Old time fan of show from the early days but had my love rekindled when I bought some vids in a sale and ended up buying seasons 2,3&4 on DVD. Now I'm hooked all over again and am up to half way through Season 2 with the next two seasons to look forward to!
Re discovering what a major influence this show has been on TV SF (what there has been of it) ever since. Sentient ships, disfunctional relationships, human weaknesses that seem real as opposed to Star Trek (I am a fan) superficiality.
Consequences in suffering that can't be undone etc.
Been (am) a Farscape fan, if fact I was pointed to this board from a Farscape board, but re watching B5 has highlighted where the weaknesses in that show lie. (Weak longterm story arc, focus of writers derailed by concentration on particular relationship.) Babylon 5 never seemed to make these mistakes.