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SciFi.com Chat w/ Dean Marshall (12/6 @ 9 PM ET)

Rhimers of Eldritch?

I haven't thought of that play in years.

Who'd you play, Dean?


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper
Yes, Dean - hypatia and I were convinced that you were going to give the moderator a coronary!

Glad to hear you do a lot of Shakespeare. If I had one thing I'd take with me to a desert island, it'd be a hard sell between water and my Complete Works. I once directed a community theatre production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the primary challenge we had was creating something *new* within the text, translating the text to the stage in a completely new way because every new idea we thought up had already been done by somebody else, because Midsummer is ranked up there with Romeo and Juliet in "Overdone Shakespeare Plays With Too Many Cliche's".

Anybody here - amateur, professional, or dabbler - ever have that experience?

However, trying to convince the costumer that you *don't* want to dress the faeries in gossamer because your costume budget just went to cover insurance on the venue is usually the more pressing dilemma... Hmm, just dress the faeries in duct tape... Duct tape is a community theater's best friend...

Whoa, nelly! Must...rein...in...hyperactivity!

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS

[This message has been edited by channe (edited December 06, 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Rhimers of Eldritch?
I haven't thought of that play in years.

Who'd you play, Dean?


The father, can't remember the characters' name and I think I'm spelling the play wrong cuz I can't find anything through the search engines.

Do you have a playlist?


AH HA!! It came to me from a dream... Peck Johnson


[This message has been edited by Dean Marshall (edited December 06, 2001).]
Dean, it really was a great chat. Hope you enjoyed it, too. And you did your own typing, didn't you? Many people who do a moderated chat have to have typists, so good for you being independent!

You made me feel very humble when you spoke of your least pleasant jobs. I’ve had it pretty easy compared to you. You say “it paid well” but geeze! I don’t know which would be worse: the “dead animal recovery” job or bartending. I found out very quickly during the summer break in college that you meet the worst people when bartending/waitressing.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo

Ugh. Dead animal recovery. Blech. I'd have to pay well, to get anyone to do something like that. Are you actually serious with that?

Hypatia, yes! I know exactly how that is! I've waitressed - and I'd only do it again if I ABSOLUTELY have to.


Jobs like that make me want to further pursue my dream, merrily starving all the while!

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Oh yeah, Channe, I have also done Midsummer's to death playing Demetrius in many a moonlit production over a couple of summers.

You end up playing "tag" or something to keep you on your toes...and screw your fellow thespian up. Fun, fun, fun.

Oh yeah, the short answer thing, .. just trying to conserve time for more questions. When I write here sometimes it takes me forever to come up with something to say, and say it right and yada yada yada ...but live.welll..different. Can't edit what I don't like, ya know?


Thankyou again Lyta for the transcripts.

I cannot beleive this the first B5LR chat I was available to attend and my damn computer starts playing silly buggers with me

Gah and Deviot pod's on..

And you certainly answered a lot! Good chat.

I think "done to death" is quite the correct term for poor Midsummer. The boy who played Demetrius in my production was as flat as a pancake, and we couldn't stop our Theseus from napping in the light booth. It's such a great play - I just wish every production I saw of it wasn't filled with bad ivy-covered sets.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
Whoa, you guys post quick.

True about the gutter job. Bartending? Where I am it's the easiest place in the world. Good pay to sling drinks for buisness people who tip and stress over their billion dollar deals.

I don't think it's a downer at all. A means to an end, yes. But I have no problems serving anyone. My humbleness is for Kings and crackheads.

I'm a child of stories and I get some of my best research watching everyday people go about their lives and listen whenever I get a chance, to hear and see people "acting" to each other for whatever reason.

There is a lot to be learned. Plus a little structure and discipline of a job is good for me. When I make a lot of money acting I spend it furiously trying to kill myself, jumping out of airplanes, snowboarding, anything on the watersports.

When I spend all my money I do what I need to do to survive happily. Because they've all been my choices, I regret nothing. If there're bad choices I hope I've learned something.

I've always known money was to be spent and when i can, I give it away and when I make a lot of money, I'll give a lot of it away as well. No doubt.

There's no shame in any job if you are secure within yourself. Envy is for the weak, pride - a face to cover envy, ambition - your personal dragon if you strive for something you love. Good without envy and too much pride, Bad with envy and too little pride.

I'll get off the soapbox now and let someone else stand in. I gotta go pee.

Love "bb"

I'm posting quick 'cause I'm currently sitting on my duff, one hand clutched around a pen, editing my seventy-page paper. I'll probably be here for a while, which, frankly, depresses me, 'cause I'd really like to get some beauty sleep...

I'd never be a waitress again. However, I'd probably go back to working at the bookstore, or in the checkout line at the grocery store - two jobs which I did for a very long time before I decided "hell, I have a dream, might as well starve for it."

While the service professions can be annoying, tiring, and demeaning at times, I would never have traded my years wearing a Wal-Mart vest for anything. Why? If you're working register, the movements after a few weeks become reflexive, and your mind's free to watch. Watch people and their family interact as they wait in the line, listen to people converse on their cell phones, watch what they buy and who they buy it for and why they buy it.

And from there come the story ideas.

Like, the one about the biker who bought the eighteen cheetah-spotted frilly bras two minutes before closing...

Gosh, when did -I- get on the soapbox?

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Like, the one about the biker who bought the eighteen cheetah-spotted frilly bras two minutes before closing...

What size(s)?

I'm sure the reason was almost as good as the time I went to K-Mart and bought the largest Cheap Bra (48DDD) they had in stock and 30 pair of the cheapest Panty Hose (any size was OK).

At the time I was working in a Bar.
Operating the spotlight for the floor show.
The entertainer did a lot of "Audience Participation" comedy schticks.
The panty hose (25 cents a pair on sale) were "prizes" to persuade the women in the audience to participte.
Or, even more often, force their Date/Husband to participate.
You'd be Amazed at some of the things a woman will do for a free pair of Panty Hose.
Especially after half a dozen drinks.

Working in the Right bar can be Very Educational.

Like the couple who had sex on a barstool 3 feet in front of me one night.
And there I was with a 1000 Watt spotlight...

Or the guy who used to walk in, order a beer and strip off every stich of clothes while he stood at the bar drinking it.
The amazing part was how many times he did this without anyone ever saying a single word.
Those who noticed pretended Not to notice.
Most Didn't notice.
It says something about how self centered many people are.
The owner said not to bother him unless someone complained.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
Oh, Lord, you just reminded me of the first time I ever visited a bar... human nature, uncensored and uninhibited!

Well, *you* try and keep a pair of pantyhose for more than a week without having them run in five million places. I'm surprised the landfills don't consider them an ecological danger, I throw them out so often.

Nylons are slavery.

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Chatmod guy:
Ah...so you're a SERIOUS actor

I'd have punched him Dean!

I like how he puts a smiley after that kind of insult!

As to Dean and his jobs. Working in a bar, cool. Acting and drinking. WOO HOO! The dead animal thing, not so woo hoo.

Anyone got an animal, vegetable or mineral spare?

"You're going to die screaming and I'm going to watch."
-- Charlie, The Long Kiss Goodnight.

[This message has been edited by AntonyF (edited December 07, 2001).]
Thanks for the transcript, Lyta - and thanks for the chat, Dean! It was fun to read it this morning.

"Narns, Humans, Centauri... we all do what we do for the same reason: because it seems like a good idea at the time." - G'Kar, Mind War
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu:
Thanks for the transcript, Lyta - and thanks for the chat, Dean! It was fun to read it this morning.

No problem Kribu (and all the others who thanked me) ... just doing my B5 duty.

This chat wasn't bad but the moderator kept bugging me with all the "LOTR" references. Plus, I had hoped that Dean would have given just a -little- more in his answers. Guess we will have to grill him for answers here on the boards.

Monica Hübinette | http://monica.hubbe.net/ | The Abyss : B5 | Seattle, WA
It is an infinite helix, the dance of two souls resonating, like the twist of DNA, like the vast universe. --Banana Yoshimoto (Lizard: Dreaming of Kimchee)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dean Marshall:

The only way I'd have ten women in a bedroom with me is if by some stroke of luck, it was an all female film crew shooting my latest film noir music video with Gus and Warren as the back-up.


Warren? I am soooo there!! So when is this going to take place, and where? If you'll throw Tiger Woods in the mix, I'll be your slave for life!


Well, sorry I didn't show up at the chat tonight. I very stupidly made plans, forgetting all about the chat. Aaargh! This is the main reason I don't watch TV. I can't remember when anything is on, and when I write it down, I lose track of time and miss it. Time gets away from me so fast, it's unbelievable!

Do you dare to enter tygirwulf's Lair?

We are all the sum of our tears - too little and the ground is not fertile and nothing can grow there; too much and the best of us is washed away. - G'Kar
I had a really kickin' response to your post going on in my head, Tygirwulf, and was about to post when I was called out of the room by a housemate who had gone hysterical over the fact brown sludge-like water was pouring out of our showerhead.

By the time I got back to the computer, I had totally forgotten what it was - which is a shame, because it showed my sharp wit for what it truly is... razor-dull after two and a half days straight awake (deadlines, schmeadlines!)

So... let this be the laugh I intended. *grins*

Warren, if you read this, we're missing you over at Titans!

The writer's life is not meant to be a happy one. We all accept that going in. -JMS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Plus, I had hoped that Dean would have given just a -little- more in his answers. Guess we will have to grill him for answers here on the boards. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lyta, darling, sweetheart, wadaya need ta know?
Within reason of course, I'm not telling you about the tatoo on my butt.

I'm you just different. But I know pom-poms...


Oh yeah, Antony, make love not war. Don't punch the moderators. What if they're cute? Don't want to spoil my chances of finding "the one" by punching them in the face. Bad first impression. They'll get the wrong idea.

I like my women bruise-free. Except wrists.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dean Marshall:

I like my women bruise-free. Except wrists.


Yes, but the lovely padded cuffs are so easy to get on the net, nowadays.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper