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Rangers Series?!?!

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow>And if you could get a couple of hundred thousand people to write in telling SciFi they'd watch a ressurected Crusade, I'm sure the programing department would take notice.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

And if I could get a couple hundred thousand people to do that, I would. However, if that were the case, it'd also spark Anti-Crusade campaigns, probably on rastb5 (unmoderated).

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow>So does most of the canceled show SciFi picks up, many of them network shows, seen by far more people than Crusade or B5.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Maybe so. One of those other shows I wish would get revived is Brimstone. Why don't I write in to support Brimstone? I don't think it has a chance at all (and you have no idea just how many puns I'm avoiding by wording it that way!). Because of all the B5 universe stuff on Sci-Fi, it would appear that Crusade has more of a chance.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow>In the end, SciFi has to be conviced that there is exceptional interest among its viewers in a property to consider it over a fresh concept. Through solid Nielsen ratings, B5 managed this. Crusade did not. 30-40 letters during April won't change that.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Well, hopefully we'll be able to do better than 30 or 40.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow>When I say new project, I mean one they're with from the start, likely owned by "the family" (USA Networks). Having to deal with WB is a significant turn off, likely to get them a much worse deal. They need hard numbers (not letters) to convice them that it's worth the extra expense and hassle.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

After the lost CGI files fiasco, WB (meaning Warner Brothers, not WB the network) does appear to be the millstone around B5's neck. Unless WB starts trying to make B5 fluorish (by them loosening up a bit), they're going to continue dragging B5 down, stifling future B5 projects. <u>It's as if they don't want to do business.</u> /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow> You seem to be forgetting that most of these criticisms were directed at Crusade when it premiered. Where are the B5 aliens? The Whitestars? Sheridan and Delenn? The effects look like crap!
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

With the exception of the Crusade jumppoints (the "flashy" new look in "A Call to Arms" and Crusade) I never made those criticisms. Compared to Crusade (overall), the effects in TLaDiS look bad. It just keeps going further and further down hill. <u>TLaDiS is OK if you like soft-focus, but that's not B5</u> (the series). Go back and look at B5 episodes (e.g. shots of the station's exterior, shots of planets from orbit, nebulae, etc.) and compare them to TLaDiS. TLaDiS is like we're looking at B5 through a cheap, oily soft focus filter (I retract my earlier comments anout the Nikon Soft 1 & Soft 2 filters, because they're not cheap and oily/smeary.). B5 seen through the Nikon Soft filters would look better than the B5 station, planets and nebulae we saw in TLaDiS.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow>(And IMO, the CGI in the first batch of Crusade episodes to air was pretty sub-standard, unlike the Rangers CGI which I quite liked).
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Which Crusade episodes you mean, the first aired on TNT, the first in the production order (the Gray Uniform episodes), or the first episodes in the Sci-Fi order? It's hard to discuss this without knowing which episodes you mean.

Offhand, I can think of only a few instances where the CGI in Crusade was lacking:
<ul type="square">[*] The alien ships and their jumppoints in The Needs of Earth (The alien ships didn't look "finished.")
[*] The Warlock jumppoint in Each Night I Dream of Home (didn't match the rest of Crusade)
[*] The view of the mine complex in The Long Road (looked like a plastic model from a Godzilla movie)

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by drakh:
<font color=yellow>I certainly didn't get the impression that most B5 fans felt the show stayed too far from B5 from watching the trailers and comercials. And that was what the viewers who didn't watch it had to go on when they choose the football game (or whatever) instead. And if the look of the show was so alienating it's audience, then why did the show gain viewers instead of loosing them? </font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Because dedicated B5 fans stayed with it out of loyalty, and hoping it would get better. They'd be highly unlikely to switch the channel or stop recording something they's been anticipating for so long. They'd stay for the entire thing, and chances are, they'd tape it and keep it. As the movie went on, it snagged casual viewers. Therefore, it got increasing numbers as the movie went on. The only point where I almost couldn't watch anymore was in the minefield clearing scream.
Wow! I didn't know about the laserdiscs of B5!
Anyway, I already convert the first 4 seasons of B5 on SVCD, a format with DVD near quality. I have to wait untill SCI FI UK re-air the show for season 5 (I don't have the last 6 episodes...).

About the Ranger series, let me also post something.
I strongly believe that Crusade gonna live through the Ranger series (if there gonna be one)
Maybe, that is the reason JMS put Rangers a year -or so-before Crusade. You see, let say "Rangers" is a huge Hit (and they gonna be, I strongly believe it !). Then more money can be spent on the series. Same "trick" with B5: The first season was "poor" if you compare it with the second or third one...
So, it is possible after season 1, many crossovers begin between Rangers/Crusade! Perhaps Crusade will became what was Londo for B5. A side-story, which sometimes was the center of the series. Acceptable and "right"-free (if you understand what I mean). A perfect alternative to continue a cancelled series with many "problems" related with WB/TNT and who knows what else...
Remember also, that JMS had many ideas for crusade just to waste them. And also that he never gives up!

Now, about SCI-FI...
SCI-FI ain't only US you know. It is Viacom in generall. Viacom looks the overall market, all the world.
That's why SCI-FI has a UK department, a German deparment (hidden as part of the Premiere Wold digital service, not with the SCI FI label) a South africa department, it is a part of spain's Calle 13 channel and all the AXN networks around the world.
As a Viacom family channel, it has access to major markets all around the world and many local channels.

Why I said all these: Just to let you understand how HUGE is this "channel". If it has to produce a show , it has to get possitive replies from all the departments it owns. That take time... (don't mention that viacom filters all those things too)

The way I see it, SciFi has 2 shows to choose from and "present" the results to "mama" Viacom: Galactika and Babylon 5. Both "old", both possible to handle and both with dedicated fans. There is only one more SciFi show with so dedicated fans: Star Trek.
Sci Fi need a "mascot" show right now. A good one. Why not be B5LR?
The television industry is something I know nothing about. But I thought it was mentioned awhile ago that the world market will not help Rangers chances to become a series on the Sci-Fi channel. IIRC, someone was saying that the profits would not go to Sci-Fi for airings of Rangers around the world.

I don't know if I am remembering this correctly, though. /ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif

With all due respect, what ARE you talking about?

SciFi Channel in the U.S. is owned by USA Networks Inc. Viacom has no ownership interest at all. The USA Networks will soon be owned by Vivendi Universal after a very complex merger.

Warner Brothers, owned by AOL-Time Warner, is the owner of the B5 franchise.

Where did Viacom come into this?

Sci Fi US and Sci Fi UK have not negotiated for anything as a unit. Farscape is Sci Fi U.S.'s top show. But, it airs on the BBC2 in the UK.

It would be Warner Brothers' decision--not SciFi's--who they want to sell it to in other countries. SciFi UK would be one option, but I think they would prefer Channel 4 or the BBC because they are much bigger and probably could pay more.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KoshN:
<font color=yellow>First, how do you know that "No one with any rights to Crusade (aka WB) is proposing anything to them to make a decision on."

Fans have written to Sci-Fi to ask them to resurrect Crusade. Fans are the consumer. If fans don't watch your channel, guess what happens? By not responding in some way, giving some answer, Sci-Fi is blowing us off.
/ubbthreads/images/icons/rolleyes.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

I know there is no existing proposal from WB to resurrect Crusade.

As far as making decisions because of fan letters....

Do you realize that almost every dead series that SciFi broadcasts has some group of fans begging to bring it back and writing them letters.

I think they are counting on your intelligence to realize that under those circumstances they don't owe you or any of those other fans a written respons just because you send them a dozen letters...and the Battlestar Gallactica fans send them letters...and the Invisible Man fans send them letters...and the Chronicle fans send them letters...and the First Wave fans send them letters...and GvsE...and so on....and so on.

I know that if I sent them a letter now to revive a show that isn't seriously being considered--meaning a business proposal on the table--I'm smart enough to know they aren't going to write me back with a decision.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>I know there is no existing proposal from WB to resurrect Crusade.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

You know this? How?

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
As far as making decisions because of fan letters....

Do you realize that almost every dead series that SciFi broadcasts has some group of fans begging to bring it back and writing them letters.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

Of course.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>I think they are counting on your intelligence to realize that under those circumstances they don't owe you or any of those other fans a written respons just because you send them a dozen letters...
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

When have I ever said that I thought Sci-Fi would respond to us in writing??? I never, ever expected that. I was hoping that they would just say something, one way or the other (i.e. Yea or Nay) on http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/ for Rangers.

If it was Nay, we can all pack our bags and go home, and say, it was a good story while it lasted, but it's over.

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SavantB5:
<font color=yellow>I know that if I sent them a letter now to revive a show that isn't seriously being considered--meaning a business proposal on the table--I'm smart enough to know they aren't going to write me back with a decision.
</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

That requires that you KNOW that the show that isn't seriously being considered--meaning a business proposal on the table. We don't KNOW that about Crusade or Rangers. Now, I'm about as pessimistic as it's possible to be about this sort of thing. When it comes to TV anymore, I don't believe in anything these days except the liklihood of any show I like going straight down the tubes within a couple of episodes after I start watching it.

Any letter we send in has about as much chance of getting them to change their minds as any of us has a chance of willing the lottery jackpot alone with one ticket. However, if you don't play, you have no chance at all. Letters are the only way we can even try to influence them with respect to Crusade and Rangers. Is doing nothing somehow better than trying something? I don't think so.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KoshN:
<font color=yellow>

Any letter we send in has about as much chance of getting them to change their minds as any of us has a chance of willing the lottery jackpot alone with one ticket. However, if you don't play, you have no chance at all. Letters are the only way we can even try to influence them with respect to Crusade and Rangers. Is doing nothing somehow better than trying something? I don't think so.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>

While I agree letters have little chance of changing any minds (unless there are several hundred thousand from different individuals to sponsors) I'm a great believer in, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

One of these days we'll hear a "Yeah" or "Nay."
SciFi is a viacom company in Europe (about 50%, the other one is Vivendi Universal related). It even shares the same satellite transponters on most of europe (hotbird 1, astra 2A, Panasat 10...). And as you know, it is not the same channel with US. They are somehow related but they are full seperated departments.
About the rights: in UK there are 3 kind of "rights": Terrestial, Cable and Satellite. Many times channels with certain rights co-exist in cable or satellite market (for exampe: Sky Digital...). And just for your information, Farscape airs from SciFi UK at weekends. It has the cable rights! Visit SciFi UK website if you don't believe me.
The same with Crusade: Channel 4 UK has the terrestial rights, while Sky One UK has the satellite ones. Crusade stopped last Sunday on Channel 4, but continues on Sky One (I think it is today, about 3.30 after midnight or something...)
The situation is a kind of complicated in this matter.
Viacom also happens to be the best costumer of certain SciFi US productions in generall for foreign markets. Guess why...

What G'Kar use to say?
Thanks for the info. I was aware that Farscape airs on Scifi-UK after it runs on BBC2 first.

I found the following on the FAQ's for the UK SciFi Channel:


No, not any more. Originally SCI·Fi in the UK was a subsidiary of the US channel. However, following various deals, the ownership of the two channels was split, resulting in the severance of any formal connection between them. Consequently, SCI·Fi do not have any privileged access to the US Sci-Fi Channel's productions and must compete with other channels in the usual way when acquiring their output for broadcast in the UK. >>

By the way, one big difference between the UK and the U.S. television markets is how big U.S. cable/satellite penetration is. Currently about 80% of U.S. homes get cable or satellite service. In the U.K., I've heard it's in the 30's.

SciFi Channel U.S. is now in 73% of U.S. households.
Well, everyone was right.

Sci Fi has been negotiating with the producers of a recent movie or mini-series special to make a continuing series.

It's all in a press release they put out today...

Firestarter:Rekindled: The Series

I put all the press releases in another section because none of them say anything about B5. They mention dozens of other projects, though.
Oh, bother... what happy news...

*sighs, drops head, ponders kicking a wall in frustration*

Firestarter? FIRESTARTER? Over Rangers? Frell...

A purple blob commanding a ship?

When we could have Babylon 5?

I agree. This is sad...
I'm looking forward to the Battlestar Gallactica series /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif
*crickets chirp*
Ya, where's my box?
I can’t wait to see the stories that they have for a hot chick that burns everything anytime see gets excited. Wow, I can just see the stories for this. Black Scorpion all over again? Well best of luck to FireStarter, I hope the series is better than the movie, I didn't care for it much.

I think JMS was too happy with Babylon 5 in his last post to be sitting on a cancellation. When would a series starting at Christmas get the go a head?

Or was he simply writing his own obituary?
I guess different people will read different things into that post.

He sounded nostalgic to me.

He got a question and he answered it. It was a similar answer to how he's talked about B5 before.
Heads up.

I just posted the Hollywood Reporter summary of Sci Fi's announcements yesterday over in the "non-B5" topic area.

An interesting quote relevant to Rangers chances is:

>>Sci Fi president Bonnie Hammer said the network will broaden its program scope to bring in a wider audience, adding more fantasy-themed shows and paring down some of its space- and alien-themed action fare.

"We have to change the perception that Sci Fi is a narrow niche that's driven by aliens," she said. <<
Heh, just noticed the same quote in that other thread... /ubbthreads/images/icons/laugh.gif

Unless I'm completely misunderstanding things here, she is talking about "less space stuff, more other stuff"? Didn't sound like good news to me. But I am more than open to the possibility of being wrong.