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The Official BSG S3 Spoiler Thread

Last week, focusing on the executing of Sagitarons, I truly do believe was laying groundwork. The Sagitarons are the ones with all the prophecies and such, I have a feeluing last week's will tie in later somehow. Oh, and to the person who asked why it was about Helo and called "The Woman King", that's because King was the name of the woman who convinced Helo of what was going on.

I think this week was indeed further pushing Roslyn and Adama together, so Roslyn can become an Adama, so she and Dualla both fit the profile of being Adamas as possible cylons. Prophecies do not need to be about things that are already true when when you hear them.
In Season 2, wasn't it the Geminons or Picons..? I thought this was clarified in the abortion episode.

If that's true, never mind then. I thought the black lady in S1 talking to Roslyn about ehr destiny, and the arrow and all that was a Sagitaron?
I couldn't help be find myself often comparing last night's episode to Babylon 5's "By Any Means Necessary," especially in comparing Adama and Roslin's behavior to Sinclair's. And I found myself having throuble seeing how almost flippantly Adama and Roslin were when it came to the morality of forcing 11, 14, 16 year olds to work in a factory setting. Hell, Roslin was pretty much "their parents taught them how to run stuff so they're going to do this work whether they want to or not". They displayed no internal struggle with the morality of it at all. I found it irritating that being a knucledragger was so important that it could keep you from becoming a viper pilot, but the job wasn't too important for Adama to threaten to kill you. And in the end, the change between Adama and Roslin's "we're not going to listen to you; do what we say" to the sudden at the very tail end "ok, we'll listen" came through no change in Adama or Roslin but through them getting what they wanted. "The man," if you will, didn't change or find himself prevented from stomping over the serfs, it was only through obedience to King Adama and Queen Roslin that they then decided to bother to grace the peasantry with their attention. We once were shown Roslin fighting for the striking teacher's union back on Caprica, but now she just threw the striking bastards in jail with a flip of her hand. She just felt so annoying to me last night and, well, out of character.
Galahad said:
In Season 2, wasn't it the Geminons or Picons..? I thought this was clarified in the abortion episode.

Wikipedia said it was the Geminons that had the problem with abortion in that one second season episode.
Yeah, that got me too that the pres wasn't batting much of an eye when she heard about the child labor going on. That said, she came around in the end, which I was happy for. Very much looking forward to next week's ep. =)
The thing about this last ep., which I finally saw, is that both sides were quite right.

Tyrol was quite right: the people working in the refinery ship were slaving away in completely inhumane conditions, child labor was being employed, and there was no hope of escape.

Adama was quite right: the fleet had to maintain readiness and discipline, or the fleet would be in danger. That bit about "obeying orders they don't want to" harks back to the first confrontation between Tyrol and Adama, regarding the order to seal the doors and trap Tyrol's men rather than risk the fire spreading to more of Galactica -- if the order had been disobeyed, the whole ship might have been lost, with catastrophic results for the human race.

I don't think anyone was really out of character -- they were just looking at the problem from two different points of view, and they were concerned about two entirely different sets of dangers. Tyrol was thinking of the people under his immediate command. So were Roslin and Adama -- but their command was much, much larger.

Frankly, the fact that the fleet still retains any vestiges of democracy is remarkable, let alone the somewhat clunky but functional republic that they have. Only 40,000 people, swept up at random after an inutterable catastrophe, low on qualified personnel of all stripes, scraping the fragments of a detonated barrel for supplies, massively outgunned... democracy is clunky at the best of times, let alone under true horror-story conditions!

Think of it this way: Baltar raises the question of whether anyone not named Adama will ever command the fleet. Which in turn raises another question: is anyone not named Adama capable of commanding the fleet? Tigh could command militarily, but no one other than Adama really trusts Tigh, and Tigh would frak up the civillian side of things almost immediately. Who else do you have? Gaeta? Agathon?

So it becomes a geneologically inherited position because, by accident of history and plot necessity, the only two surviving humans in the entire universe capable of commanding the fleet happen to be father and son.

Moreover, Roslin was very true to character in that a) she's pissed at Baltar and arrested the first refinery commander because of that; b) she's got a history of bucking the current to help a union; c) she's got extraordinarily tough decisions to make and sometimes messes up; d) she comes to something resembling a compromise at the end of the ep. because she makes use of her personal relationship with Tyrol to get preconceptions out of the way and see that he's making good points. Roslin is the woman who holds the fleet together because of her remarkable balance -- balancing extreme and competing needs, balancing velvet and steel, balancing her personal desires with her duties to her people, balancing lives and everything about life magnificently.
That's the episode that completely killed my interest in the show. Maybe it might recover, eventually, but I'm still not sure.

I loved SFX' review of the Boxing episode - if you, being in the UK, have access to that, check it out :D
Thank you :D .. as immature and childish as SFX can sometimes be - as JMS surely knows :p - I do love the way in which they can tear something apart when it's painful shite.
Strange. "Unfinished Business" killed your interest; it rekindled mine. I think it's the best ep. they've done this season.

Ah well. I can see why folks don't like it; but it appealed to me.
I wonder if it could actually be a "geographical" thing .. as the first thing it struck me as was .. well .. American :eek: .. it's possible that some of the clichees in it that rubbed me - and others - so strongly are just too normal "over there", as - as SFX says - it seems like every US TV show has its boxing episode at some point or another.

There was, in season 2, definitely an episode that while moderately popular in the US, bad people puking bile in the UK, if the SFX reviews (and comments on their BBS) account for anything - "Final Cut".

It's possible I'm looking for a system where there is none, though.
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I remember when Davison put the little green parsley-looking thing on his lapel... always wondered how it stayed so green. :)
I remember when Davison put the little green parsley-looking thing on his lapel... always wondered how it stayed so green. :)

His celery - which was replaced at least once, in Enlightenment - was some alien kind of celery, which only would change colour if exposed to toxic substances, as it was in The Caves of Androzani - basically, the celery will only die if the doctor dies.

*stands in corner* :eek:
Well this last episode least seemed better than the last few hadn't paid full attention to it so could be wrong. But dose look better at least compared to the Helio saves Christian scientist, the save Chief Tyrol and Kaylee, space Kaylee to stop mutiny episodes. Though most say looks like went predictable route of making Kara a cylon after suddenly pushing it this season with the drawings <though think they were their in season 2?>. I have a theory that their going to f with the Original fans, make every colonial character that from the original a cylon, so far got Boomer, and possibly Kara, along with Lee, Old Man, Saul, the 5th being maybe Gauis <though would say he not just to f with Original fans> but I would guess some random Character, Kara 'mother' would be a option.
And if Kara not a cylon and is dead they just had the worst death scene of a credited Character since Tasha Yar.
Then there’s the boxing. Good lord, it’s dull. Why do American SF shows do this kind of thing? You never see Doctor Who suddenly doing a football-themed episode, do you? You can imagine the writers’ conversations: “How do we show that there are conflicts amongst the crew?” “Well, how about them having them literally punching each other in the face?” “Gee, you don’t think that’s too subtle, do you?” Argh!


Thanks Chilli, I guess that is true. The whole thing smacked of filler episode, with a hint of pointless ret-con thanks to the flashbacks...

Well, our cable supplier dropped Sky this weekend, so no more Lost, BSG or Stargate for little old me. Luckily I'm moving house next month, so will pick up broadband and finally get all the shows I've been missing out on through 'other means'.
Well this last episode least seemed better than the last few hadn't paid full attention to it so could be wrong. But dose look better at least compared to the Helio saves Christian scientist, the save Chief Tyrol and Kaylee, space Kaylee to stop mutiny episodes. Though most say looks like went predictable route of making Kara a cylon after suddenly pushing it this season with the drawings <though think they were their in season 2?>. I have a theory that their going to f with the Original fans, make every colonial character that from the original a cylon, so far got Boomer, and possibly Kara, along with Lee, Old Man, Saul, the 5th being maybe Gauis <though would say he not just to f with Original fans> but I would guess some random Character, Kara 'mother' would be a option.
And if Kara not a cylon and is dead they just had the worst death scene of a credited Character since Tasha Yar.

There is a third option for Kara, which is that she ended up getting to Earth and is neither a Cylon, nor dead. Those were the 3 options given for 3 different characters in spoilers for the remainder of this season. 1 will be a Cylon, 1 will die, and will get to Earth.