<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TriggerHappy:
Am i the only one that realizes that those 250,000 dead were ship CREWS ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Erm... no... they attacked planets as well.Layed waste to all the outer colonies, at least military wise, this was gone over in the movie.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>At the start of "In the beginning" we are told that the humans have just begun to seriously expand (which is why they have yet to encounter the minbary). They don't have a huge space navy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
That is a fairly large leap of logic.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Just consider this, we know Earth Gov sent 30 destroyers to MARS to stop sheridan's fleet in "End Game". And we also know there were 1000 crew on each ship.
Have we seen anything bigger and more powerful then one of those destroyers by the time of the Earth civil war (OmegaX excluded)? Nope. So this is the best Earth Gov has to offer to oppose Sheridan.
We might consider these destroyers the equivalent of "Battleships" during World War II.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
OVER 30 destoryers, this was AFTER the huge war where they got everything destroyed. Also half would be fighting for Sheriden, most guarding colonies, some just wouldn't fight. There were some 25 whitestars, Ivanova states they were outnumbered, refering to the Omega-X's. So that's another 30 there, and to the obvious retort... space is 3D.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>So why send only 30 of them? Because, this represents a LARGE part of the fleet!!
Because the human fleet consists of HUNDREDS, not thousands of combat vessels!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Because only 30 were LOYAL, that's a big deal.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>It would take 250 Destroyers to fill the 250,000 that died in the war. That's probably 200 destroyers more then earth even HAD at the time of the Earth-Minbary war. The rest were probably Hyperion class and lesser ships. Did earth even have these omega class destroyers back then?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Strange, because 250 destroyers is the number blown up in the Drakh war. As stated at the beginning of warzone. 200 destoyers more? Eh... no. You could literally count more than a hundred hyperions on the line, the line! That's 2 years of slaughter, and they still have at the very least a hundred hyperions. And according to canon, logically have at least 3,000 hyperions. Omega's were not built till after the war.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Why does every one assumes that navies have thousands of capital ships?
I could understand the minbary having a huge number of Cruisers since they are an old race, but does this relatively huge number even approach 1000 Cruisers? They still have to feed the crews, maintain and fuel the ships.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
A few reasons -
1. The drakh in ACTA has several thousand ships as per the novel (canon). EA kicked Drakh butt, leads to an obvious conclusion.
2. 250 destroyers get destroyed (ironically) in ACTA, yet the reporter hardly winced at the thought. EA is still a major power.
3. Centauri with virtually NO funding or resources due to ISA demands managed to build OVER 3,000 advanced destroyers on a back-alley colony. All done in secret, and this was not noticed by the ISA who were keeping a close watch.
4. In the short story, JMS states the whitestar fleet consists of a thousand whitestars (although now... ????). This after a few major wars. Also done in secret.
5. ITB the book states EA has 20,000 ships at the line. This after the 2 year slaughter as I said.
6. Those hundreds of ships in ACTA thought it was a TRAINING mission! Now if they only had a few hundred ships, then the sheer illogical thinking in that could destroy universes. It'd be like America suddenly calling up 2 million soldiers for a training mission.
Could go on in some detail, but this is long enough as it is.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The younger races navies (hell even the first ones) number in hundreds of "big" ships, not thousands. Have we ever even SEEN thousands of shadow, or vorlon ships at once? Have we even seen more then 50 at a time, except for Coriana 6?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
No. Plain and simple. It is stated by JMS in a graphic novel that there were 10,000 shadow and 10,000 Vorlon ships at Corrianas 6. As well as 8,000 younger race ships. Hell Londo quotes there being thousands of shadow ships based on the island of seleni, Morden states this as a small base.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>As for the 20,000 ships being at the battle of the line, well this probably refers to ALL ships present there.
Minbary and human. Counting anything that had an engine on it, from the biggest cruiser, to the smallest fighter.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
No, it just refers to human. The fighters are very dependent on support from capships/bases, there is no base, only cap ships. And they can at most support 17,000 fighters. Leaving 3,000 cap ships.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>And really, if you knew your planet was doomed (earth), wouldn't you scramble every last bucket that could fly just so you could ram it into a fighter/cruiser to buy just a little more time for colony ships to escape?
Remember, nobody that fought at the line expected to survive, they were just buying TIME for earth colony/evacuation ships to espace. They probably sent everything they had at the Minbary fleet.
And there's probably atleast a dozen star furies/nials per capital ship.
Add all those plus the Minbary fleet and you can very realistically get 20,000.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Except only a couple shuttles are actually seen. So obviously, they were not as large a contributing factor as some make out.
No, 6 starfuries per hyperion. 6 hangers, 6 starfuries.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>And one last thing, since when is it thought that minbary were destroying colonies? Outposts maybe, military bases maybe, but colonies they did not attack. Infact it's made a point of that the minbary bypassed the main human colnies in the rush to Earth.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Since the general talks about the Minbari wiping out military presence on every colony. And since every colony has humans who would rather die fighting than on their knees (unless I am overestimating my fellow humans), that is a lot. They bypassed mars, thats one colony.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Even if they DID destroy colonies, how many people are there? Even on MARS, the main earth colony, they live in domes, domes that wouldn't hold more then 100,000 each from the look of them. Do we really think there are bilions living in those domes on MARS? More like a million at best, on the whole planet.
Earth had less then 100 years to colonise their near space, i wouldn't expect their outer colonies to hold more then a few thousand people. I'm not talking about the main colonies with hundreds of thousands, these the minbary fleet bypassed, i'm talking about the fronteer outposts.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Think of it this way, it is canon that there are 30 billion humans. It is canon ten billion are on Earth. It is canon that Mars has only 2 million living there. Do the math, and you should realise that 250,000 is out there.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>What i don't understand though, is why did it take two years to get to earth? Was it a problem locating it? Surely some human would have talked. Or did the human navy realy put up that good of a fight, considering they could barely hurt minbary cruisers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Two years to kill 250,000 people... humans could do better than that before guns were invented.
Marc Cosgrove
"From chaos, order came. As was inevitable." -Summoning light