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Rangers Series?!?!

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>The bottom line is that while SciFi has been known to take other network's castoffs (Example: Chronicle was developed for NBC).</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Chronicle was developed for NBC?!?!? Hahahaha! Thats the funniest thing I have heard in a while. /ubbthreads/images/icons/smile.gif
Did I miss something, or was Polaris not mentioned in the press releases? We know he is working on that for SciFi, don't we? So why no mention, or if it would be premature to mention Polaris, surely it would be premature to mention B5? I admit it doesn't look good (no rose colored glasses), but there certainly isn't anything definitive, so like Jesse says, "Keep hope alive."
Polaris isn't ready. Last time I heard about it, JMS had just submitted scripts, and that was all. It's still being developed; nowhere near being a go.
That's what I meant... just like B5LR would be now, IF it were signed, which I suppose it isn't. I just think this shows that not being mentioned doesn't definitively mean it is a no go. So we can still hope.
"Beware all ye who enter into the arena of SciFi Channel programing speculation for nothing is ever as it seems." would apply nicely to the current discussion. And so it goes....
But JMS is *talking* about Polaris. He's saying things like, "Gee, this is in development, we don't know where it's going, but Sci-Fi seems interested, at least..."

There's nothing like that for Rangers.
Gangster: she might not be so happy when she finds out what Sci-Fi plans to DO to Battlestar Galactica...

Read this: http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/531/34888/6

This begins to suggest what Sci-Fi is up to:

Every day, I lose a little more faith in the channel that's supposed to bring me SCI-FI television. Not this John Edward mumbo-jumbo. Not this Lexx crap that only appeals to the slimy underside of society. Not half-baked "sci-fi" series that are so bad they decide to add porn stars to their rosters to get a ratings boost. Whatever wisp of faith I had in Bonnie Hammer is quickly going by the wayside. Their treatment of Rangers since its original airdate (and arguably prior to that, as well) has been lackluster when compared to shows like Firestarter, which has far less potential than Rangers.

I'm really starting to feel that their continued silence regarding Rangers only serves to help bury the show we all want to see.
All I can think right now is: this isn't the way it's supposed to happen. B5 has a following all around the world. A series I tried to "save" years ago, ABC's Max Headroom, never had anything near the fan-base B5 has (I had the worst trouble finding Max fans; I've never had that trouble with B5), so I can understand why it didn't return. I can't understand why a B5-spinoff can't seem to get off the ground when the fans *are* out there. I'm not looking at things with "rose-colored" glasses, Savant--I went through the Max Headroom thing, & B5 is in *nothing* like that situation. So why the same result (no show, in other words)? This makes absolutely no sense to me at all. The only conclusion I can come to is that every time B5 gets a chance, the persons who can make it happen are incompetent boobs.

I just hope that JMS' silence means that Rangers might still have a chance. I'm tired of losing series that I like just because network-executives are complete morons! :mad:

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by LondosHair:
<font color=yellow>Gangster: she might not be so happy when she finds out what Sci-Fi plans to DO to Battlestar Galactica...

Read this: http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/531/34888/6

This begins to suggest what Sci-Fi is up to:
I mentioned something similar to this in my post in the 'NON-B5 TV SHOWS' forum about the press releases. This Battlestar Galactica miniseries is going to BLOW HARD. They aren't just remaking the original series pilot, but doing a 're-telling' of it. Bound to be cheesy, not true to the original, and an utter waste of the airwaves and any Battlestar Galatica fan's time. Yay, what fun. *golf claps*
Wasn't the original BG pretty cheesy anyways? I get that impression trying to watch reruns on Space. It's too cheesy, I find the show practically unwatchable. The pilot movie was decent, but it still bothered me. Cutesy kid, sitcom relationships, ugh.

Anyways, while Rangers may never go to series, it hardly spells doom for ever seeing new B5. Trekkies had to wait for a lot longer for new Trek after TOS. And while I still think B5:LR would make a kick-ass series and an excellent addition to the B5 universe, I'm not as emotionally involved with it as I am with the main crew of B5.

Admiral Dave
Time to campaign for a new spin off? Say "Trail of a Telepath" with Lyta and Lennier? Possibly set after the Teep War.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by LondosHair:
<font color=yellow>Gangster: she might not be so happy when she finds out what Sci-Fi plans to DO to Battlestar Galactica...

Read this: http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/531/34888/6

This begins to suggest what Sci-Fi is up to:

Every day, I lose a little more faith in the channel that's supposed to bring me SCI-FI television. Not this John Edward mumbo-jumbo. Not this Lexx crap that only appeals to the slimy underside of society. Not half-baked "sci-fi" series that are so bad they decide to add porn stars to their rosters to get a ratings boost. Whatever wisp of faith I had in Bonnie Hammer is quickly going by the wayside. Their treatment of Rangers since its original airdate (and arguably prior to that, as well) has been lackluster when compared to shows like Firestarter, which has far less potential than Rangers.

I'm really starting to feel that their continued silence regarding Rangers only serves to help bury the show we all want to see.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I agree but apparently SciFi has joined the "only sex sells" crowd, completely ignoring that well-written, well-acted programs sell also.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gangster:
<font color=yellow>I agree but apparently SciFi has joined the "only sex sells" crowd, completely ignoring that well-written, well-acted programs sell also.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Well, Farscape is well-written, well-acted, and sexy. You can do all three.

They hardly ignore Farscape. They re-newed it for two seasons and they love to trumpet its quality in addition to its sexiness.
That's cause Farscape is, on the whole, a fantastic show. It deserves to be trumpeted. I'm going nuts with anticipation; I've been waiting what seems like forever for a new ep.

...and waiting what seems like forever for Rangers. And I will remain waiting...