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Jumpgates ARE coloured!!

On the turbulance in Hyperspace:

That's the way jms originally wanted it, but technology couldn't do it before this movie. I believe he wanted it to be "hellish" or something along those lines.


"And that, Mollari, is why it will not be your people, or mine, or the Gaim, or the Drazi or the Vorlons or the Shadows who in the end will stand astride the galaxy like giants. It will be the humans."
"I think you are the one who is mad, G'kar," Londo said. "I can choose just as well as the humans. I can choose to stay in this cell, with you, or I can choose to leave."
"Yes, but can you choose for there not to be a cell at all?"
"I don't understand," Londo said.
"Exactly," G'kar said. "Exactly."
Here are some colored jumppoints from A Call to Arms:




Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
Here are some colored jumppoints from A Call to Arms:

Yeah, the jumpgates from ACtA are my favorite.

"We are (not) all Kosh."
I wonder what they will look like for the Babylon 5 feature flim?

"Will you follow me into fire? Into storm, into darkness, into death?!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emfeeli:
On the turbulance in Hyperspace:

That's the way jms originally wanted it, but technology couldn't do it before this movie. I believe he wanted it to be "hellish" or something along those lines.



not quite true... technology couldnt do it when b5 first started... and you cant go and change the effect in the middile of a shows run now, can you?

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>technology couldnt do it when b5 first started... and you cant go and change the effect in the middile of a shows run now, can you? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah well JMS didn't seem to have any problems changing them for the movies.

"And that, Mollari, is why it will not be your people, or mine, or the Gaim, or the Drazi or the Vorlons or the Shadows who in the end will stand astride the galaxy like giants. It will be the humans."
"I think you are the one who is mad, G'kar," Londo said. "I can choose just as well as the humans. I can choose to stay in this cell, with you, or I can choose to leave."
"Yes, but can you choose for there not to be a cell at all?"
"I don't understand," Londo said.
"Exactly," G'kar said. "Exactly."
for crusade and then for b5lr thats different... all the other b5 stuff was simply b5, and consistancy had to be mainted throughout

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arrghman:
for crusade and then for b5lr thats different... all the other b5 stuff was simply b5, and consistancy had to be mainted throughout


Consistency should be maintained throughout B5/Crusade/B5:LotR, the whole shebang. By consistency, I don't mean nitpicking consistancy to the smallest detail. I mean that the larger, more obvious stuff should remain more rigorously consistent, and the smaller, less obvious stuff could be allowed to drift a bit.

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

i think it was fairly obvious that with each new incarnation of b5, JMS is trying to do something new, and give each 'setting' a look and style of its own.... consistancy within a series is great, but stagnation leads to complacency... and no one wants to keep doing the same thing over and over again

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
as a side note, the original jump point was a square morphed onto a cone with a single moving fractal texture on it... and it looks *horribly* dated by todays FX standards... no one in their right mind would make an effect like that...

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
JMS, in a post somewhere I cannot find, said the incarnation of hyperspace in TLaDiS is what he originally wanted - a hellish hot cloudy effect.
Apparently they could not get the whispy, fuzzy, cloudy, grainy effect earlier.
The new computer program they're using does allow such effects.

In sum, JMS wanted hyperspace to look like hell...

No mention on the so-subtle-as-to-not-notice coloring on the jumppoints though.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arrghman:
as a side note, the original jump point was a square morphed onto a cone with a single moving fractal texture on it... and it looks *horribly* dated by todays FX standards... no one in their right mind would make an effect like that...


So, what would be so horribly dated about using the Crusade jumppoints and hyperspace?

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

well crusade's jumppoints for the most part looked like dren... ACTA they looked good. however, since they changed over to maya, if they even still had the original models and surfaces (which is actually pretty doubtful), then it would be quite impossible to translate them into Maya from Lightwave, as the jumppoints were in all likelyhood completely procedural... that means done with fractals and the like internally in the program, not with an image map.... and since every program does this different, its pretty impossible to directly translate it.

and before you say anything about 'well why did they have to move to maya anyway', im sure they didnt chose GVFX because of the primary application that they use, but chose them based on the quality of their work... which is the important thing

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arrghman:
i think it was fairly obvious that with each new incarnation of b5, JMS is trying to do something new, and give each 'setting' a look and style of its own.... consistancy within a series is great, but stagnation leads to complacency... and no one wants to keep doing the same thing over and over again


Exactly, it's all about creating a style

"Will you follow me into fire? Into storm, into darkness, into death?!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>i think it was fairly obvious that with each new incarnation of b5, JMS is trying to do something new, and give each 'setting' a look and style of its own.... consistancy within a series is great, but stagnation leads to complacency... and no one wants to keep doing the same thing over and over again<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

which is why they look new...

i like the subtelty of the b5lr points... but i think that they would indeed look a lot better if the color differences were a bit more visable

and while the ACTA jump points did look nice... they looked to 'structured' for my tastes

### Hi, I'm a sig virus. Please add me to the end of your signature so I can take over the world.### - caught from Saps @ B5MG
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Arrghman:
well crusade's jumppoints for the most part looked like dren... ACTA they looked good. however, since they changed over to maya, if they even still had the original models and surfaces (which is actually pretty doubtful), then it would be quite impossible to translate them into Maya from Lightwave, as the jumppoints were in all likelyhood completely procedural... that means done with fractals and the like internally in the program, not with an image map.... and since every program does this different, its pretty impossible to directly translate it.

and before you say anything about 'well why did they have to move to maya anyway', im sure they didnt chose GVFX because of the primary application that they use, but chose them based on the quality of their work... which is the important thing


So re-make them in Maya or Lightwave, and get then close to Crusade's look. The TLaDiS jumppoints wouldn't be so bad if they'd just add enough color to them to make them match up with A Call to Arms or Crusade.

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

Having recently rewatched the movie, I noticed something else I hadn't before...

When the Valen and the Liandra first jump out of hyperspace, the Valen creates its *own* jumppoint (rather than using a gate), but we cannot see another jumppoint for the Liandra. B5 established, via examples and jms's notes on the public forums, that a jumppoint created by a ship basically folded very closely against that ship, with the result that no other ship could use that same jumppoint (hence why EA ships couldn't launch fighters before opening their own jumppoint, among other examples).

The *only* time I can think of this being contradicted was in Crusade where, IIRC, Galen followed the Excaliber through its jumppoint.

So, either Galen's ship and the Liandra are both advanced enough to ride close to another ship as it jumps, or we can count this as Nitpicker's Jumpgate Inconsistency #1.

Now for another: the Hand ships that jump out to attack the Valen and the Liandra *also* come out of a single jump point, and clearly come out in sequential order (rather than all close by each other). This would seem to lend weight to the first Inconsistency being exactly that, since this is just a more pronounced form of it.

Now for a third, albeit only possible inconsistency: at the end, somebody (mind blanks on who ATM) declares "nearing Epsilon jumpgate", yet they quite clearly make their *own* jump point rather than using the gate. Even if we chalk this up to jms simply not wanting to state "nearing Babylon 5" and thus ruining the "surprise" (note the quotes around "surprise"), this seems quite odd, since its an established fact that even ships that can create their own jump points use gates when possible to save energy. It's not like they're trying to sneak up on any of Clark's EA forces sent to take over B5 or anything...

So anyway. I'm done tearing apart the jumpgates and jump points. Again. For now. :)

if you look at that shot, the liandra is trailing behind or leading the valen... it was running parallel, probalby at the same speed, very close to it and in the middle of it... so theres no reason why they couldnt both go through at once

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oh, also... 95% of everything we know about jump engines are about earth jump engines... we know minbari ones are much better (more accurate, etc) then human ones

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