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Lise's Ex-Husband and child?

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Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

I just realized, after having watched "Voice in the Wilderness 2" that there was not an explanation (at least not that I can remember anyway) why, when Garibaldi is hired by Edgars in Season 4 and meets back up with Lise, there is no mention of her previous marriage to Franz(?) and, most glaringly, what happened to the child that she said that she was pregnant with in "Voice in the Wilderness 2?" /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif Did I just miss something somewhere or did JMS just let this fly by? Anybody know anything?
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

There was an explaination when she bumped in to Michael again. She said something to the effect that her husband left her and took custody of the kids and left her with basically no money --- which is when she met Mr Edgars.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Yes, Recoil is right, but I don't remember which ep that was from. She did say that Franz left her and took the girl, and she hadn't seen her since.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

and if i remember rightly she said the reason he gained custody of the child was beacuse she was a Mars born whilst Franz (Franz? What kind of name is Franz?) was Earth born...

and i think the ep that explained it was "Conflicts of Interest" (season 4)
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

That is correct - its in "Conflicts of Interest" where Garibaldi and Lise are talking in the room on B5 before Wade enters and Garibaldi says "the conversation is over." Its also where Lise says something like, "Then there was Bill. He was nice, caring..." and Garibaldi puts 2 and 2 together saying, "Bill... Bill Edgars... not... not William Edgars, I have more money than god William Edgars?"

I love how JMS wrote Garibaldi and Jerry Doyle emoted. You could see the wheels turning in the characters mind so many times by the way the lines were emoted.

Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Thanks Flipper for the info on what ep that was from. I knew it was someplace in season 4. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Of course still there is no word on what happened since Franz left. I would think Lise would want contact with her first daughter if not even get her back. With the resources of both Edgars Industries and Garabaldi's cunning (and sometimes ruthlessness) I'd be surprised if they couldn't find a way to get her back. As far as I've heard, the daughter we see in SiL is one Lise had with Micheal so we still don't know ...
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

We don't even know if the girl in SiL is the only child Garibaldi and Lise had. It just occurred to me that she's only 13 or 14, if not younger, which means she's born well after Lise and Michael were married. There could easily be older children.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Yeah, we never do find out what happens to Lise's daughter with that Franz freak, and we never do find out how many children she had with Garibaldi either.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

According to the Technomage Trilogy (and this may be mentioned in the last Centauri book, as well) Mary Garibaldi is an only child. If she's 14 or 15 in 2281, Garibaldi and Lise didn't wait that long to have a child. They were only married at the end of 2262.

I don't recall any mention of Lise's other child in the books, although if there is one I'm sure Kosh_N will have it in his notes and correct me. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif That girl would be in her 20s by the time of Technomage 3 and "SiL", so she'd probably be living on her own even if Lise had made contact.

Despite his wealth and power even William Edgars may have had trouble getting an Earth court to give custody to Lise, especially since Franz remarried and presumably has established a stable home for the girl. Besides, Edgars wouldn't have had much time to do anything about Lise's problem. According to what she tells Garibaldi, Lise only met Edgars six months before "Conflicts of Interest" and married him almost immediately. (That would have done wonders for her in an Earth court. "Your honor, this woman lived with a notorious drunk for nearly a year, cheated on my client and then the little gold digger married an aging billionaire after knowing him for a matter of weeks...") /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif And within a short time of Lise's little courier mission to B5, William Edgars is dead.

Garibaldi would have pursued the mysterious Franz, and would doubtless have found him. Since we don't hear anything further about Lise's little girl, I suspect she died in the interim. There are still diseases and accidents in the 23rd century, and short of that Garibaldi would have found a way to get at least joint custody of the kid. His narration in S4 makes it seem that he himself was not born on Mars, so any disadvantage this might have been for Lise in an Earth court would not exist. You'd also have to assume that being fabulously wealthy and a close friend of John Sheridan, President of the IA, popular hero (at least to some) and a man well-connected in EarthGov, would have helped Garibaldi.


Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

What reason would Garibaldi have to try to find his wife's ex-husband and estranged child, unless she specifically requested him to do so?

I mean, put yourself in Garibaldi's shoes; you've had drinking problems, career problems, several attempts on your life, loyalty and trust issues, Psi Corp issues, more drinking problems, more Psi Corp issues, and a pretty rocky road with your love life. After finally sorting it all out (albeit the hard way) and starting a family and running an empire with the girl you've loved for years, are you going to say to yourself "I know, I'll just drudge up some more from the past to spice up my life with, because we haven't had enough upheaval to deal with this far"?

Perhaps they just wanted a fresh start and to leave the past behind. Let's face it, they both had pretty colourful pasts, and things they'd rather forget. Maybe they did get in contact, because Lise wanted to, and naturally Garibaldi would have been able to (his skill I do not question, more his motive). Perhaps Garibaldi located them, and Lise visited her child from time to time and left it at that, knowing it was probably for the best that she allowed Franz to bring the child up. These things do happen. It need not have been as dramatic as court hearings, and fights for custody.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

I thought I remembered Lise mentioning in one of the eps that the child and ex-husband were killed in the bombing of Mars .
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

I don't remember that. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

If I am wrong I am wrong although I though Lise made the comment in s4.Perhaphs I am remembering a fan fic I read somewhere and confused it with an episode of b5 .
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Originally posted by Shaal Mayan:
<font color="orange">I thought I remembered Lise mentioning in one of the eps that the child and ex-husband were killed in the bombing of Mars.</font color>
Nope. Here is an excerpt from the Lurkers Guide:

"Lise explains that Franz was having an affair, and that he used the court system, which favors Earth-born people above those born on Mars, to file for divorce first. He got their daughter and remarried, and plans never to tell the child who her real mother is."
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Seems cruel to me that Franz would deny their daughter a chance to know her mother and make her own decision.. Thanks for looking that info up.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

But it would be in character.

Do we still need spoilers for B5 episodes? If so, this should be a spoiler for anything involving lise.


If you think about her as a real person, it makes perfect sense.

She is involve with 3 men that we know of. Garibaldi, during his drinking days. This guy who used an unfair court system to rob her of her child permanently. And Edgars.

Edgars was ok. Oh, just one little detail: he wanted to enslave all telepaths. /forums/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

I got the impression that she got her life together finally, then helped Garibaldi to get his life together when he decided he finally wanted to. And then hopefully they both helped each other after that.

Anyhow, her character's past seems very realistic to me. It is hopeful that JMS showed her and Garibaldi getting things back together and going on to have what seems to be a great life. /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

What reason would Garibaldi have to try to find his wife's ex-husband and estranged child, unless she specifically requested him to do so?

I assumed that she would have. Few parents would willing abandon a child who had essentially been kidnapped from them. Lise seemed very angry and bitter when she described what happened to Garibaldi. I think it likely that she would have tried to track Franz down and at least let the girl know who her mother really was. And Garibaldi, if asked, would have done it.


Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

Yeah, I would tend to agree. Maybe she did find her daughter eventually. I would think that she would at least want to know if the girl was okay.
Re: Lise\'s Ex-Husband and child?

IMHO it is too easy to read too much into this.

We are not seeing every moment (or even every adventure) in the lives of these people. Perhaps the mother was off with her daughter when we saw Garibaldi in the final episode.

The sitution was simply resolved "off camera". /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif

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