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JMS signed on to a new ST series??

Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

Okay, obviously, I was wrong on those being two different projects... Sorry.

So i hope Lucas is JMS friend :D

We know he isn't from this JMS' quote :

>The only person I think could do it [a Star Wars TV series] - I mean, really do it - would be J.
>Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, Jerimiah) he is the only person with TV
>Experience that I can think of who could pull it off and get the scale of

I think it'd be a great idea, it would certainly be the job of a lifetime...I
just don't think the friendly folks at ILM know me well enough to think of me
for this. But if anybody over there reading this wants to put in a good word,
feel free.

HOWEVER, we know from JMS' post that it wouldn't be Lucas that asked JMS' on this, but the gue that Lucas would originally have contcated JMS on this :

One last aside, on a long term project...a certain known film writer/director was recently asked by a particular studio to do a series using an established character. This person is a big fan of B5 as well as a friend, so a call came
on me to ask if I wanted in on this.

The the question now becomes: is there someone that could be the link here. Someone that Lucas or Lucas' people could think of, and someone that'd be a friend of JMS.

And I think I can see who that link could be. Someone that could have accepted to work on the project, but not to showrun the project...

About Kevin Smith working on the Star Wars show...

So... Would JMS call Smith "a friend"?
From a "Kevin Smith" search on jmsnews.com, two years ago they didn't know each other that well, but I seem to recall them getting to know each other more since. Has anyone anything conclusive on that?
Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

It adds up nicely in theory, but we would have to wait and see...

Is Kevin Smith a big B5 fan?
Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

Executive Producer/Writer: Frank Spotnitz ("The X Files")
Executive Producer/Director: Daniel Sackheim ("The X Files";)
Production Company: Touchstone Television

Doesn't look like it...

But the lineups for next fall are being announced now, so keep an eye out.
Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

Doesn't look like it...
missed that.

What confuses me most is does JMS have a show for fall '05? He only mentions fall '06 show that some of us hope is SW.
Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

To answer my own question, i have found this March 8 (2 week earlier he mentions fall '06 show he accepted)

, and now I've taken an offer on another series
that should, if all goes according to plan, start prep in July.
prep in July - does that mean to air fall '05 or is he talking about fall '06 show (isn't it too early to start prep for fall '06 show?)?
Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

I believe a show airing next fall wouldn't start prep in july, but start the actual shooting.
Since JMS mentionned that the plan on the fall '06 show is to write the whole season before starting shooting, it makes sense that they start working on it about a year before airing.
Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

I sure hope so.

After watcing Revenge of the Sith I'm really bummed out. Not because it was a bad movie, it was probably the best of the 6 (and I really did love them all). But because it's the end of an era. I want more Star Wars (and more B5 of course). I'd love to believe that there was going to be a SW TV show in '06! And written by JMS?! What could be better! But I've had my hopes dashed too many times to get them up again.

Re: JMS signed on to a new SW series??

Those smileys rock! :cool:

The JMS/ Star Wars thing is such a cool idea that would make my world, its never gonna happen.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

A minor addendum for those who care: I just heard an unconfirmed rumor that the character the SW TV show will follow is (surprise surprise) Boba Fett.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

A minor addendum for those who care: I just heard an unconfirmed rumor that the character the SW TV show will follow is (surprise surprise) Boba Fett.

I so hope that's not true. Having Boba Fett as the main character is a terrible idea, in my opinion, although my stupidass would probably still watch it, if only to see cameos from other characters.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Yea, I know alot of folks who wanted more character development of Boba Fett in the original Trilogy, but, is there enough of his story to accomodate 110 episodes (The SW series is supposed to be a five year arc right, or am I remembering the JMS possibility as being the 5 year arc)
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

I've read that it's supposed to be a 100 episode story arc, which I assume will be a five year run.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Boba Fett is a mercenary so he can get involved with lots of other fights and security operations.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Bobba Fett is a bad guy, and usually you have a hero for the main character, so I think it unlikely he would be the lead. But, a regular character, maybe. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Bobba Fett is a bad guy, and usually you have a hero for the main character, so I think it unlikely he would be the lead.

Oh, that's right. Lucas likes to make his main characters good guys. *cough*DarthVader*cough*
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

I would say that there's a difference between a good guy and a hero. Vader is a "bad guy" more or less only in light of the original trilogy. In light of the full saga, Anakin Skywalker is a tragic hero.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

I'll agree with the tragic hero label, but he did *SO* much bad in his life [even if he WAS influenced by the Emperor] that I'd still call him a bad person over all; even taking into account episodes 1-3. I mean yeah, in the end he killed the emperor but that doesn't make up for destroying whole planets (As a weapons test!). Imagine the other war crimes he has commited. The scales tilt heavily towards the bad. I do not think he is redeemed at the end of Episode 6.
Re: JMS: It\'s a Marvel series.

Bobba Fett is a bad guy, and usually you have a hero for the main character, so I think it unlikely he would be the lead.

Oh, that's right. Lucas likes to make his main characters good guys. *cough*DarthVader*cough*

But yeah to be fair, the lead in those movies was Luke, not Darth Vader, even though the whole "Story" was about Anakin's life.

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