Babylon 5 A Day in the Strife, . The Alien probe that promise knowledge, which turns out to be a designed to take out potential threats, What was funny was after they got ride of the Probe which would destroyed the Station
Sheridan said "Damn now we have to go back to that meeting"
And Ivonova gives him this strange look. then you see that back arguing with the B5 labor force. which is what they were doing before this crises with the alien probe:guffaw::bolian::thumbsup::rommie::devil::alienblush:
Sheridan said "Damn now we have to go back to that meeting"
And Ivonova gives him this strange look. then you see that back arguing with the B5 labor force. which is what they were doing before this crises with the alien probe:guffaw::bolian::thumbsup::rommie::devil::alienblush: