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So, when do the ratings come in?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SavantB5:

Kribu's note: edited to make URL shorter.[/B]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thanks, Kribu! See? I knew that Antony made a good decision pulling you into the "upper administration" when he needed more time for other projects.

"The Bible is a book: it is a good book, but is is not the only book" - Inherit the Wind

"I do not believe that the same God who
has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."—Galileo

SFC isn't usually the top cable network, anyway. I'm not worried. I've come across so many people online who have seen the movie that I suspect the ratings will probably be good. Not as good as Lifetime or USA Network ratings, maybe, but good enough ratings for SFC.

Let's not panic!



"We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
"I hear you." [giggle, laugh]
"In here!"
"We are here." [giggle, laugh]
-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Convictions"

Tammy's Station
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TriggerHappy:
That is not encouraging, at all. I think i'll start lowering my expectations now, so that i'm not too dissapointed when we don't get a series. Thing are NOT looking good.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would not give up hope yet, though. In at least one local market "Rangers" got a 3.2 or something like that, right? Unless that info is just incorrect.

Remember that the station Sci-Fi is not even MENTIONED in the URLs that have been posted.

Sci-Fi is not available in all cable networks.

"The Bible is a book: it is a good book, but is is not the only book" - Inherit the Wind

"I do not believe that the same God who
has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."—Galileo

Ok I'll keep my hopes up but some positive info would be greatly appriciated

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive
I'm not sure what 'type' of ratings SciFi is/was hoping for, but any 'suggestion' of creating a 'B5' universe had to be with the faith that the money would be there. I know that success of FarScape has allowed it to thrive, even though the seasons are so strange that I don't even know when it will start again.

My two cents is that we cannot worry. We must go forward with the hope that something will happen but with the knowledge that we are not all seeing or all knowing. We can only make educated guesses. The fact that Bonnie Hammer had her car 'wrapped' was encouraging to me. I have friends who want to see the movie, but can't find another 're-air' date. Any one out there have a clue as to when it will be on again?

The world is full of many fans. Let's hope the numbers that tuned in where enough to tip the scale in favor of a new series.

Happy Hunting...


Happy Huning...
As I said in an email to someone (or maybe it was a mailing list)... ratings aren't necessarily everything here. We're hoping great ratings will wmake them ant to commision a series, but not necessarily. Plus there are always other factors at work. So it'd be fair to note that great ratings will not automatically equal a series.

I think we need to concentrate on getting a positive message across in the meantime, until they announce the ratings, so check out the latest news item on going to the official site and posting positive comments.

MPAA: Rated R for bad language, crude humor,
language, sexuality/nudity and drug content.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Originally posted by AntonyF:

I think we need to concentrate on getting a positive message across in the meantime, until they announce the ratings, so check out the latest news item on going to the official site and posting positive comments.

I'm getting a strange Deja Vu feeling here ... with Crusade overtones

The actors said rating are everything, SavantB5 (apologize in advance if i'm wrong), i think, has also said ratings would be the the determining factor.

If "Rangers" fails in the ratings after all that promotion, what does it tell sci-fi?
No amount of positive comments will help if there's no money for Sci-Fi in a "Rangers" series.

"I walk, i shop, i sneeze. I'll be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out ... and i don't sleep on a bed of bones."
you know this waiting and not hearing anything from scifi can't be good I'm going to lower my hopes for a series so I won't be to disappointed.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hyperspace:
Before we see the final ratings, perhaps it would be useful to see what kind of ratings other programming on the Scifi-channel gets.

- The 1st part of the Dune miniseries got a 4.6 (coverage?)rating (Source )


Does anyone know about other SciFi programming? (like B5 and Farscape reruns

Thanks for the great summary Hyperspace! I cut out the ratings for Farscape and IM above because I don't think they are fair to compare against an original telemovie. They are interesting on their own however.

As for other programming to compare to, I previously posted the news on SciFi Wire about Epoch which scored the "second highest original movie ratings, after Frank Herbert's Dune". Epoch got a 2.3 with 1.7 million households. (Source)

Last I rumor I heard was that Rangers needed to be a "close" second to Dune. I just hope they got at the very -least- ... something over 3.

The part that worries me is that there has been no announcement from SciFi about the Rangers when with Dune and Epoch they posted their high ratings within a week after the movie aired.

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The actors said rating are everything, SavantB5 (apologize in advance if i'm wrong), i think, has also said ratings would be the the determining factor.


I never said that. Such an assertion could only originate at the SciFi Channel, with JMS, or from people in the production (like the actors). Or all of the above.

I don't personally recall ever saying it myself. I've been just listening to what others have said about it.

I havn't seen the movie yet but I would like to see another B5 show on the air so I hope the rating is good.
Sci-Fi must know by now and they must know that the fans are waiting to hear from them, I wonder when they are going to let us in on the secret.

Waves to Sapph

"No boom to-day, boom tomorrow.
There is always a boom tomorrow."
Waves back to Kochia!!

There are so many factors that we cannot be caught up in only one. Television is it's own beast and we fans are the captive pray. They try to dangle something out there to capture us, then gage its effectiveness.

I admit to be being captured by the story Saturday and Sunday! I admit to enjoying the escape into the B5 world. I would love to revisit it again and again. To see and learn... and experience the adventure. Of course... waiting is a virtue I've learned to appreciate. Once something is here, it is usually transitory, over and gone before you know it. The anticipation... now that the excitement in life.

No worries guys... life is an adventure... and I hope we all get to hear those words again and again... "We live for the one, we die for the one." And I don't mean VHS recordings...

Happy Hunting...

My apology then SavantB5, i was sure someone said this.

Still, Dylan Neal said ratings are the most important factor. I remember the discussion that marginal ratings could be helped by positive reviews. It was theoretical then, but has alot of relevence now. I can't see anything other then ratings making any difference in Sci-Fi's decision.

Ratings = advertising = money, so just because JMS is a really charismatic guy they won't go ahead with a series if they won't profit from it. "Rangers" had one hell of a promotion campaign, so if i were Sci-Fi, motivated entirely by profit, and "Rangers" failed, i would be very dissapointed, i wouldn't order a series.

If we find out the ratings have been less then stellar, i'll cut my losses and make my peace with the B5 universe. Launching another "Save [substitute sci-fi show in danger here] !!!" campaign is a waste of time.
The show must make it on it's own strength, not barely get in thanks to fan letter writing, just so it can get cancelled in season two *cough* Roswell *cough*.

"I walk, i shop, i sneeze. I'll be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out ... and i don't sleep on a bed of bones."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SavantB5:
Here's a longer cable ratings article:
http://www.tvinsite.com/multichannelnews/index.asp?layout=story&doc_id=66210& display=breakingNews


If you read the last four paragraphs of this article, they go through each of the top ten cable shows for the week. TLaDiS isn't among them, and the lowest rated show in the top 10 got a 3.1. So I think we can conclude that TLaDiS did no better than 3.1.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TriggerHappy:
Still, Dylan Neal said ratings are the most important factor. I remember the discussion that marginal ratings could be helped by positive reviews. It was theoretical then, but has alot of relevence now. I can't see anything other then ratings making any difference in Sci-Fi's decision.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm not speaking for SCI-FI here, just in general. Lots of things go into deciding whether to make a series just like lots of things go into any company deciding whether to make a product or service. Ratings are only one component. Most series don't even have their pilot shown before a show is comissioned. Other series are commissioned with pilot included before any film is shot at all (e.g., Jeremiah and the new sf series from Buffy's Executive Producer). In those cases, decisions are made with no ratings in hand at all. Of course, once a pilot is show, a net would be silly not to consider how it did.... especially if it provided a significant media campaign to give the pilot a push.

Even if a movie got a good rating (and if you look carefully, the articles referenced above make it clear that Rangers is below a certain number), that's not necessarily good enough. If you are a company deciding if you should make a product, would you go ahead with development based only on some good feedback from your customers? What if it will cost you more to make that the market will allow it to be sold at? What if it isn't consistent with the image and branding you are working to achieve for your company? These are questions all companies must ask in determining the ROI for a potential product. Nets are no different.

Putting this in TV terms, if the show costs too much to produce, even good ratings may not be enough to generate the license fee that will allow a profit in a relatively short period (companys like Warner's no longer want to wait till syndication to make any money). Also, ratings aren't all equal. Does it bring in the demos the network wants? Note the push the SCI-FI has had to successfully bring in female viewers over the last year.

I think there is more to a series order decision than just ratings.


[This message has been edited by ala (edited January 24, 2002).]

[This message has been edited by ala (edited January 25, 2002).]
I guess my system gliched and I posted the same thing twice. (Got carried away on my end!)

I'll add that I'm a fan of characters, and loved to see the friendship between Dulann and David, David and Sarah, and who didn't love the scene between Malcolm and G'Kar? For these reasons, and to be able to live in the B5 universe again, I do have my fingures crossed for good luck. Crusade had many issues that were beyond our control... and it's death was something that had to happen. The time wasn't right, the network wouldn't leave well enough alone, and it was too close on the heels of B5. IMHO

Now with distance, a new network, a refreshed JMS... (who does lurk out there), some of us can just enjoy the 'newness' of Legend of the Rangers.

But I'm going to keep coming back to B5LR to see when the ratings are in and what they are.

[This message has been edited by SapphireMage (edited January 24, 2002).]
ok I'll try to be more optomistic but some positive info would be greatly appriciated

Sheridan:Are you sure we can't jump
Sheridan:Then we have a problem
Lennier:No $h!t Sherlock
Sheridan:RUN FOR IT!!!!
Downbelow Sound Archive
Chris Springob: >> If you read the last four paragraphs of this article...
...the lowest rated show in the top 10 got a 3.1. So I think we can conclude that TLaDiS did no better than 3.1

Although implied, it doesn't state that SpongeBob SquarePants's Jan 20th showing was in the top ten.

I would tend to agree with you though.

"You know I? I rather like this GOD fellow. He's very theatrical you know, a pestilence here, a plague there... Omnipotence, Got to get me some of that, Hmmm?" - Stewie (Family Guy)
If Rangers got anything between 2.6 and 3.o, then isn't this better than what first run episodes of Farscape (a show which I presume has a higher budget?).
I just don't understand this ratings delay.
If something as bad and cheap as Lexx can be co-produced, why can't SCI-FI share the costs with another company?
There really is nothing stopping anyone from producing new episodes set in the B5 universe.
Even the B5 re-re-re-runs got great viewing figures on Sc-Fi and the international market for something like Rangers is huge.

'I plan to live forever, or die trying' - Villa Blake's 7