The more new pictures, the better.
Hey, RingDing, you go and tell your boss (well, if you can, hehe) that there are fans out in the world who have been following Jeremiah since it was That Which Cannot Be Named, and that we are DAMNED IMPRESSED with everything we see - stories, production design, pictures, more, and that the only thing we really think is bad is the fact that half of us are not going to be able to see it.
I really liked the interview. I really hope that the show comes through for the comic's fans - but then, it's a cycle. The moment you make a movie out of anything, whether it be a comic or a book or an autobiography, that work's fans are going to have a veritable bovine. You can't be totally faithful.
I really like the stories. Those of us in that have been following jeremiah for a while now know that JMS' take was going to be widely different than the original. But that's the way things go in television and film.
Ervin seems like a pretty neat guy. What he said about his profession really resonates with me, because it's what I want to do - not comics per se, but working 14 hours a day doing writing and getting PAID to make things up would be my ideal dream job.
But, then, what would I do if I had a family? Quite a question.
I've rambled on long enough. Night folks.
channe@[url=""]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space
Hey, RingDing, you go and tell your boss (well, if you can, hehe) that there are fans out in the world who have been following Jeremiah since it was That Which Cannot Be Named, and that we are DAMNED IMPRESSED with everything we see - stories, production design, pictures, more, and that the only thing we really think is bad is the fact that half of us are not going to be able to see it.

I really liked the interview. I really hope that the show comes through for the comic's fans - but then, it's a cycle. The moment you make a movie out of anything, whether it be a comic or a book or an autobiography, that work's fans are going to have a veritable bovine. You can't be totally faithful.
I really like the stories. Those of us in that have been following jeremiah for a while now know that JMS' take was going to be widely different than the original. But that's the way things go in television and film.
Ervin seems like a pretty neat guy. What he said about his profession really resonates with me, because it's what I want to do - not comics per se, but working 14 hours a day doing writing and getting PAID to make things up would be my ideal dream job.

I've rambled on long enough. Night folks.

channe@[url=""]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space