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That other sci-fi show

J.J. Abram's unveiled the teaser poster for the new Trek film.

I've seen better weaves on the ghetto girls in my old 'hood.

But of course my actual disgust is over the whole Trek thing. That poor horse is already dead, when, dear God, will people stop beating it?
Could also scream "reimagining" or "reboot" as Trek goes the way of BSG ...

Hrmmmm....wasn't there a post recently about JMS and another Sci-Fi writer's idea for "rebooting" Trek?

I'll start taking bets as to how close the plot/story for this movie follows JMS's outline and idea for "Trek Rebooted".
Forgive my bias, but...

to get a real "reboot" of Trek it took decades of down-time, a French captain with an English accent, played by a seasoned Shakespearean actor who also happens to be almost totally bald... and in their first season (The Next Generation) the actors even felt that they'd get cancelled at any moment.

Trek isn't Trek without some guts. It hasn't had guts for quite some time.

Give it a couple decades rest, I say. :rolleyes:

to get a real "reboot" of Trek it took decades of down-time

Of course TNG precisely wasn't a reboot. It was a sequel that incorporated all the (rather threadbare) continuity of the original series. And "decades of downtime"?

The last TOS episodes aired in 1969.
The animated series debuted in 1973.
The motion picture premiered in 1979
TNG debuted in 1987

The longest stretch with no new Trek adventures was the four years from 1969 to 1973. And new Trek fiction and non-fiction books continued to be published during that four year gap. Hardly "decades of downtime".

A better example would be Battlestar Galactica. That was a true reboot after decades of downtime. Trek will be a reboot after decades of increasingly bad spin-offs - an attempt to revive a franchise that has been run into the ground by starting over from scratch.

Sounds like a plan to me. :D

(And I like the poster)

What am I missing? Why does that scream Prequel or Re-Imagining/Rebooting?

The command gold/science blue color scheme and the cloth Starfleet symbol instead of a metal one or a communicator pin. None of which have been seen in the Trek universe since the original series.


Ah, I'll give you the Starfleet logo/communicator, but, why would that have to be command/Science? Security is Gold and Science still blue in DS9 (And Voyager, I think?)
With all due respect to the animated series, many fans didn't watch it (or probably even know about it).
Ah, I'll give you the Starfleet logo/communicator, but, why would that have to be command/Science? Security is Gold and Science still blue in DS9 (And Voyager, I think?)

In The Original Series, Spock wore that shade of blue, and Kirk or that shade of gold.
In TOS Command was gold*, Science and medicine blue and Engineering and Ship's services (which included security) red. That's why all the obligatory landing party cannon-fodder always wore red. :)



* The Command color was originally supposed to be green, and Kirk's velour shirt actually was green - on the set. But for some reason the fabric photographed gold. Kirk's later wrap-around shirt, the nylon woven one with the Starfleet symbol at the waist, was also green, but it photographed properly so it also looks green on film - leading many fans to wonder why the color "changed"

As a practical matter the old command color is treated as being gold in retro episodes like the "Tribbles" sequel because that's how it looked and that's what everybody remembers.

Care for another bit of color trivia? The costume featured in the first two (b&w) seasons of the 1950s Adventures of Superman was several shades of brown because that photographed better on b&w film than an accurate red and blue outfit did.

And here's one more: the police car used in the 60s cop comedy Car 54 Where are You? - which actually shot exteriors on location in the Bronx - was red and green, not black and white. This wasn't a matter of getting a better look on film, it was just a way to prevent people from mistaking it for a real police car without hurting the look on screen.
I wonder why they switched the uniform colors for TNG.

And why did they wait until the penultimate season of DS9 to finally introduce non-clownishly silly looking uniforms?

The brightly colored uniforms of the original series match the look of the times. Trek was a psychedelic show for a psychedelic era. If they bring it back now, it would be hilarious.
With all due respect to the animated series, many fans didn't watch it (or probably even know about it).

And fans many did watch it. So what? You said the show was "dormant for decades". The fact that the animated show existed at all is enough to demonstrate that this assertion was incorect, regardless of how many fans knew about it and/or watched it and how many didn't.

In fact, the number of fans who watched it was almost certainly in the millions because it ran two seasons on Saturday morning TV when ABC, NBC and CBS still dominated TV and you needed several million viewers to keep any show on the air. And the number of fans who were aware of it would have been several times the viewership. QED.

