But as a whole movie, Phantom menace was boring.
I ain't knockin' you taste, but IMHO thought SW:TPM would have almost been on par with the classic Star Wars movies,
IF (1) Jar Jar had not been so forced on us. I didn't even so much mind his role, Lucas just pushed him
too far at every level. (2) The Pod Race needed to be
at least 1/3 shorter, and in the DVD they made it longer *sigh*

. (3) Ol' Jake's acting was only so so. Now, in all fairness though, I've heard it stated by Producers/Directors that "finding a child actor that doesn't sound like a child actor is very hard."
If not these three "problems", SW:TPM I think would stand the test of time.
Altough these new movies don't deserve all that bashing that they've got, they do deserve some of it. And I do really hope that Episode 3 will be a kick-ass movie.
I agree 100% I tell ya' though, of all the bashing done to the new Star Wars, EP2 should get the bulk of it, IMHO.