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Serenity Trailer!

Joss's latest message to the fans implies that Book is in it. He's not in the trailer, but Joss said something about how "the trailer with not enough Book and Kaylee in it" and that reassured me. Evidently the trailer is at fault in being Book-deficient, not the movie.
They played the trailer before I saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I cheered, but everyone else seemed to not know about Firefly...uh, oh. :eek: We have to get people to see this film, because I have a feeling that if Serenity does well, a B5 feature film may get the green light again. :D


PS--Per the trailer: Wow, I didn't know that River could fight like that! :eek:
I just got back from the Serenity Con in London. Book is definitely in the movie, and to our great surprise, Ron Glass came to the Con and was a delightful guest. The man has a smile and a laugh that are utterly infectious.

They showed the trailer on the big screen several times, and had a camera crew in from Univeral, who filmed the audiences reaction to it. You can imagine it was somewhat enthusiastic :)

Just got this. Not the best picture quality, but a nice one of all the guests :)

No spoilers for the movie, but it was obvious they all had a fantastic time making it. Nathan Fillion commented that Captain Reynolds is much darker in the movie, and Summer Glau had enormous fun with all the fighting.

It was great to see so many of the cast in one place, although Adam Baldwin had to drop out at the last minute, but we still got Nathan, Summer, Jewel Staite, Morena Baccarin (who is sickeningly beautiful!) Alan Tudyck and Ron Glass, as well as Chris Buchanan who was the Executive Producer, and Mark Sheppard, who played Badger in the pilot.

Fun weekend :)
Tammy wrote:
PS--Per the trailer: Wow, I didn't know that River could fight like that! :eek:

You did see War Stories, right? Admittedly the fighting we saw in the trailer's a little different, but we know she's lethal, and going by what was implied in Objects in Space, she's getting ahold of herself. Harnesing that lethality, perhaps.

We're in for quite a ride.

Also, don't worry too much about nobody knowing about Firefly yet. Do your part to drum up trade and we'll make a force of this universe yet.
I agree, word will spread about FIREFLY. Whedon reportedly has a three picture deal to make a trilogy...should the first one do well. So yes, we need to make certain it does. There's a lot more story left to tell.

Demon, thanks for the report! Sounds like it was a blast!

As for SERENITY having much influence over a B5 feature, yes, it could play a role in reviving it all, but the main issue is JMS and his desire to fight for one. Not to mention, if rumor and conjecture are correct, and JMS is going to be running and writing the new SW series, then that will play the biggest role in any B5 feature that will get made. With GL on his side, B5 could become the next SW (with a better writer and better directors though ;)).

Good, but not perfect trailer. I trust in Whedon and hope he is good feature director and writer.

Glad to see Morena Baccarin in feature, i'm surprised her acting credits ain't longer. From series she seemed good actress and her looks alone should get her roles (she was just stunning in Firfly, and perfectly casted for her role like all other actors/actresses. Casting is Firefly biggest strenghts IMO).
One thing I learned at the Con, which I hadn't appreciated before, was that Morena came late the role of Inara. Another actress was cast, and removed a few days into filming. No comment as to why, but there seemed to be a general feeling of relief among the other cast members that she'd gone, and Morena had joined them.
I LOVE Joss' explenation of the situation on the Firefly DVD's audio commentaries .. definitely worth listening into :D
Ok, a friend let me borrow the series on dvd and I'm enjoying it so far. I am a huge Gina Torres fan already and I really like the captain. It's like a big western in space.
CE wrote:
With GL on his side, B5 could become the next SW

I dunno, CE -- if Firefly/Serenity takes off, then I think it'll be the next SW instead.

Key word being "if." I'm specifically talking about the JMS/GL team up potential, if GL were to get behind the B5verse.

B5 with GL's funding and FX and JMS' writing? Nothing short of amazing.

Firefly with equivalent funding? Well beyond amazing.

Frankly, the characters are more interesting and better written. Not by much, I'll admit, and so far we haven't had quite the same level of epic, but the characters are what really drive anything. Mal is more interesting than Sheridan, Inara more interesting than Delenn (although less impressive), River and Wash and Jayne are just fun, and Book is the badass preacher/??? who aims for the kneecap. It's all really, really intriguing. Consistently good writing and acting, as opposed to, say, the guy who played the commander of B4....

And I like the way Firefly is shot. Much more interesting and daring than anything B5 did cinematographically.
apples and oranges. I hope it succeeds highly as maybe someone will look at B5 and think "ok, we can make this movie because there really IS an audience."
Well, sure, ideally we'll get both -- but if I were given the money to make a feature film and told to pick one, I'd have to give the money to Joss rather than JMS.
FIREFLY also had a lot more money per ep than B5 did and was a totally different concept. Without B5, FIREFLY most likely would never have existed. Lest we forget the ground JMS and B5 broke in TV and the industry in general.

It is apples and oranges. You cannot say what the acting or anything would've been like if B5 had been made a few years later, under a better view of space SF and with the budget FF had. Therefore, the basis for the comparisons you made is moot and unfounded, since it is locked into the very concept of predicting what might have been when you have no such power.

All other things equal, Firefly was still funnier.

B5 did break some ground... but I think if we're talking Firefly, then it owes its existence far more to Buffy rather than B5. I might be wrong on that, I'm often incorrect, and you're probably right about the money aspect.

But it was still funnier.
Funnier? Maybe. Hardly all that makes a show "good" though .. humour in B5 was mostly a side element, done quite well at times (and less well at others), but at its core, B5 was a political drama show.
As someone that greatly appreciates both shows, I really can't see the point in trying to say which show was "better" .. the approaches were SO different, the atmosphere, the characters .. everything really. They're hardly on the same scale.
That and I don't get why something always has to be "better" or "less poor" than something else :D .. sometimes things are just different.

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