<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
Having recently rewatched the movie, I noticed something else I hadn't before...
When the Valen and the Liandra first jump out of hyperspace, the Valen creates its *own* jumppoint (rather than using a gate), but we cannot see another jumppoint for the Liandra.
No, it came out of the same jumppoint as the Valen, to our left of the Valen. It's hard to see at first because it's so small.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
B5 established, via examples and jms's notes on the public forums, that a jumppoint created by a ship basically folded very closely against that ship, with the result that no other ship could use that same jumppoint (hence why EA ships couldn't launch fighters before opening their own jumppoint, among other examples).
The *only* time I can think of this being contradicted was in Crusade where, IIRC, Galen followed the Excaliber through its jumppoint.
So, either Galen's ship and the Liandra are both advanced enough to ride close to another ship as it jumps, or we can count this as Nitpicker's Jumpgate Inconsistency #1.
For Galen and his ship, this is probably
very easy to do. For the Liandra, well, it is a Minbari ship, and they're more precise in placing their jumppoints (remember what Sheridan said
In the Beginning right before they were ambushed by the Blackstar)?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
Now for another: the Hand ships that jump out to attack the Valen and the Liandra *also* come out of a single jump point, and clearly come out in sequential order (rather than all close by each other). This would seem to lend weight to the first Inconsistency being exactly that, since this is just a more pronounced form of it.
IIRC, they came out in a triangular formation, one at a time, about 1/2 second apart. As long as they cleared the jumppoint before it started to collapse, or were not in the way as a jumppoint started to form, they should have been OK. Remember, both of these hazards happened to Drakh fighters as the Excalibur and Victory jumped to hyperspace near Daltron 7 in
A Call to Arms.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
Now for a third, albeit only possible inconsistency: at the end, somebody (mind blanks on who ATM) declares "nearing Epsilon jumpgate", yet they quite clearly make their *own* jump point rather than using the gate. Even if we chalk this up to jms simply not wanting to state "nearing Babylon 5" and thus ruining the "surprise" (note the quotes around "surprise"), this seems quite odd, since its an established fact that even ships that can create their own jump points use gates when possible to save energy. It's not like they're trying to sneak up on any of Clark's EA forces sent to take over B5 or anything...
So anyway. I'm done tearing apart the jumpgates and jump points. Again. For now.
I'll go look again, but I thought I could barely see the jumpgate structure when they came out of the Epsilon jumpgate. It's hard to see given the new, brighter, whiter jumppoints.
Vorlon Empire
Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel
[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited February 11, 2002).]