Joe's resume from the TCA in Pasadena. Now while I'm sure most of the visitors to this site are well aware of Joe's history and accomplishments, it occured to me that the rest of the cast of LOTR may have no real knowledge of what Joe has done besides B5.

I thought this might help everyone get better acquainted with our "boss"; that and I'm really bored and have nothing else to do with my Sunday afternoon.

Sit back and relax, this is a long one...

He has published three novels, over 500 articles and short stories, an anthology of his short stories, a dozen produced plays, and roughly two dozen produced radio dramas, in excess of 200 television episodes and five television movies...with awards and nominations in every category.

At 46, Staczynski has become one of the most prolific and highly regarded writers currently working in the television industry. In 1995 he was selected by Newsweek magazine as one of their "Fifty For The Future," described as "innovators who will shape our lives as we move into the 21st Century." In 1996, the year he won the coveted Hugo award, the most important award in the science fiction genre, Buzz magazine named him one of the 100 coolest people in Los Angeles. Cinefantastique annually lists him among the 100 most important people in science fiction, and in 1997 Science Fiction Age declared him "the Tolstoy of Science Fiction." He received the Inkpot Lifetime Achievement Award from the San Diego Comic Book Exhibition, the Ray Bradbury Award from the Science Fiction Writers of America, and has evevn had an asteroid officially named after him by the International Astronomical Union (designated 8379 Straczynski).

Straczynski began writing and selling while still in high school, continued through a variety of colleges across the United States, and arrived in Los Angeles on April Fool's Day, 1981, without contacts, friends or family in the Industry. Armed only with a lengthy list of print credits in leading magazines and newspapers, he quickly worked his way theough the ranks from freelancer to staff writer, story editor, co-producer, producer, supervising producer and finally, executive producer and creator of his own series: Babylon 5.

Between 2000 and 2001, Straczynski wrote three top-selling comics: "Midnight Nation" and "Rising Stars," (his own creations) published through his own Joe's Comics imprint with Image/Top Cow (publishers of "Spawn"), and taking over the "Amazing Spider-Man" comic for Marvel Comics which is considered to be their flagship title. In addition, Rising Stars was optioned by MGM for a motion picture, hiring Straczynski to adapt the book into a high-budget feature film for Atlas Entertainment (producers of Three Kings and City of Angels). He also wrote the thirteen-episode City of Dreams half-hour radio anthology series for SCIFI.COM's Seeing Ear Theatre, which featured Tim Curry and Steve Buscemi. At the same time, Straczynski's third novel, Tribulations, was published by Dark Tales Publications.

His work covers every conceivable genre ranging from historical dramas and adaptations of famous works of literature (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, nominated for Writer's Guild and Ace Awards), to mystery series (Murder She Wrote), cop shows (Jake and the Fatman), anthology series (Twilight Zone), and science fiction (Babylon 5), among others.

He has been an investigative reporter (even receiving death threats as a result), a university instructor, a magazine editor, a crisis counselor (with degrees in Psychology and Sociology), and for five years was a host of a two-hour live weekly radio talk show in Los Angeles. He writes 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, except his birthday, New Year's, and Christmas.

So there you have it. Needless to say we're in exceptional company guys.

Anyone else feel like a complete lazy- ass after reading that?


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Anyone else feel like a complete lazy- ass after reading that? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Thanks for the info. I knew JMS had an extensive resume, but never would've figured it would be this extensive.

Guess I better get to work.

Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
He gets through a staggering amount of work and he fights for what he believes. There's a little story of how he got into trouble with Angela Lansbury's son when he was working on Murder She Wrote. After calling the son down for something he did he sort of realized what he had done and went in to see Ms Lansbury and didn't apologize, just explained why he had said what he did. Since he was still working there the next day one can only assume he was right.

Plus we all know about his showdown with TNT.

A man greatly to be admired and he deserves all the honors he gets

I see it completly glosses over his "dark" past as an animation writer
. He could at least have included The Real Ghostbusters, which I belive he's actually fairly proud of.
Yes, I wish I'd known he had written the "Murder She Wrote Eps" I might have watched more of them. Of course, B5 didn't exist yet, so I would not have know whom JMS was. Hmmmmmmmm.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
This was f-ing hilarious when we found out about this.. My brother Matt, my mom, and I were all JMS fans before we even knew who he was. We watched the Real Ghostbusters and He-Man on a weekly basis (and then of course B5), not knowing that the same guy was in charge of writing all three. We selective too, watching only those that were clever and/or seriously done productions. Kind of creepy/funny aint it?

something witty and clever.. so laugh dammit!

[This message has been edited by Myrl (edited August 12, 2001).]
It's a broad swath he's cut, and that's a fact.

Thanks Dylan. Gonna go take a little nap now. I'm exhausted just READING what Joe's done.

Channe, how's that "gonna be the next Straczynski" thing looking right now?

I think we best get typing if we've any intention of catching up...

Right after that nap...


I have no surviving
enemies. At all.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Myrl:
This was f-ing hilarious when we found out about this.. My brother Matt, my mom, and I were all JMS fans before we even knew who he was Kind of creepy/funny aint it?


Maybe not. Maybe there are only, say 3 good writers in hollywood. They just keep drifting from project to project...

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
I am well aware of J.Michael Straczynski's amazing accomplishments so far to date! Many more will come and his list will lengthen even more!

To be hired as an actor by Joe himself was unbelievable to me as I know that his standards are extremely high! The honour to be working for "JMS" is great for me. Somehow, I convinced him to hire me as a character in "Legend of the Rangers"...How I did that is beyond me, and I better damn well be able to deliver for him is all I can say!

People like "JMS" give me great inspiration and motivation to accomplish my own goals and dreams in life. "JMS" shows us what an individual can do with discipline and focus honeing skills in the process, and creating brilliance!

Anyways, I am thrilled once again to be associated with "JMS"...Cheers! -Warren-

Kitaro, have you heard JMS's story about how he came to hire Jerry Doyle?

Doyle came into the audition and someone asked him, "What part are you here to read for?"

Doyle answered "The one I'm going to Get!"

JMS says that He immediately said "Garibaldi".

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
He is a busy little beaver

And I don't think I'm lasy as I work in a bakery nostop from a 2-4 am to around dinner time the next day

Emporer Turhan-"How will this end"
Kosh-"In fire"
The man is dedicated to his craft, that much is certain. According to a bio of JMS that appears in the B5 novels he's collaborated on, he writes 10 hours a day EVERY day, except for Thanksgiving, Christmas and his birthday.

Talk about a bottomless pit of talent...truly the Well of Forever!

Tsk, tsk...such dirty minds...here, let me WIPE them for you

I wouldn't exactly call myself lazy or anything, mainly cause i work 12 hour shifts, but... Compared to JMS, i come no where near to that amount of dedication. We're talking working everyday of the year but 3 days, nope, i'll just be content to working my usually 7 out of every 14 days. But from the looks of it JMS is God in the scifi biz, IMHO

I am a Ranger. We walk in the dark places no others will enter. We stand on the bridge and no one may pass. We live for the One. We die for the one.
The man is undoubtedly brilliant. I sit in awe when I watch B5 and wonder just how someone can be so creative yet so right. If he chose me for a job, I wouldn't be wondering anything. I would have had something to contribute that JMS saw as unique. Time to get on with it and do the best that I could possibly do, and obviously guys I think that you must have impressed. As for me, my creative talent ran out at about the crayon stage of my life.



Busy fellow, I would say. I have had that same "resume" in my web site for a long time, tough. It's complete and waiting for downloading to the server. As Millenium would say: the time is near.

Thanks for the info Dylan. I knew that JMS has been a busy man, but not to the extent that you mentioned. He has done a lot with his career, that is for sure. I think there are times that I am busy, and then reading that makes me realize that mine is nothing compared to his.

Sheridan to Bester:
And I could nail your head to the table, set fire to it, and feed your charred remains to the Pak'ma'ra.
Does anyone know if scifi has done anymore of the City of Dreams dramas? I know they are all written and five or so were made but have they been finished?


"Yeah, we could start our own game where people throw ducks at balloons and nothing's the way it seems."-Homer
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Myrl:
We watched the Real Ghostbusters and He-Man on a weekly basis (and then of course B5), not knowing that the same guy was in charge of writing all three.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>He wasn't "in charge" on He-Man... That was his first regular TV job, and he was just a lowly writer.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> A while back I mentioned I had a copy of Joe's resume from the TCA in Pasadena. Now while I'm sure most of the visitors to this site are well aware of Joe's history and accomplishments, it occured to me that the rest of the cast of LOTR may have no real knowledge of what Joe has done besides B5. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks Captain. Wow. Oh my, oh my God. After I read all that I felt like I had just had a full life.

I would love to get a hold of one of his plays.


It's also worth having a look at his entry at the IMDB, even though it's not 100% acurate.

Now, how many of you actors keep an eye on your IMDB entries?