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The mighty GKarsEye watches Firefly

jms obviously can create complex, interesting characters, but I think Whedon is his superior in this regard. Case in point (I'm quoting one of the fine reviews of Entil2001):
Perhaps because of his confrontation with Inara, Mal opens up to Saffron about his early years. As it turns out, Mal grew up on one of the settler worlds, which goes a long way towards explaining his sympathies for their plight and his anger at the Alliance. It also explains why he would fight so hard to preserve that way of life, and why he would see open space as a refuge. As with so many happier times, such things are usually left well hidden; one gets the feeling that the sense of loss would be too great.
Now, Babylon 5 is a big, complicated story, and we don't need to know the characters in such exquisite detail to appreciate it. Firefly is a much smaller, more intimate story, and characterization is the most important part of it. So I'd say jms and Whedon are both playing to their strengths.
The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

But due to Unviersal's press restirctions, I can't print my review of it until October! Went to the press screening in the west end and met a load of fans who were all wearing silly hats.

Really enjoyed the movie, would probably pay to see it again. May even check out the series a bit more thoroughly. I hope it does well. I'll post a link to my review when it goes up.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

Perhaps because of his confrontation with Inara, Mal opens up to Saffron about his early years. As it turns out, Mal grew up on one of the settler worlds, which goes a long way towards explaining his sympathies for their plight and his anger at the Alliance.

I thought this aspect of Mal's background was pretty obvious in the very first scene of the series since he's fighting against the Alliance.

Now, Babylon 5 is a big, complicated story, and we don't need to know the characters in such exquisite detail to appreciate it.

Disagree. The show doesn't make much sense without knowing how Delenn became a high-ranking religious official, how Sheridan got command of B5, how G'Kar's motivations are related to his personal spiritual development, and why London was so easily manipulated by the Shadows.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

I thought this aspect of Mal's background was pretty obvious in the very first scene of the series since he's fighting against the Alliance.

While that part may be obvious, there was a very suttle bit done in that opening scene that I missed the first couple times I saw it, which I thought added just a bit to his character. In the series, he always talks about how he doesn't believe in God, or those lines where he wont let Book say prayers out loud at the table. So its established that he isn't exactly a fan of God.

In the opening scene of the pilot for the series, when he is about to run down and grab the anti-aircraft gun and shoot down that skif, he had a cross around his neck, and he kissed it for good luck before he ran. So obviously the events of Serenity Valley (or those shortly after) really caused him to lose his faith.

I thought it was a small little plug but a cool one.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

It's one of those details that sold me on the series. I noticed that (or it was pointed out to me, I can't remember) right off.

The next detail worth noticing is, who bows their heads when Book prays over his first meal aboard Serenity?
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

On thing I liked about that little moment with the Mal kissing the cross is that the cross looked to my eyes to be the same cross that Angel gave Buffy at the beginning of Buffy. So, it was kinda a cute little "in" for those of us who are really familiar with that show.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

Pretty sure it's smaller -- but I like the crossover anyway.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

Well, I've seen all the episodes now up to "War Stories." I'll stick to my guns and say that Josh Whedon is better at characterization than jms. Whedon managed to make a loathesome character like Jayne interesting. He is corrupt, but he still holds on to a tiny spark of humanity. If he hadn't, Mal would have shoved him out the airlock.

In "Bushwhacked," it's shown that Jayne is terrified of the Reavers. Is he afraid of what they will do to him, or is he afraid that he will become like them?
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

My guess is the former more than the latter. I doubt Jayne is that introspective to fear the latter.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

I'm not so sure, although I've got barely a leg to stand on.

*incredibly tiny movie spoilers but spoilers nevertheless*

When Jayne and Kaylee are talking about Reavers in the movie, Kaylee says that Book says they were men who got too far out, saw too much blackness, and went wild. Jayne says that he's been to the edge and it's just "more space," but I think he gets a look in his eye that suggests he's not so sure.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

If Reavers are just maniacal wackos, how do they fly ships? They seem to psychotic to maintain hierarchies.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

Yeah, really, why don't they eat each other? Maybe it's pheremones, or something.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

I'm thinking we've gotten an oversimplified explanation. Their aggressive tendencies are amplified, sure, but I don't think they are totally brainless. We're not talking zombies, here -- we're probably talking a vicious, brutal hierarchy among them. It's always open season on non-Reavers, however, so they always jump ordinary folks.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

Yeah - there's a feature in SFX, about the fact that they deliberately mutilate themselveds, including carving bones to look like fangs etc and attaching them to their faces.

So there's more to them than just kill-maim-burn.
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

Jayne says that he's been to the edge and it's just "more space," but I think he gets a look in his eye that suggests he's not so sure.
What struck me about the scene in "Bushwhacked" was that Jayne's fear seemed out of character for him. Whatever else Jayne is, he's not a coward. That suggested to me that something deeper was involved -- disillusionment, bitterness, alienation. Mal and Jayne have both been down that road, though Jayne is farther down it, and the Reavers are what wait for them at the end. Jayne is still human enough to be frightened at the prospect.

I've praised Whedon's characterization -- subtle, nuanced, the unsaid as important as what is said. Does jms ever come close? Two episodes come to mind, "Z'Ha'Dum," and "Intersections in Real Time."
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

the unsaid as important as what is said.

There are plenty of moments where Mal and the crew communicate without words (and without telepathy, also).
Re: The kinda-strong Darth Librarian sees Serenity

I've now seen "Trash." It was hilarious, and I thoroughly enjoyed the return of the lovely, treacherous Saffron. I especially liked the outraged cry of one of her victims: "I shaved my beard for you, Devil Woman!"

The episode shows that Mal, despite his bitter, alienated front, is still terribly vulnerable. Saffron plays him like a fool, but Mal, knowing his own weakness, relies on the rest of the crew to save him from his folly.

Then there's the scene with Simon and Jayne. Simon knows Jayne betrayed him. If that's all he knows, then his attempt to establish trust with Jayne comes across as foolish and misguided, much the same as Mal's attempt with Saffron. If he knows that Jayne was ashamed of his deeds, then it comes across as a calculated risk. Then of course, there is River. She is genuinely scarey in this episode. Maybe she can put the fear of God in Jayne, where Simon could not.

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