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Suggestion: Change our expectations

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
All these things we keep saying, positive and negative, all seem to revolve around the idea of holding up LotR to the standards of B5.

IMHO, this is the wrong thing to do.

Despite the "Babylon 5" part of the title, LotR (both the movie and the eventual series) is an entirely new, stand-alone series. Yes, there will be ties to B5. Yes, there will be tidbits dropped in here and there for us. Yes, the universe itself is the same. But it's not the same story, not the same characters, and doubtless to be the same *style*. JMS has said repeatedly that he is done with B5 (barring any theatrical movie), that he didn't want to do another B5.

The way JMS described B5:LotR is strikingly similar to how he described Crusade before it came out. (I looked, but I can't find the specific quotes that I remember reading.)

JMS on Crusade:
12/29/1997 11:30 AM
What I want to do with Crusade is take the tools we learned to use in B5 and
apply them in a different (and in some ways, more ambitious) manner. It'll
have an arc, now that we've shown that it works, but not as rigorous an
arc...less overtly political but more thematic. Also, after 5 years of
angst-driven storytelling, I'd like to see if I can use the same tools to do
something a little more fun. I've lived in the dark side of the B5 universe
for a long time, and while there's plenty of darkness still out there, I kinda
want to go and do something a bit more adventurous...and which explores all the
places in the B5 universe that we've heard about, but never seen.


From: (jmsatb5@aol.com)
B5 Official Fan Club at: http://www.thestation.com

As a B5 fan, seeing what he did, and was going to do in Crusade (e.g. the unfilmed scripts), if he does something like that in B5:LotR (i.e. less rigorous arcs and more of an action-adventure show), it'll be just fine. It won't be B5, but it'll be "B5-enough" for me. At least it won't be mindless episodic TV, where they forget everything that happened the week before.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Crusade, in a way, had the problem that it had too many ties to B5--not only did we see B5 several times in the meager 13 episodes produced, but Lochley was a recurring character. We were still in the B5 story more or less, just flashed forward a few years and moved the camera a bit to the left.

No, Crusade didn't have enough ties to B5. There should have been no obligatory ties to B5, but there should have been ties to B5 as required by the Crusade story; i.e. whatever the story required, with no artificial enforcement or exclusion of ties.

I, for one, don't necessarily want more B5 involving the station itself. I want more B5 in the complexity of the threads, foreshadowing, detail, and seeing the occasional character now and then (not just Lochley and Zack), etc. Crusade should have freely moved through the B5 universe, and gone wherever it needed to go.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
I believe that this, plus the intense desire for more B5, is coloring everyone's view of the new upcoming movie. Glen's recent post compared the movie at one point to the best episodes of B5, which I don't doubt we'll all have a tendency to do once we all see it in January.

Instead, compare it to the best episodes of Crusade. That would be more fair, since Crusade and B5:LotR would be more similar in style as well as vintage.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
In a way, though, they're apples and oranges. JMS has stated that he doesn't want to do another B5. From what we've seen and heard of LotR, it's definitely *not* going to be another B5. So why should we bother trying to compare the two?

Except for a few specific areas (music drowning out some character's lines, some lines that appeared to me as slams against TNT even though they could not have been, and the stuff done at TNT's behest), I like what JMS was doing with Crusade.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel. http://www.scifi.com/b5rangers/

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited October 24, 2001).]
KoshN: I believe you misinterpreted what I was saying (which I'm not surprised at, given the weary state I wrote that in).

First of all, I liked Crusade. I thought it showed considerable potential as a series (if there was a way to mute the music, at least).

Second, I personally wouldn't have had a problem with Crusade having more ties to B5. However, with the original mandate it was given (to go explore previously unexplored alien worlds that had been dead forever and other weird, exotic places to find a cure), there was little reason to see B5 the station. To me, the ties to Lochley felt forced (which I believe is what you were referring to). Even given where Crusade was supposed to be turning, I still find it hard to believe they would have little more than passing references to our old B5 universe without making it seem forced.

My *point*, (as I attempt to make it once again) is that Crusade was already doomed to be compared to B5 from the beginning because it was set in the same universe, and the obligatory B5 tie-ins certainly didn't help. IMHO, the same thing seems to be happening to LotR.

Let me put it this way: Jerimiah isn't going to be compared to B5, at least not in the way we compare Crusade and LotR. Why? I don't doubt that, for the most part, any story that could be told in one universe could be told in another. However, because Jerimiah is in a new universe, we don't have the knee-jerk reaction to compare it to anything else but itself (except in production values, writing quality, etc, which is what matters anyway). If LotR was set in an entirely new universe (new races, new technology, etc) I believe it would help avoid this comparison that I think is unfair to LotR. I'm not saying I *want* the new movie to be set in the new universe; far from it. For that matter, it makes perfect sense to set the new movie in the B5 universe--here JMS has an entire universe created, a history sketched out for most of its existence, characters, governments, empires, all of this background on which to draw from. Why should he re-invent the wheel if he can draw on that pool (or rather, ocean) of detail that he has already created?

{takes a breath} Anyway, my point is that it makes perfect sense *why* the new movie is set in the B5 universe. I can also see, however, that by doing so, we all will have the gut reaction of comparing it (unfairly) to B5 the series. I was simply trying to warn against doing so (for the reasons I already stated) because I think that doing so is not only unfair, but will lead to far more negative views of the new movie than simply viewing it on its own terms would (again, for the reasons I stated before).

Also, while the new series and Crusade may seem like they have similar mandates, I somewhat doubt JMS would actually make them similar shows. After all, if Sci-Fi Channel comes through as we're hoping they do, Crusade will still have a chance at resurrection. Why would JMS want to make a new series that is similar to Crusade if he will eventually bring the first one back?

OK, time to slink back into my hole now....

GKarsEye: I don't doubt it. I wasn't arguing whether story-wise it had too much or too little tie to B5. I also agree that we can't decide such things having seen so little of the story. My only point was that *because* of the said ties, however deep they would end up being, the viewers would be inadvertantly skewed into comparing it to B5 in ways that it really shouldn't have been (versus being considered as its own stand-alone series, that is).

Again, I'm not trying to insult anyone, nor criticize Crusade itself or LotR. I'm simply saying that I think that, given how Crusade was presented and its ties to B5 and a similar thing with LotR, we viewers (myself included) have that tendency to unfairly compare both of the latter series/movies/whatnot to B5, and in doing so we're just setting ourselves up for disappointment.

Does *anyone* understand what I'm trying to say? If so, please post and clarify what I'm saying...I know what I want to say, just not sure how to say it.... :~ :~ :~

I find that, oging back and re-watching "Babylon 5: The Gathering" I enjoy it More, just like any other B5 episode.

What JMS did with this was Take a Risk.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> JMS liked to put stuff in B5 that had no immediate influence on the show until later. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He did that starting in "The Gathering". Something few, if any, TV pilot movies had ever done before.
Most TV pilot movies are long, stand alone episodes of the show they hope to become, complete in themselves because that is how the entire series will be filmed. One Story at a time.

But, Babylon 5 is One Story with 120+ Episodes.

It takes a bit of getting used to.

I suspect that TLADIS will take similar chances. And that these chances, whatever they might be, are what is causing the negative reactions.
The Babylon 5 Universe does not conform to our preconceptions.
Makes people Nervous. People don't like to be Nervous. They give bad reviews.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GKarsEye:
KoshN, chill. I doubt Tobias is trying to prevent us to watch the movie. This is a site dedicated to the Rangers movie and possible series, which includes opinions and information. Tobias, having seen it, is giving us that, from his point of view. This sort of thing should be encouraged.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by B5_Obsessed:
Apparently, we only encourage positive opinions. Everyone praised the first illiterate retard who posted the positive review, but we've been extra tough on these guys.

To the B5 Universe, TLaDiS is like one tiny glowing ember in the B5 campfire. Some of us are trying to keep the fire lit, while Chris Pike, Tobias, and maybe some others are tryng to spit on the ember to put it out.

That's the way I see it.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Neville:
KoshN: I believe you misinterpreted what I was saying (which I'm not surprised at, given the weary state I wrote that in).

First of all, I liked Crusade. I thought it showed considerable potential as a series (if there was a way to mute the music, at least).

...or just turn the music's level down below the level of the actor's voice. There were times when the music was significantly louder than the actor's voice.

>Lots of areas of agreement snipped<

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Also, while the new series and Crusade may seem like they have similar mandates, I somewhat doubt JMS would actually make them similar shows.

Oh, yes, I know. I'm just saying that JMS's characterizations of Crusade and B5:LotR were similar:

Less-Rigorous Arc
Mostly New Characters
...KoshN slowly starts to slink away...
Renegade Rangers
>KoshN now skampering from the NBS<

Wait a minute. I'm a Vorlon. I'll just frag the NBS for kicks.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
People don't like to be Nervous. They give bad reviews.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
To the B5 Universe, TLaDiS is like one tiny glowing ember in the B5 campfire. Some of us are trying to keep the fire lit, while Chris Pike, Tobias, and maybe some others are tryng to spit on the ember to put it out.

That's the way I see it.


If you opened your eyes you might see things a little clearer.

*Opens Eyes*

What am I looking for again?

Renegade Spoo perhaps?

I don't see them.

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star
I fail to see why people are insulting Tobias Clutch or Chris Pike. If you don't care for their review, then disregard it, but to insult someone because of their oppinion is really not civilized behaviour.

I demand that you apologize right now!
ROFL @ Gkarseye
Nah, that's just an inside joke between me and him, disregard it.

May Valen be with you.
I'm sorry reviewers. Forgive my rudeness.

Can we like...come together and sing Byron's song now? Maybe?

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star
Oh my god, I am in complete agreement with bakana. I'm so confused. What next, hypatia and sassy will start a GKarsEye fan club?

No, stop, I'm just playin'

KoshN, try curbing your paranoia. A negative doesn't mean they're "spitting on the embers" or whatever. It just means the reviewer didn't like it.

I started this thread with a suggestion, and now the mighty GKarsEye will add another: learn how to read reviews. As an avid music fan, who's into things that aren't mainstream, I have come to depend on reviews as a primary source of information. You must keep in mind where the reviewer is coming from, if he/she has any bias one way or the other, and if the person is looking for something else in the product, among other things.

As an example from music, I have read things like, "After the artistic failure of their last release, this album is like their last one, except it has more instrumental material on it. Don't get it." A negative review, yes. But if I liked their last album, and I prefer more instrumental material, I will read the review as positive.

This is a skill that takes patience and trial and error.

lol @ solaris. You silly Minbari.
Your avatar looks kick-ass. I think it's the best one here. I was gonna change to that one, but it would be confusing to have a picture of a Minbari under the handle GKarsEye, no?

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
Solaris is too good for us common folk. He has a cus-tom avatar.

The blasphemy of it all...

"There's Snow White and the Seven Narns, Who's Your Little Pak'ma'ra, others..."
- Captain Matthew Gideon, The Needs of Earth
Rising Star

[This message has been edited by BlackStar (edited October 24, 2001).]
Hey there everybody,

I've been away for the last few days but have come back to this board happier than ever to be associated with this project. I have to say that I couldn't agree more with most of your comments on this topic, especially those of GKarsEyes.

Is this movie perfect? No, of course it's not. But it is a wonderful BEGINNING to something GREAT!!!

I stand behind Joe and this project more now than ever, not because it's perfect but because it has soooo much potential.

Thanks again to all of those who continue to believe and support Rangers.

"It ain't over til it's over!"
Cheers, Myriam

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> A negative review, yes. But if I liked their last album, and I prefer more instrumental material, I will read the review as positive.

This is a skill that takes patience and trial and error. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is the skill of recognizing that a particular reviewer is "wrong" so often that, when he/she says something is "Bad", you know immediately that YOU will love it.

It does require that you actually Read that reviewer often enough to notice the trend.

A witty, well written review is often fun to read, even when you totally disagree.
Badly written reviews, even those you agree with, are unlikely to make you want to read More by the same person.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> ..or just turn the music's level down below the level of the actor's voice. There were times when the music was significantly louder than the actor's voice. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And yet, JMS has said that's Not how they mixed it. Something messed up the mix on several episodes when they were first aired.

I didn't notice the problem during the Crusade Marathon a couple weeks ago.
Either they've gotten it back correctly, or I've gotten used to it.
I know it was Very annoying the first time around.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
OK , what u all need is a bit of wisdom from zathras.

We need a decent frame of reference to compare Rangers pilot.

I think it should be A call to arms.
now this was a kick ass movie.
sure, it didn't have the punch and emotion of the best of B5 , but it was easy to enjoy from a newbie point of view.

on the other hand Itb which i loved , wasnt really a good movie to bring in new viewers.
i speak from experience here.

one longtime trekkie friend of mine agreed to watch ITb when i arranged a private scrrening on campus.

he absolutely hated it

then ACTA Awas broadcast a few months later on satellite and that convinced the guy to give the show a chance.
he's now enjoying the 4th season of the show and is a big fan of B5
and on second viewing , he thinkks ITB is in his top 3 scifi movies of alltime.

so the question is , do we want the movie to satisfy us die hards or
do we want a movie that newbies will enjoy?

And tobias and pike , were very defensive of anything B5 cos , even though its the best thing to happen to scifitv since 1969 , maybe ever, we still have to fight to keep it on the air, there's always the naysayers out there trying to kill anything that isn't establishment like Trek.

Enjoy the movie , and ill hope and pray it here in the next 3 years.

Never use a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem
Thank u Kin_of_Zathras

I Made the same point before and I beleive that it is how we as fans have to treat it.

If I was going to watch LOTR movie and expect it to be ITB then of course Id be dissapointed.I also agree with u that CTA was a better newbie movie but still a good B5 movie (it did have a little background that would of been confusing for newbies)

But LOTR isnt B5 so it will have a different feel and charactor about it,CPT Pike says he is a B5 fan so maybe his made the mistake of expecting this to be Z'Ha'Dum or something like. Personly I'll enjoy LOTR movie for what it is and im sure if it goes to series I will enjoy it almost as much as B5 becouse it has the pretential to be that.

Never speek with your mouth full,
Never speek with your Brain empty.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Crusade, in a way, had the problem that it had too many ties to B5<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>No, Crusade didn't have enough ties to B5.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I'm honored to be among people who know so much about how much about something that barely even got started.

It's absurd to judge whether the station or Lochley in the show were too much, too little, etc, because we did not see it come to its fruition. That would require seeing the entire series, which is impossible, because the damn thing doesn't exist. It would be like judging the Centauri-Narn conflict after having only seen season 1.

JMS liked to put stuff in B5 that had no immediate influence on the show until later. He did this with the Morden, the Shadows, the Rangers, G'Kar writing his book, and Byron. These things sort of mulled around the show for a while, you knew who and what they were but sort of didn't really think about them too much, then - wham!- they become the main thrust of the next few episodes. It is entirely plausible that the same thing would have been done with Lochley and/or B5.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."

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