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So...what is everybody reading now? (part Deux)

China Meville, 'UnLondon' and a load of 40K books I'm getting cheap of Amazon.

when you say 40k you are reffering to the literature of the black library presumably.

Hell yeah. Such a great name for an imprint. The Horus cycle stuff, but also Ravenor. Revisiting my heady youth of inhaling too much citadel paint. Anything written by Dan Abnett bascially.

GKE, I actually think I read that one for my degree, but have probably blanked it out.
China Meville, 'UnLondon' and a load of 40K books I'm getting cheap of Amazon.

when you say 40k you are reffering to the literature of the black library presumably.

Hell yeah. Such a great name for an imprint. The Horus cycle stuff, but also Ravenor. Revisiting my heady youth of inhaling too much citadel paint. Anything written by Dan Abnett bascially.

GKE, I actually think I read that one for my degree, but have probably blanked it out.

i went into retirement 7 years ago, but rejoined my old league earlier in the year. i have around 3000 points of empire to paint and i just started a high elf tournament army.
GKE, I actually think I read that one for my degree, but have probably blanked it out.

It's a new book.
But I'm sure you read something like it- it's really just a compilation of major points, put together in a nice comprehensive narrative.

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