I cannot believe I was able to read all of this post. Some of these are incredible long. phew. I took notes. 
First, the dance scene. We're going to be attacked be sentinels so lets prove were not scared by dancing. WTF?
Now for some answers to questions above
Recoil - I don't remember exactly why 7 is the perfect number. It was calculated the same way 666 is the devil's number. Something with the letters corresponding with numbers and they add up a certain name. I'm guessing they used "Jesus" to calculate 7 but I probably remember that wrong. (hmm, I have to suggest to Antony he make these post boxes bigger.) And I think the Roman judge that condemned Jesus (why can't I remember his name?) was used to calculate 666.
About how Smith took possession of a human external from the Matrix. Something (Neo) changed Smith. I think he was able to copy his program into the brain of that guy, overwriting his personality (data).
Malakian82 - The door on the left was the one that led back to the matrix, the right led to the 'core.' He didn't choose the door that meant he chooses 30 people.
I think it was hard for Neo to ... well for everything involving the Matrix in order to get Zion to believe in him. (How many people have we seen suddenly say I'm a believer?)
Damn, my notes have failed me, someone thought Neo had been to the core 6 other times. Those were different 'The One's they could have had different names even, but their titles were still The One. (I'd make some comment about being [not] mutually exclusive but I'm too tired to remember which is which.
[hmm, .. how long was this post...]
Again, that dance scene was pointless, worst part of the movie IMHO.
First, the dance scene. We're going to be attacked be sentinels so lets prove were not scared by dancing. WTF?
Now for some answers to questions above
Recoil - I don't remember exactly why 7 is the perfect number. It was calculated the same way 666 is the devil's number. Something with the letters corresponding with numbers and they add up a certain name. I'm guessing they used "Jesus" to calculate 7 but I probably remember that wrong. (hmm, I have to suggest to Antony he make these post boxes bigger.) And I think the Roman judge that condemned Jesus (why can't I remember his name?) was used to calculate 666.
About how Smith took possession of a human external from the Matrix. Something (Neo) changed Smith. I think he was able to copy his program into the brain of that guy, overwriting his personality (data).
Malakian82 - The door on the left was the one that led back to the matrix, the right led to the 'core.' He didn't choose the door that meant he chooses 30 people.
I think it was hard for Neo to ... well for everything involving the Matrix in order to get Zion to believe in him. (How many people have we seen suddenly say I'm a believer?)
Damn, my notes have failed me, someone thought Neo had been to the core 6 other times. Those were different 'The One's they could have had different names even, but their titles were still The One. (I'd make some comment about being [not] mutually exclusive but I'm too tired to remember which is which.
[hmm, .. how long was this post...]
Again, that dance scene was pointless, worst part of the movie IMHO.