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Rangers DVD coming to R1 in March

Re: Rangers DVD Cover Art and Pre-orders

It wasn't that they removed "negative TNT comments" it's that they removed the explanation of the truth of what actually happened to bring about Crusade's cancellation.

Those are one and the same thing.
Re: Rangers DVD Cover Art and Pre-orders

Well, we know there *won't* be any commentary from JMS.

Because of Warner Brothers removing his negative TNT comments from the Crusade DVD set after they said they'd include them? Did JMS say that he wouldn't do any future B5 DVD commentaries unless they fixed the Crusade DVD situation?
Here's his reply from when I asked him about it last September. And, yes, the deal was that they use all of his commentary or none at all but he discovered that they took part of the on-screen interview and edited that in place of his comments on what really happened with TNT.

Re: Rangers DVD Cover Art and Pre-orders

Those are one and the same thing.

"negative TNT comments" makes it, to me, sound like he was just whining, which isn't what he was doing. I'm just being all stupidly semantical.
Rangers DVD R1 release delayed

Just got an e-mail from Amazon.com letting my know that the release date for the Rangers pilot has been pushed back by one week - from this coming Tuesday, March 7 to the following Tuesday March 14. No reason given for the delay and none of the sites I've checked list any extras on the disc - whch they surely would this close to street date if there were going to be any.


Rangers DVD delay - Cheap R1 \"B5\" DVDs

Well, I may have answered my own question. It seems that WB may be cutting the suggested retail price of previously released B5 sets and relaunching the series on DVD March 14th - so it would make sense to hold the Rangers pilot for the same day so that it can be advertised in the Sunday circulars along with the season sets, and shelved along side them to pick up impulse buys.

Deep Discount DVD is taking "pre-orders" for a March 14th release of all five seasons, plus the TV movie set, for $43.55 (which they say is a mark-down from $59.95.)

They're currently selling Crusade for that same $43.55, marked down from $59.95.


Re: Rangers DVD delay - Cheap R1 \"B5\" DVDs

I got my copy of the Legend of the Rangers today from Best Buy. Now if only the work day would pass more quickly so I could go home and watch it.