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Latest on Jeremiah

The more new pictures, the better.

Hey, RingDing, you go and tell your boss (well, if you can, hehe) that there are fans out in the world who have been following Jeremiah since it was That Which Cannot Be Named, and that we are DAMNED IMPRESSED with everything we see - stories, production design, pictures, more, and that the only thing we really think is bad is the fact that half of us are not going to be able to see it.

I really liked the interview. I really hope that the show comes through for the comic's fans - but then, it's a cycle. The moment you make a movie out of anything, whether it be a comic or a book or an autobiography, that work's fans are going to have a veritable bovine. You can't be totally faithful.

I really like the stories. Those of us in that have been following jeremiah for a while now know that JMS' take was going to be widely different than the original. But that's the way things go in television and film.

Ervin seems like a pretty neat guy. What he said about his profession really resonates with me, because it's what I want to do - not comics per se, but working 14 hours a day doing writing and getting PAID to make things up would be my ideal dream job.
But, then, what would I do if I had a family? Quite a question.

I've rambled on long enough. Night folks.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by channe:
The more new pictures, the better. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Speaking of new pictures ... I have posted a new one from "And the Ground, Sown With Salt" in the Jeremiah Gallery.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Abyss : Jeremiah
Tell your friend, if I were a god, I would have more hair and a deeper voice. --JMS
I tell you guys - it's a damned good thing Showtime is running this, because I doubt something like that would get past the censors on a cable or network channel.



channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrRingDing:
so, i have a question for ya'll...

what does this article make you think? for instance, what sort of impression do you have of Ervin? of his thoughts on Jeremiah? etc.


This is actually one of the most interesting articles about the project I've read. Many people I correspond with have noted that the premise of this series sounds derivative of the Mad Max/Road Warrior saga.

Yet, this article acknowledged that George Miller got his Mad Max ideas from Jeremiah. That's interesting for people to know. I expect a lot of people comparing this to other post-apocalyptic stuff like Mad Max.

I may like to see the original comic. I'm intrigued. Maybe I'll find some at Comicon.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lyta:
Speaking of new pictures ... I have posted a new one from "And the Ground, Sown With Salt" in the Jeremiah Gallery.


Hey Lyta-
Just wanted to mention that the pic from Sown with Priestly was originally from either Comics2Film or elsewhere, as I came across the same photo at one of those sites at least a week ago, prob more. I am only mentioning it b'cause I have it posted in the Jeremiah Gallery over at 'Starlight.' The rest (less for the Long Road, which you mentioned) are exclusive to your site. Haven't seen them anywhere else. Thanks for sharing them.


**In Starlight** | In Starlight's Forum

"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'
It is getting hard to decide where to post news like this but here goes ...

Here is a report from Comics2Film about the advertising campaign and promotion that is taking place for Jeremiah. It would be great if they would post a link to my site from their Jeremiah section, but no such luck.

Comics2Film : Jeremiah Kick Fan's Ass

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Abyss : Jeremiah
Tell your friend, if I were a god, I would have more hair and a deeper voice. --JMS
I heard a Jeremiah radio commercial today!

Yeah, way out here in The Land Of Cows!

It was basically like the trailer we've been seeing - "A Generation lost, etc., etc.," with a lot of dialogue and a really cool announcer.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space
hey Lyta, i noticed a mention of your site over at Dark Horizons today.

(click here if you want to see it..)

i cannot imagine how Garth would've come about finding your site!

-di doctor-

*tickles DrRD*

Hey, I don't mind too much! It was a nice surprise to see the bump in hits. They gave me a couple hundred hits all together.
Word is spreading!

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Abyss : Jeremiah
Tell your friend, if I were a god, I would have more hair and a deeper voice. --JMS
Hey everyone! Wizard magazine had an article about Jeremiah in the recent issue (seemed to pretty much be compiled of JMS's usenet posts and such). If you can't or don't pick up this magazine, I transcribed the article and posted it over at 'In Starlight.' Enjoy!


**In Starlight** | In Starlight's Forum

"There is always hope. Only because its the one thing no one's figured out how to kill, yet."
--Galen, 'Crusade'
hehe.. i knew that article was going to appear way back in january..

i just haven't bothered to mention it because it is getting too hard to track whereall articles about Jeremiah have appeared!

-di doctor-
Lots of information is now available on Showtime's Jeremiah site including:

* Upcoming episode information
* Behind the Scenes interviews, photos and more
* Upcoming chat information
* Character info
* Full cast and crew credits for the pilot
* Wallpaper images to download

Go check it out!

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Abyss : Jeremiah
Tell your friend, if I were a god, I would have more hair and a deeper voice. --JMS
Eh, I think Lyta's great site more than covers my Jeremiah needs for now.

I dunno... after the latest reviews and news, I'm starting to lose interest in Jeremiah. I'm having a similar gut feeling about it as I did after seeing the Lord of the Rings previews - not a good feeling.

So I'm not going to lose any sleep about not seeing Jeremiah or even about not being able to access Showtime's site - although of course I'll still give it a chance, should it ever come to a TV screen near me.

"There are things out there beyond imagination, and I have a rather healthy imagination." - G'Kar, B5: LR
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
Well, I kinda agree and disagree with Kribu.

From what I've seen, it looks like it'll be at least pretty good. I trust JMS will take a road less travelled. Everything points to it being successful. It just doesn't look like something I'd enjoy.

Maybe I've seen/read too many post-apocalyptic stories, the aforementioned Mad Max series (inspired by Jeremiah? Hadn't heard that before. Cool.), the Stand, Waterworld (the less said the better), Damnation Alley, and (my favorite of the sub-genre) Harlan Ellison's A Boy and His Dog.

Not to mention countless other imitators (Steel Dawn, Blood of Heroes, etc.).

Like I said, I'm sure it'll be good; I just can't get excited about it. When it comes around to syndication, I'll watch it to see what he does, but if it wasn't JMS, it wouldn't be on my radar.

"We are (not) all Kosh."
Around the end of your undergraduate literature career, if you haven't already, you begin to develop certain areas of literature where you're more proficient, where you know the most, where you're the most interested.

For me, this is postmodern American, early 20th Century American, English Romantic poets, and post-apocalyptic literature.

There are so many post-apocalyptic cliches even the best writers get mired in them.

I have a vested interest in seeing Jeremiah even if it sucks - knowing that one of the best things JMS does is take an old legend and make it shiny and new, this is positively drooling ground for a silly almost-graduate-student with a penchant for comparative literature. (Let's just hope he can do it).

The points that really sold the show to me were the loglines I've read for upcoming episodes. They're mostly interesting, and - well, some of them are really shiny and new.

Plus, Lyta has the coolest Jeremiah site out there, and I'm writing her newsletter.

channe@[url="http://cryoterrace.tripod.com"]cryoterrace[/url] | "Last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer." -lost in space