^^ The galleon in
Aguirre was just stuck in a tree at high tide, not marooned miles from any water ....
I'd agree about the allegiance of Widmore (and Daniels) being the biggest unknown here - especially as we've no evidence that "Esau" can directly manifest off-island. There's also the mystery of how Eloise (and Daniel) can seemingly predict events so accurately, and of the Numbers (we know the source, but not the mechanism), and Stuart Radzinsky (cough) and his cartography, film edits etc .... uh, now
I'm getting a nosebleed. :wtf:
A few more specific observations ...
1) Who broke the ash ring around the cabin? Both Ben and Locke were careful to step over it in
The Man Behind the Curtain.
2) Does Locke actually die after his defenestration by daddy? A "helpful" passerby wanted us to think so, which would mean that Jacob
can re-animate the (recently) dead, despite Richard supposedly never having seen him do it. That would make the status of Christian more uncertain, since (unlike Locke) his body disappears from its coffin and is never found (he also seems to manifest off-island, something only Jacob seems able to do otherwise).
3) Can Hurley and Miles really communicate with the dead, Jack perform miracle cures, Desmond travel through time and Richard live forever? Because between them, they'd have a power set not far short of Jacob's ......
4) Just what are the qualifications for a potential Jacob-killer? Presumably it can't be just any third party - that would be far too easy to have taken hundreds of years (killing Keamy, impersonating him and ordering one of his men to do it, for example) so perhaps a former follower is needed? Only Judas could betray Jesus ......
5) FakeLocke goads Ben into killing Jacob by claiming he was banished from the Island after all his faithful service, but it was actually Ben's choice to turn the wheel in Locke's place. So why doesn't he object?
Oh, and was anyone else expecting a rerun of Montand and Smokey when Juliet was hanging over the shaft? Nice fake-out there. :devil: