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JMS signed on to a new ST series??

Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

I agree, not too many. The only movie villian that comes to mind is Ming the Merciless, of Flash Gordon. He tried to destroy the Earth, but failed. I think that a villian in the Fleischer Bros. animated Superman tried, and failed to destroy Earth. Gort, of The Day The Earth Stood Still, almost got ordered to destroy the Earth. In This Island Earth another planet was being destroyed by an alien race. So, off hand, I can't think of an instance in a movie where a single villian is responsible for actually destroying a planet. I think there are two reasons for this. First, such a thing has only been conceivable for a few decades. Second, the bad guy usually loses before he can do such a nasty deed. Oh, and some would argue that Galactus wasn't actually a villian!
I just discovered this board and was very interested in this post. I was first intrigued by this usenet quote from JMS a year ago(6/15/2004):

"Oh...and I've been offered an EP position on a network series, and while I don't usually do that on shows I don't create or develop, when I heard what this project was, I had to get on board. We still have to negotiate a deal, and work out how that will interface with the stuff that'll be going on later in the year, but fortunately the start date for the series should work out, at least at this point."

Now this was a year ago but it definitely piqued my interest and I didnt remember hearing any updates on this.

Then in December 2004 on usenet he said:

"One last aside, on a long term project...a certain known film writer/director was recently asked by a particular studio to do a series using an established character. This person is a big fan of B5 as well as a friend, so a call came to me to ask if I wanted in on this. I said hell yes. I can't say much else
about it, because a) it wouldn't be appropriate and b) things can still fall out, though that's doubtful at this stage (negotiations have formally begun with the studio), but if it does go ahead, the plan is to write the whole first season over the course of 2005, shoot in the spring of 2006 for a fall 2006 debut. There are reasons why we'd have to write the whole thing first that will become clear once I can explain what the character is. Again, I dont want folks to get too excited about this, because this is a weird business and this is the one town where hope can kill you, but if it goes ahead as discussed, it could be massively cool."

I'm not sure if these two quotes are related , as JMS stated in December that this was recently revealed to him. And June isn't really recent to December.

I went to bed thinking about these quotes and was trying to determine what character would require a season to be written at once. And assuming that the first quote is related to the second quote, what character's would cause him to give up a showrunners position to work on. And suddenly the following popped into my head:

The Prisoner

We know JMS is a huge prisoner and Patrick McGoohan fan. And I believe that he would jump onto this project if it presented itself. And this story could very well benefit from having the first season written ahead of time.

I don't believe that he is referring to a Star Wars series for a few reasons. My guess would be that George Lucas is handling the hiring of staff, not a studio. I don't believe any studio is even attached to the property. And so the quotes regarding studios kind of knock this possibilty down. Secondly, it is widely held that the TV series will take place between episodes 3 and 4 and will not contain any of the main characters. It is also rumored that Boba Fett will be a major character in the series. In any case, I can't see a reason why ANY star wars characters would necessitate the scripts to be written before filming.
An announcement has already been made that it was a Marvel Comic series he'll be doing. I suppose we should mention that at the end of this thread ;).
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

What Marvel series? Animated or live-action? I've slept since then, but can't recall any details. What series is he doing? :rolleyes:
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

What Marvel series? Animated or live-action? I've slept since then, but can't recall any details. What series is he doing? :rolleyes:

This is what JMS had to say at the Wizard World Philadelphia convention:

Q: Speaking of TV, you’d mentioned once before that you were dealing with a show for 2006. Any word on that?

JMS: I’m developing a show currently…I’m trying to decide whether I can say who’s involved with it or not…[Crowd: We won’t tell!] It’ll never be on the ‘Net! I can feel laptops firing up from here. I’ve got the coolest thing, a laptop that’s got this PC card that goes into it that is a built-in cellular phone modem for DSL. I can go online in a cab at DSL speeds. It’s so great. End of commercial.

Marvel Productions asked me to develop a show for them, a TV series, based on some of their characters. We just put out the budget together and the hope is that we can go into prep sometime in August or September. But there’s a long road between here and there. So if it doesn’t happen, don’t be disappointed but we’re working on it currently. I always try and be careful in explaining these things because LA is a town where hope can kill you and I try not to get too excited about things but it could be a lot of fun. Beyond that I really can’t say.

Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Wow. To heck with the project, I want to know more about that laptop of his. :eek: :D
Neither the original Star Wars nor Empire were especially juvenille in tone or execution.
My take is that it's age-dependent. I was - well, older - when the first one came out, and I was bored to tears. I remember that either shortly before or after Star Wars, Close Encounters came out, and seemed to me to be far superior in every way.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Thanks Jan. You have been a font of wisdom on several occasions. :cool: I however can be a dog who won't let go of that bone. :D I still dont see any indication about whether it's live action or animated. Or which property is being discussed. Any clues? :D
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Thanks Jan. You have been a font of wisdom on several occasions. :cool: I however can be a dog who won't let go of that bone. :D I still dont see any indication about whether it's live action or animated. Or which property is being discussed. Any clues? :D

I haven't heard anything. But JMS was due to appear at Comic Con San Diego this weekend so maybe some news will come from that? If I hear/see anything, I'll be sure to post.

Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Still no rumours? :devil: :eek:

I'd love to see a good live action with excellent CGI, and a story that hasn't already been told simply. Haven't read that this "project" is dead, but I'm usually the last to know. :D Anything new?
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

I've just had a treatment purchased for series development by a major
studio/network. (This is non-B5.) The cool thing is that this is for
one of the major broadcast networks and, if it ends up going ahead,
would be for a prime-time series. But I have to attach all the usual
caveats: the process is this...you write the treatment, then you write
the pilot, then if the network likes the pilot script, they produce the
pilot, and then if they like the pilot they give you the series. It's
a very, very long process and like 90% of all development deals in town
it can stop at any given point.

From his latest big post (the script one...)

Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

More details about the new show.

Babylon 5 Scripts Site Nearly Ready, And More!
21 October 2005 14:39

Finally...and I almost hate to type these words for fear of jinxing
anything...but in addition to the network project in development, I've
been offered show-runner on another series which should, if all goes
according to plan start shooting up in Vancouver in the spring. That's
all I can say about it for now, except that I've accepted the offer and
we're now concluding negotiations. More on this as it develops.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

And to reply of Jan post
I think the point of confusion is that there are two shows here, one that's in development for next year, which I created, and the other is a series wherein the people doing it came to me about running it. This was similar to the Global Frequency situation last year, which I would've worked on had the pilot been picked up. In this case, the folks involved are already doing one series, for which this would be a companion series, and 99% of the financing is now in place. Should that last 1% go as planned, the series would prep in January and shoot starting in March.
"In this case, the folks involved are already doing one series, for which this would be a companion series, and 99% of the financing is now in place."

spinoff of any current series? Any ideas? And its going to be filmed in Vancouver, what other shows shot there?

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