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It's not clear that there was originally going to be any kind of "scientific explanation" for why the prophecies would be accurate. (The scientific explanation being that someone brought the information back in time.) I mean, even in the show as filmed, how do you explain Zathras knowing that Sheridan will be "The One Who Will Be"? Or how do you explain the Centauri Seer knowing the future or the Centauri being able to see their own deaths? There's no scientific explanation presented for that stuff. It's just "somehow, the universe knows what's going to happen in the future".
So it's perfectly believable that JMS did not originally intend anyone from the future to go back in time and become Valen, and thereby provide an explanation for the prophecies.
Not only that, but the outline states that the Warrior Caste interpret the prophecy that references Sinclair and Delenn's child differently than the Grey Council, which is part of what fuels their takeover of the Minbari government and their forcing the Grey Council into exile. They interpret the prophecy to mean that Sinclair and Delenn's child will destroy Minbari society/civilization/whatever.
I wonder if the prophecies the Centauri issue are in anyway related to the form of Vorlon consciousness that enabled Kosh to proclaim things like "You have always been here" and "The man in between is looking for you". I don't remember which scriptbook it was in, but jms said something to the effect that Kosh could see past, present, and future simultaneously to a certain degree. That Kosh's reference to the "man in between" when he tells Sheridan that said main is looking for him is a reference to Sheridan himself at a specific point in Sheridan's life. Maybe whatever kind of consciousness that Kosh has that led him to be able to make those statements pops up occasionally in Centauri too leaving them capable of making intermittent prophetic glimpses of the future.
I don't know if it's in quantum physics or what, but I've heard some scientists on like The Discovery Channel and its ilk say that the math makes it seem possible that, though we only perceive ourselves at whatever given moment we perceive ourselves, we exist at every moment of our lives simultaneously -- past and future. Maybe this little temporal hypothetical is something jms was toying with in his use of prophecies in the story.
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