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Latest From JMS

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Most humbly, I thank you for your kind words :)

And I agree completely...I'm most elated for the simple fact that there is something new...!
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Joe, CE, you got me to thinking (generally a bad idea! :LOL:) and I can think of a way that the TeepWar could, indeed, figure into "The Memory of Shadows" and feature all the main players... what if the TeepWar was just part of a bigger scheme, say by all those nasties on Earth like Bureau 13, to use leftover Shadow tech to impose their will on earth, using the Teeps as their "stalking horse?" We would then have two wars - the surface Telepath War and the hidden war by the IA to keep the nasties from deploying their Shadow-tech weapons to win that war. This also ties into the Excalibur's real mission and means that the "shadow" war outlasts the public one... or else the Excalibur mission is going after whatever the IA doesn't get this time around.

Just a not-completely-thought-out hypothesis, but it is certainly possible to link the "memory of shadows" to the TeepWar... and make it clear why it was considered significant to Delenn that B5 survived this war.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

David Sheridan does not grow up until just before his father dies and the other characters get pensioned off. David is not the next generation but the generation after that. JMS will want 3 or 4 films before David takes over.

The Telepath War is the obvious hole in the history. When that has been filled JMS can get on with other stories.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Ok...for JPH3 and anyone else who's interested here are the EXACT words from JMS on the S4 DVD commentary for the EP, "Deconstruction of Falling Stars." It is said during the portion of the story that is 100 years later, and the academics are talking about the IA and Sheridan as a myth.

JMS says, and I quote:

"The reference to Sheridan's son is one that I left deliberately ambigious. His son did something radical...something disturbing. Because he's Sheridan and Delenn's son...what else are you going to expect? But I didn't want to define that. People were driven crazy by that because...What was it? I didn't tell you then. I'm not going to tell you now. Ummm. I can say that has something to do with the fact that urn...which had been given to them by Londo..tThe keeper was inside. And for a time, Sheridan's son was not himself, shall we say. And that led to the much larger events that transformed his...ah...life and his part of the Interstellar Alliance. But all I had to do here was alude to it.

"Again, part of the fun of the B5 universe is I had worked out the future a 1000 years in detail...either direction. And then One Million years beyond that...so could hint to things that haven't happened yet. But, I know what they are."

Ok...yes he's obviously talking about the Keeper here on David Sheridan...something we've been told about in the Centauri Trilogy. However, let us keep in mind that he was recording this commentary only recently....way AFTER the Centauri books had come out and knew we would know about that portion of the story...why else would he simply tell us about it otherwise. Therefore, when he says, "I didn't tell you then. I'm not going to tell you now." "And that led to the MUCH LARGER EVENTS that transformed his ... his life and his part of the Interstellar Alliance," he's clearly referring to events we've not become privy to as of yet.

Now let's think...he knows we know what was written into the book by this point...so, when he talks about the events in the book and then aludes to the "much larger events" that would seem to come after the keeper incident, and then to boot says, "I didn't tell you then. I'm not going to tell you now." Tell us what? Well, if it's only the keeper story...why not tell us? Why? Because there is obviously MORE to the David Sheridan story he has yet to reveal. He's said he purposefully didn't show us David. He has his reasons for that.

He says clearly (which I think we all know by now) that he has this universe mapped out 1000 years plus in detail in either direction and then to one million years. It's called an arc of character and events...and we know JMS is a master at that. Therefore, knowing JMS the way I do from his work...I am of firm belief that there is a much bigger story to David than we know...and much more arc later...all interwoven to events past and future.

Whether that will be a part of this project or not...I can't say....but I am saying it is always a possibility....especially where Joe Michael Straczynski is involved.

Draw one's own conclusions.

And always remember...."Zathras knows....but nobody listen to poor Zathras."
Re: They guessed the acronym.

But the problem with telling David Sheridan's story is that you are basically talking another new spin-off within the B5 universe with mostly new characters

Given what happened with Crusade and LotR, it seems unlikely that WB will be looking to another spin-off at this point.

With the success of the DVDs, it seems more logical that any new B5 will revolve around the cast and characters of the original TV series, while leaving doors open to go in other directions should that prove to be a success. That success could then be followed up with some completely new stuff.

That being the case, and as has been mentioned here a thousand times already, the great untold story for our original characters is the TW, hence the focus on that in this thread.

For myself, frankly I couldn't give a stuff what the story is, as long as it:

(a) actually comes to pass
(b) gets the attention it deserves
(c) is better than Rangers was

Here's hoping it can all be pulled together ... and soon!

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Sorry if this has been mentioned already (I'm pressed for time here, and haven't got time to go back and read through 17 pages of posts), but to the person who said that the position of IA president wouldn't likely be hereditary... are you sure?

I mean, I may be wrong, but the Minbari seemed to me to put high esteem upon those who were children of Valen... David, would be a decendant of Valen as well wouldn't he?
Re: They guessed the acronym.

I doubt if Minbari inherit power.

Although "Babylon 5" introduced us to preciously few Minbari... Delenn did not speak of her parents wielding power. It has become my impression that she was well suited for administrative tasks, discovered this talent, got noticed and agreed to try.

Neroon didn't appear to have inherited power, but climbed upward in rank over time. Without military achievement, he could have hardly reached a position where clan leadership became an option. Sure, he probably could't have become the leader of another clan, but could have become the leader of an alliance including the other clan.

Lennier never mentioned his heritage, except for the Third Fane of Chudomo... so we cannot exactly tell which considerations lead to his assignment as Delenn's aide (and whether this was considered honor or mockery).

The origins of Dukhat (the leader of the Council before the Earth-Minbari war), Lenonn (the old Ranger leader), Callier (the councilor not eager to visit Z'ha'dum), Shakiri (the warleader who declined from microwaving) and many others are unknown to us.

Therefore, lacking a clear trend, I would suspect a trend does not exist. Especially since Valen appears to have taken long-lasting measures to weaken the caste/clan system.


Moreover, while Minbari are certainly influential... they are hardly a majority great enough to impose their wishes in the IA.

Not particularly more than Humans, Narn, Centauri, Vree, Drazi, Brakiri, Gaim (or yet unlisted others who might wield notable influence in certain issues).

Since the alliance assembled to counter the Shadows was not based on heritage but merit... the IA which followed in its footsteps would probably operate on simiar basis.
Re: They guessed the acronym.


Nice post. You have convinced me that there is more to the David story than just the possession by the keeper (and that might be a fun topic for a seperate thread) but have to agree with Joe that these events wouldn't make for a good first project, as the first project's number one goal has to be to revive the franchise, and that means reinvigorating the interests of those who liked the show but did not obsess enough on it to post in fan forums years after it went off the air. :D

The way to revive that interest is to create a new project that focuses the story around the known and loved charactors. The "Story of David" would necessarily focus around David, as it is a dictum that the action follows the focus.

David's story sounds like one JMS plans to tell, but I think it would be foolhardy for him to tell that story in preference to one that focusses our main charactors.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

In the commentary, when JMS alludes to the story about David and the urn and says, "I didn't tell you then. I'm not going to tell you now," I took it to mean that he wasn't going to reveal the story told in the Centauri Trilogy within a DVD commentary track. In DoFS, he puts David's name out there and JMS refers to how fans, at the time it aired, were driven crazy trying to figure out David's future involvement. The Trilogy was not out yet.

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong ;) but I believe JMS prepared the outline for the Centauri Trilogy, but he was not the author. Therefore, while the books are canon, they are a "seperate" item than the DVD's and he isn't going to assume that the viewers have seen or read the books. I never once thought he was alluding to a larger story involving David because he specifically mentioned the role the Keeper and the urn played. That story has been told and resolved, imho.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Hell, we don't even know what format it is...for all we know it's a new series about something totally fresh...

Actually we do know that it is _not_ a series. JMS has said so himself. I quote:

>>The only thing I will say is that they're not print projects, so if you were to assume it's for tv or film you wouldn't be too far off...but that neither of them are series.<<

That's a quote from 9/27/03.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

In the commentary, when JMS alludes to the story about David and the urn and says, "I didn't tell you then. I'm not going to tell you now," I took it to mean that he wasn't going to reveal the story told in the Centauri Trilogy within a DVD commentary track.

Haze, I agree completely. I don't think there is any more to the David Sheridan story than we've already read in the Centauri Trilogy; I just think that JMS, in providing commentary to the _television series_, realizes that not everybody who watches a tv show obsessively seeks out every single piece of that show in every medium. And thus lots of people will _not_ have read the Centauri Trilogy. So for them, the detailed information about David and the Keeper would both be a spoiler, and not make much sense even if they've seen the _entire_ series (or would at the very least confuse them -- after the end of the fifth season when they've been waiting around for that David/Keeper scene they heard JMS mention in the S4 commentary).

So in the universe of the series itself, JMS did in fact not tell us then...and he is not telling us now. Those who are interested further can go find the supplementary materials.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

Ok, to answer several folks at once...

First of all there seems to be some confusion here about me saying this next project will be a David Sheridan story. I didn't say that...I said there where events during David's life while Sheridan was still alive that might be of import to any big story JMS is going with. When challenged on that, I produced my reasoning for why David was even important at all.

As to the commentary...why would JMS say on a commentary made WAY AFTER the Centauri books were out that he wasn't going to tell you something. Even if you haven't read the books (which are cannon), why not tell you what happened. He did...he clearly mentions the keeper being on David and David being naughty because of its influence...and that's what we read in the books. Why then allude to how that event led to David's part in the IA and say something so cryptic as "I didn't tell you then. I'm not going to tell you now."? Re-read the commentary quote...there is clearly more to David's story...and it's a big story...I am not saying that has anything necessarily to do with the new project. It might, it might not...who knows...I was only speculating.

To boot, I was speculating about how one portion of a story could tie into others via threads of a grander tale...such as one would need if there were perhaps more than one film. Even if this isn't a pre-planned trilogy...if the first film does well...WB will want the story to be able to continue. I'm thinking here from the perspective of a writer and filmmaker myself. I would think big, if given the chance to go to the big screen. I simply don't feel the TW is big enough...especially given that Lyta will buy it in the end and that we've already seen the climactic moment of that war on screen (in Crusade). And we know what follows in relation to telepaths (again, Crusade). I'm only saying, I would think big, a continous story...that could grow.

My thoughts only...but then I thought that's what we were doing here....I was only using common sense...tossing away things that I personally wanted to see or wanted JMS to do...and thinking of the probabilities and biggest story. This is why I've repeatedly tried to remind everyone that I would be happy with a TW film...I would love to see Lyta kick ass again! Is it the only viable story left to tell with the cast? HELL NO! There are tons of stories JMS has only touched on...alluded to...or for that matter hasn't even let us in on as of yet ("I've planned this universe out in detail 1000 years in either direction.").

While I would be happy with a TW film...I simply don't believe it's the ONLY story to tell....nor do I believe (as a storyteller myself) that it is the biggest and best story to tell on the big screen....if you get the chance to take B5 to the big screen....think big....think grand...think larger than life...it is, after all, a different medium than TV. Did we all forget how bad it comes across if you tell a TV story on the big screen? Need I remind people of STAR TREK: GENERATIONS, STAR TREK: FIRST CONTACT, STAR TREK: INSURRECTION? Let us please not make the same mistake Berman did. (Of course, Berman's been making his mistakes from day one, whereas, I believe in JMS.) If anyone CAN make a TW film big, it's JMS....I just don't think that will be the road he goes down with it...or if it is...it's only a portion of the journey not the journey itself.

Think big folks!

"Faith Manages." :)
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Hold up, C.E.. I haven't read through all the posts today but I just want to say this before it gets too outta hand.

I did not intend 'the little to no life' comment to be in any way hostile to anyone on this board or jms. What I meant was JMS seems to have little to no personal life and is thus torturing us for fun. Then again he is doing what many people would love to do; he gets paid for being a professional fanboy. ::is very jealous::

anywho, lotsa love everyone,

Re: They guessed the acronym.

>>The only thing I will say is that they're not print projects, so if you were to assume it's for tv or film you wouldn't be too far off...but that neither of them are series.<<

I've never understood that quote. To say that "you wouldn't be too far off" if you're thinking of a tv or film project is to imply that it isn't a film or tv project....but something similar.

So according to that quote, it's not a print, tv, or film project. What the hell is left? A computer game? :confused:
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Don't worry, I wasn't hostile at all..nor mad, nor angry, nor...well...you get the idea :D
Re: They guessed the acronym.

I think he simply meant that if you were to think TV or film project...you wouldn't be far off...meaning...it IS one or the other.... What I find curious is that he specifically mentions TV, but says it's not a series. Well, this leaves only one or two other things it could be on TV....TV movie (done to death), or mini-series (wildly popular again, especially in Sci-fi). However, people sure do dog the mini-series idea.... If not a feature film...my personal desire would be to hope for a mini-series not a TV movie...that way JMS could tell a much larger story.

Looks like we've made it through the first week since last word from the Great Maker. He said then, maybe in a couple of weeks...let us hope that we only have one more week of torment.

I respected you immensily prior to all this JMS, now I revere you! A master of story and marketing...tell me this was your idea!


Who am I kidding...of course it was!
Re: They guessed the acronym.

As to the commentary...why would JMS say on a commentary made WAY AFTER the Centauri books were out that he wasn't going to tell you something. Even if you haven't read the books (which are cannon), why not tell you what happened.

Because the Centauri Trilogy was written _after_ the series. It's just like not mentioning something that happens in fifth season in a first season commentary.

I don't think there's anything cryptic, or complicated about this, at all. At that point in the show's timeline, you wouldn't know anything about David _except_ for what you've seen in the series, which ain't much. And JMS obviously doesn't want to ruin a subsequent reveal for anyone who is going to go on and read the books after seeing the whole series.

Re: They guessed the acronym.

As with most of you...you will simply think as you will...and such is your right. Watch the commentary with an open mind however, and you'll clearly get that David does in fact have a part in the B5 universe other than the keeper incident. But, everyone here simply wishes to close their minds to the imaginative wonders that are there.

Have it your way...I'm sorry.

Sad that such happenings...well happen. tch tch thc....poor people....no one listen.

"So Zathras talk to wall....Zathras talk to ceiling...Zathras talk to dirt...Zathras prefer dirt...dirt closer." :LOL:
Re: They guessed the acronym.

Because the Centauri Trilogy was written _after_ the series. It's just like not mentioning something that happens in fifth season in a first season commentary.

I don't think there's anything cryptic, or complicated about this, at all. At that point in the show's timeline, you wouldn't know anything about David _except_ for what you've seen in the series, which ain't much. And JMS obviously doesn't want to ruin a subsequent reveal for anyone who is going to go on and read the books after seeing the whole series.
I don't agree with this analysis. JMS does reveal events in later seasons in his commentaries, and he does refer the viewer to the Technomage series, for instance, so to assume that IN THIS ONE CASE he is being coy so as not to spoil the impact of the books is unconvincing to me.

I think JMS does have a story on David at the back of his mind, and it is far more significant (given his treatment of it in his commentary) than "David got a keeper but nohing really happened before it was removed" which is how it happens in the book. Otherwise, he would simply have said "if you want to know what happened to David Sheridan, read the third book in the Legions of Fire series." He wouldn't have made such a big deal about it, I don't think - it's not his way.
Re: They guessed the acronym.

I do not doubt that JMS intends to produce a film about David Sheridan. It will probably be in 15 years time, he can plan that far a head. I just believe that it is not this one. JMS liked to keep his episodes in real time. Davis is currently 5 years old.

As for Lyta being dead, this has got cliffhanger written all over it. We are talking about a character that may be a clone and has gone back to the cloning planet in the magazines.