Just thought I'd throw some things into the mix.
First off, to the comment of wanting "proof", I don't have the exact link offhand (I might be able to dig it up when I'm less busy), but there are several posts archived on jmsnews.com where he explicitly states the exact dates and paper trails for all his pitches to Paramount and the exact sequence of events re. DS9 coming to fruition. No, there's no written statement by the Paramount execs that "yes, we stole from JMS", but do you expect there to be? The point is the near-endless string of coincidences.
Also, as many have pointed out but it hasn't seem to stick yet, the objection raised has nothing to do with DS9 being a good or bad show or being better or worse than B5 (that's another argument entirely

, but that the Paramount execs blatantly copied JMS's ideas as presented to them, then after they had DS9, did everything in their power to stifle B5. Even *then*, there probably wouldn't be such heated passions about it if it wasn't for the fact that, thanks to the way Paramount arranged things, most of the world thinks that B5 was a ripoff of DS9, not the other way around.
Oh, and just a note for those saying that the Sheridan/Sisko thing doesn't track--remember that Paramount saw the original treatment of the B5 arc, which--as has been pointed out and discussed before--most likely involved Sinclair through the entire 5 year arc and ending with him travelling back in time (i.e. the events in
War Without End) at the end of the arc. Also note that Sinclair *does* become a prophet of sorts (how else would you describe Valen?), not to mention the debate about Catherine Sakai (sp?) joining him in the past after he helped defeat the Shadows...just hints there for ya all
OK, time to go back to work. I'll see if I can dig up that link sometime. It's on jmsnews.com somewhere though, I read it just last week.