What's wrong with simply telling the story that C.S. Lewis wrote? It's a pretty damn popular book -- one of the most popular children's books of all time ... Christian allegory and all. I don't see why you would lose audiences by remaining faithful to the book.
There's an old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words". So by that logic it would seem to stand to reason that a motion picture would be worth hundreds of millions of words.
But as I’m sure we all here know that just ain’t the case.
When it comes to books like The Chronicles of Narnia, or Lord of the Rings, a large part of what makes them work (characterization not withstanding) is the imagination of the reader. And no matter how good CGI gets, there will never be a special effect that can substitute imagination.
Sadly the imagination of *John Q. Public* has been going the way of the Dodo for some time now. So frankly I can understand why there might be some reason to fudge on somethings in The Chronicles of Narnia. Case in point “The Wood between Worlds” in TMN (which I liked), I can’t see someone who doesn’t read books and has no imagination getting it.
Now as far as the Christian allegories in The Chronicles of Narnia go, I don’t see that being a problem as far as people *getting it*, but I have to agree with what colonyearth said
What I said was that they needed to and most likely would find a way to downplay it and make it more subtle (think ET). That way it would be more able to reach more audiences worldwide. Not every filmgoer is a Christian.
us The Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings are art. To the folks with the bucks, they are products to be sold. Granted I doubt Disney wants to rip apart Narnia and totaly honk off the fans, but selling it to the most people possible so as to bring in the all powerful
Euro/Dollar is of top priority, not art.