OK so what did everyone think of the start of the second half of the third season?
Some parts of it were a bit hoakey to me.
The thing with the temple only revealing itself when the sun went Nova felt a bit unbelievable, but if there's an explaination as to if these 13th tribe people KNEW the timing of things to be revealed later, then I'd buy it.
I'm really not sure why a temple left behind by the 13th tribe as a marker would also show the final 5 Cylons to another Cylon. This whole direction the show has taken really confuses me. I thought the idea of the temple was to find the way to Earth, which so far it didn't do although we are getting clues Starbuck may be able to figure something out. Still its odd a temple built by ancient humans would be able to show current-day Cylons who the final 5 Cylons were, something the 13th tribe wouldn't know about (that we have been shown now anyway). Still, really confusing.
I'm glad Sharon went and got the baby back. Its also going to be interesting to see Baltar and Six captured and on the Galactica. Here's a question: Why wouldn't they just execute the guy on the spot? If anyone is guilty its him, and why would they put up with his crap anymore at this point? I really hope they off him --- would be the right thing to do story wise --- but I don't see it happening.
The whole Duall/Sam/Lee/Kara thing...I just don't care.
I thought it interesting they are "boxing up" Xena's line of Cylons. Its almost like she found something critical out, and no one wants to hear it so they are shutting her up. I'm sure we will find out something about these "final 5" but its interesting they are done listening to her. She also recognized one of them and it was someone important, or so it seemed.
Lastly, its funny how the Cylons seem to become more human as the shows go on. All the infighting, killing each other, now silencing an entire line of Cylons, that's the sort of thing you would expect from humans.

Its funny how far they seemed to have been sliding...