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Newbie here. Hi.


Just thought I'd say Hi and express thanks at finding a decent B5 forum.
I will prolly just lurk for a while. There is lots to explore here.
Hi, Bay. It's too bad you picked today to lurk, summertimes and weekends can be pretty dead days on the boards. :)

Antony will be pleased that you like his site. :cool:
Hello and welcome! Happy lurking! :) Oh, and seeing a post from you now and then would be nice. :LOL:
Welcome! We don't discuss B5 as much as we once did. You might want to go back, scan the old threads, and read what interests you. We don't usually send the Narn bat Squad after people for resurrecting old threads. So, if you have questions or comments on them, you can post, and bring them back up.
OK great.
I have been bizzy this w/e anyway so have not had the chance to explore much.

I can get down to it now.
Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome Bay. Newbie to the show or just to the site?
Most points have been discussed to death ad infinitum, but we always love new perspectives.
Old time fan of show from the early days but had my love rekindled when I bought some vids in a sale and ended up buying seasons 2,3&4 on DVD. Now I'm hooked all over again and am up to half way through Season 2 with the next two seasons to look forward to!
Re discovering what a major influence this show has been on TV SF (what there has been of it) ever since. Sentient ships, disfunctional relationships, human weaknesses that seem real as opposed to Star Trek (I am a fan) superficiality.
Consequences in suffering that can't be undone etc.
Been (am) a Farscape fan, if fact I was pointed to this board from a Farscape board, but re watching B5 has highlighted where the weaknesses in that show lie. (Weak longterm story arc, focus of writers derailed by concentration on particular relationship.) Babylon 5 never seemed to make these mistakes.
I bet you can agree with me when I say that one can watch B5 over and over again and never lose their love for the show. ;)
I bet you can agree with me when I say that one can watch B5 over and over again and never lose their love for the show. ;)


Avatar came from google search
I love Kosh. When I started watching the show 10 years or whatever ago, his character was the one that really drew me in I think.
Welcome Bay13! I lurked for a long time too. This is a nice community but you'll find most of the action in the non-B5 areas. I too fell in love with the shows when aired, and again on SciFi Channel, and then again when I bought the DVDs. I'm ALMOST getting ready to trash my VCR tape collection but it's just hard to let it go.
I'm ALMOST getting ready to trash my VCR tape collection but it's just hard to let it go.

It's funny you said this. I'm having the same problem. We're getting ready to remodel our basement and the first step is a massive cleanup. I ran across my box of VCR tapes of B5. I just couldn't bring myself to toss them in the dumpster.
My VHS tapes are ones I bought through years of collecting through Columbia House before the series came out on DVD. I spent way too much money to get them for me to throw mine out ever (plus it has the original version of "The Gathering"). So I keep them and just count it as something I own out of being a big B5 fan. :D
Yeah, me too. Probably half of my tapes are the ones released by Warner Bros. The other half are the ones I taped off either TNT or the Sci Fi channel. I worked too hard and spent to much money to get them. :LOL:
When i finally get around to buying my own house, i'm gonna need a large extra cupboard for all of my B5 VHS... i'm not sure what exactly to do with them. I'm unwilling the get shot of them, there were a bad adolescent collectors habit, but I would miss the all the same. I think some of the S5 ones were unwatched...
I am rewatching Seasons 2,3,and 4. I am halfway through Season 3.
I will get round to buying season 1 on dvd eventually. I couldn't really afford Season 5 too but guess what? I walked into a second hand charity shop up the road and on the shelf was the whole of Season 5 on VHS for 8 quid!
It is now mine!
It's a shame, I now have all B5 on DVD - but my VHS's are just sitting around gathering dust. I don't really want to get rid of them, and they'd fetch next to nothing on eBay - such a shame considering the time and money I've spent over the years collecting all of them...

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