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The mighty GKarsEye watches Firefly

Maybe. And not saying that wasn't a possible intention, but to me that would be totally unnecessary. From where I sit, the Fed guy from the first episode could have been "Joe average Alliance undercover agent." There was nothing really significant about him. Bringing him back in a later episode wouldn't really be of any benefit over just having some other Fed agent.

Oh, I agree that he was rather miscellaneous in the episodes he was in, and I'm not sure if I would bother trying to bring him back were I writing the show, but I can see how his character could become obsessed with hunting down and capturing Malcom for his having shot him and dumped him on the moon with his presence in the pilot being a bit of a birth of a vendetta, if you will. I wish I could remember if it was in the commentary track for "Serenity" that they said the wrote his character's conclusion in part two to give themselves the ability to bring him back, or if it was something I read somewhere; I can't remember which.

If I could only have one of the two characters reoccur, I most definitely would want it to be the bounty hunter in "Objects In Space".

The fed was named Laurence. The bounty hunter was named Jubal Early.
Well I definitely would have wanted Early to return, at least for the L&O connection. Too bad he's not in the movie.
The trailer also has a thin black man ruthlessly obsessed with capturing River. At one point I was guessing it was actually the same character just with a different actor. But movie-trailer guy doesn't seem crazy.

I don't even remember the fed guy y'all are talking about.
Lawrence Dobson, whose cover hinged on being a total klutz.

Considering how much "Objects in Space" revolved around philosophy, I'm pretty sure Early's comments at the end were meant to hint at a return but actually was just one final philosophical fillip before the credits.

It seems from the comments by people watching the pilot on SciFi that we've got newbies in here. Should we maybe start doing spoiler spacing? And for all you folks watching it for the first time, don't worry about the first half of the trailer being slow. Calm before the storm.
I've read so many slight spoilers for Firefly, if the discussion seems to get too deep, I'll just skip that post. :)
I saw this the other day and thought I would post this here for any Firefly fans living in or near Washingon...

On September 17, 2005 at 7:00 pm, Kirkland Performance Center will be showing 4 episodes of Firefly: Serenity parts 1 & 2, Out of Gas and Ariel. Tickets will be $6.50 + $1 service fee. There will be concessions, giveaways and a Jaynestown sing-along to liven up the night.

To order tickets, please call 425-893-9900 or got to our website: kpcenter.org. The box office is open Tues-Sat 12-5.

We have authorization from the studio to do this and are paying royalties to be fully legal. All proceeds (if any) from this event will benefit KPC, a non-profit company.
I've read so many slight spoilers for Firefly, if the discussion seems to get too deep, I'll just skip that post. :)

Ditto, I've read alot, but, haven't soaked any of them in, because they are always so character intensive, and without knowing the characters, it's in one eye and out the other.
I've read so many slight spoilers for Firefly, if the discussion seems to get too deep, I'll just skip that post. :)

Ditto, I've read alot, but, haven't soaked any of them in, because they are always so character intensive, and without knowing the characters, it's in one eye and out the other.


I like that variation of language there. Yea, same for me, I don't know any of the characters by name yet.

It's on Fridays, right? I should have no real problem catching it this week, I think. Part 2 of the pilot.
Yep, and as Pillow or RW pointed out, the first part of the Pilot is repeated at 6 Friday, and followed by the second part at 7.
Yep, and as Pillow or RW pointed out, the first part of the Pilot is repeated at 6 Friday, and followed by the second part at 7.

Oh, thanks. Motivation to get back into town before 6pm, then. I wouldn't mind seeing the pilot all together.
Hey Firefly fans, remember that one ep where they all defended a brothel against the local bigwigs and the head whore was friends with the Firefly whore? Very familiar actress, and very very hot, more so than the Firefly whore. The Capt has awesome taste.
Now GKE's teasing us, speaking in spoilers we can understand, without remembering the character's names, LOL.
I should have assumed something like this would happen. :LOL:

That's o.k. I have to forgive him, since he just posted the most hilarious Saturday Night LIve skit (BOC's "Don't Fear the Reaper").
Hey Firefly fans, remember that one ep where they all defended a brothel against the local bigwigs and the head whore was friends with the Firefly whore? Very familiar actress, and very very hot, more so than the Firefly whore. The Capt has awesome taste.

She played a Siren in Charmed, too. Possibly getting typecast :)
Hey, I never said this was spoiler free. The title of the thread clearly states that it's aobut ME watching it, so naturally there will be MY impressions of the show which will include spoilers. So nyeh-nyeh-nyeh. :p

[Daffy Duck] Mine! mine mine mine mine mine!
I'l tell ya who was hot on Firefly... that redheaded chick who uses "companion" tactics to get what she wants, before she robs somebody blind. The scene with her & the cap'n in his quarters was hilarious, uncomfortable, and arousing all at the same time. :)

She showed up again in a later episode, and lemme tell ya, I was happier than a Korean chef at a Humane Society.
She showed up again in a later episode, and lemme tell ya, I was happier than a Korean chef at a Humane Society.

That is so wrong ... but so funny ... :)

But seriously, that chemsity Joss writes between characters is always what makes his shows interesting.

Yeah, she's pretty nice, though I got the impression that it was due to the role and the performance. Google results aren't as impressive.
Yup, the women of Firefly were fairly amazing. Personally Kaylee's my favorite, though. The mechanic, as we seem to be dispensing with names.

<u>KoshFan's Women of Firefly: A Spotter's Guide</u>

Zoe: the black "warrior woman"
Inara: the whore/Companion/"Ambassador"
Kaylee: the mechanic
Nandi: owner of the Heart of Gold... all right, the owner of the whorehouse
Saffron/Bridget/Yolanda: the really hot thief
(Probably paraphrased)

SBY: You know Yolanda isn't my real name either.
Mal: It never entered my head that it was.

I sorta got the impression that she would have continued to recur a couple times or so per season had the series survived (and the actress remained available). How many seasons do you think would have passed before we learned he *real* name (if ever)?

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