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So...what is everybody reading now? (part Deux)

As a pathetic way to make up for the fact that I have to delay my desired purchase of a motorcycle for at least a few months, I'm reading a book called No Angel, about an undercover FBI agent who infiltrated the Hells Angels. Pretty fascinating stuff.
Been bored lately and read a couple of Star Wars books.

The first one "Death Star" tells the story of the finishing stages of the Death Stars construction,including how that fatal design flaw happened,to its destruction through several characters.

The second one "Darth Bane Path of Destruction" tells of the rise of Darth Bane and the beginning of the "Rule of Two" against the background of a galactic war between the Sith and Republic.

Was pleasantly surprised with both of them.Not literary great but entertaining nonetheless :thumbsup:
The first one "Death Star" tells the story of the finishing stages of the Death Stars construction,including how that fatal design flaw happened,to its destruction through several characters.

Did it include a description of what kind of union subcontractors were used, and the ethics of what kind of work contractors take and whether or not they are complicit in the Empire's political goals?
I mostly gave up on SW novels after a time but that one did look somewhat intriguing. "Shatterpoint" is still the best one, although largely because it's Matthew Stover writing it and he lifted the plot from "Heart of Darkness."
Oops - Deleted, message should have been in "watching" not "reading" thread

Currently listening to the second Eragon Book on Audio CD, not bad as an audio CD, but, not sure I'd want to spend the time actually reading it
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I am currently reading Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. My niece gave me the book and said "READ it uncle". I am enjoying it. :D
As well you ought. It's very fun indeed.

I'm haphazardly culling my collection, and there are a few books I'm undecided about, and therefore re-reading: John Dalmas' "Regiment" series. Dalmas had a good idea and then beat it to death, but the first few books of his that I encountered worked rather well.
Always meant to read Rama. There is a Arthur C Clarke sized gap in my classif sci-fi knowledge. I've got Crooked Little Vein by Warren Ellis to read. Markas, if you liked Good Omens, Gaimens' American Gods is also a great read.

That and some old Hellblazer comics my mate leant me.
I think I started American Gods but could not get into it.

I'm also kinda bored with Rama. I just picked up a Clarke book because I didn't know what else to get. I'm kind of in a literary funk right now...
Trying to read Lord of the Rings again. Hope inane douchebags won't spoil it for me again.
Characters in the book, or IRL?

IRL. Lord of the Rings is one franchise that has, in the past, been ruined for me by its fans. Specifically, classmates of mine at the time. When they saw a copy of the Fellowship in my bag, they start asking me EVERY. DAY.

"So how many pages have you read???"
"Have you met Tom Bombadil yet???"
"What do you mean, you had a band practice? This is the Lord of the Rings! This is important!"
"But you will read more next weekend, yes??"

.. and even when they were getting on my tits enough to make me stop reading - partly to spite them, partly because it was just no fun like that - they'd still attempt to discuss fine points of the Silmarillion with me on a daily basis for months after.
You could take the dust jacket off an Ayn Rand book and disguise it.

I'm afraid I've been a bit of that kind of jerk about B5, at times... now that I'm a grown up, more mature individual, I only get that way about Buffy.
You could take the dust jacket off an Ayn Rand book and disguise it.

I'm afraid I've been a bit of that kind of jerk about B5, at times... now that I'm a grown up, more mature individual, I only get that way about Buffy.

lol Progress is made in small steps, isn't it.

I gave up on Clark's Rama book and decided to move on to some light reading- Absalom Absalom! by William Faulkner. My god does that dude write long sentences.

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