I hope to see it a second time with my best friend, and he is the type to sit through at least some of the credits. I noticed they did them in a different visual style, so I'd like to see more of them myself.
The credits are beautiful, especially as they're accompanied by Annie Lennox
I saw it last night and there's no doubt it's great movie. LOTS of spoilers ahead!
What I love most is the PJ's visualisation of the places and people of Middle Earth match my imagination so closely. Minas Tirith was a masterpiece, and the lighting of the beacons of Gondor was just WOW!
Nothing can quite match the sense of awe the first movie gave me, but there's no doubt the special effects have just got better and better. There are very few places where the CGI effects are obvious.
My biggest complaint is one voiced earlier. Denethor came across as a really nasty piece of work. Without the explanation of Sauron driving him to despair through the Palantir, it was impossible to feel any sympathy with the character at all. With the movie version of Denethor, I just felt, 'well, good riddance' when he burned, whereas in the book, it's a tragedy.
The charge of the Rohirrim was incredibly moving, and Theoden's death was the one point of the movie where I actually cried.
Shelob certainly rocks, but if I could nominate a single actor for an Oscar it would be Sean Astin. His portrayal of Sam is superb. Sam is the true hero of the books for me, and Sean Astin turned him into the true hero of this last movie, too