I'd have to blame Zathras (
everyone blames poor Zathras) for any confusion as it was an earlier release. I believe it was 3-book, 4-book, no-

-book, then 3-book. The final 3-book release is better since it includes Jason's annotations and revisiting the series could be done with greater familiarity in 2023 than in 2010. At the time had a choice of either 4-book or no-

-book, so went with 4-book.
Outlines for the TM and Centauri trilogies were originally in the Crusade books before being printed in Book 2.5. Was also concept art, although the final version had other artwork since there was plenty of source material to draw upon. No JMS commentaries, but the usual formula of scripts sandwiched by introductions and extras that you'd find in the original 14 book run. Pretty close to what was in the final release.
Book three's spiral is a little worse for wear as many of the pages were bound in reverse/upside down so had to re-order things to make sense, then rewired the cover to remove some of the pressure.

And book four has writing on it.